Formation of a healthy lifestyle. The system of work on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills Caring for the physical condition of a person is of particular importance in our difficult time from an environmental point of view


Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. There are over 300 definitions of health. At the household level, the concept of “health” usually means the absence of disease. According to the official definition of the World Health Organization, health is physical, mental and social well-being.

Scientists have found that human health is 10% dependent on the activities of the healthcare system, 20% on hereditary factors, 20% on the environment, and 50% on the person himself. Thus, health depends on the lifestyle that everyone chooses for himself.

The problem of educating a healthy generation is currently gaining great importance. The incidence among children is increasing every year. The reasons for the deterioration of health depend on many factors, including the wrong attitude of the population towards their health, the health of their children, the negative impact environment, hereditary factors, violations of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

An outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Care for health is the most important work of an educator.” Their spiritual life, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. Meanwhile, in recent years, the role of the school in the upbringing of children has sharply decreased. Every year, the incidence of students is growing. The most frequently observed cases of visual impairment, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, changes in the musculoskeletal system, spine, disorders of the central system.

An important role in maintaining health has a proper lifestyle based on sufficient physical activity, rational nutrition, proper daily routine, lack of bad habits.At the present stage of development of education, it is necessary to stabilize and then improve the situation of children's health improvement. All this prompted the creation of the educational program “Grow up healthy!”.

According to the doctor of medical sciences I. I. Gorehman, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Against the background of prosperous health, one of the main tasks of education is more effectively achieved - the development of the child's abilities.

In order to this program helped the child to become a physically, mentally and socially healthy person, it is necessary, first of all, that she take into account the following Problems:

    Deterioration of the social status of students' families;

    The presence of dysfunctional families that do little to raise and develop their children;

    Low level of general culture of the population;

Work criteria in this area are:

    Individual mode;

    Emotional mode;

    Change of activities;

    The presence of physical pauses in the classroom;

    Accounting for physiological characteristics in the development of the body;

GOAL: prevention of bad habits, health improvement, spiritual and cultural development of the child's personality, his social adaptation.


    Develop and implement the most rational forms and methods for diagnosing the physical health of children.

    Create a system of extracurricular forms of employment contributing to the formation of a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy person.

    To form the skills of a healthy lifestyle, hygiene, personal safety rules for students.

Forms used:


    Role-playing game;


    Exit to nature;




Features of the organization of the educational process

The program is designed for 4 years (5,6,7,8 cells) and covers many socially significant topics. The child receives more complete, vital information. The program includes information about health improvement, safety in the classroom, culture of behavior, bad habits, environmental issues and traffic rules.

The implementation of the program creates an opportunity to form in the child the need to be healthy, to teach him this, to help in the preservation and formation of health in an organized manner. In an ideal approximation, the student should be a spiritually, physically and socially healthy person, able to manage and strengthen his health. The main criterion for the effectiveness of work should be the state of physical, psychological, emotional and social well-being of students.

The effectiveness of the educational process is monitored in the following ways:



    Game programs;


The order of passing the program can be changed in the learning process, depending on the conditions, the degree of assimilation of the material, the characteristics of the children's team.

The main topics of the program “Grow up healthy!”

    The general strengthening value of physical culture and hardening;

    Rational organization and hygiene of mental work of students;

    Influence physical labor to improve the health of students;

    Knowledge and skills of personal and public hygiene;

    Rational nutrition is the basis of the normal life of a child;

    Proper hygienic behavior of students - protection against injuries;

    Hygienic aspects of sexual education;

    Prevention of bad habits;

    Physical education minutes.

Each topic includes thematic conversations that help form the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, and is presented in two aspects: theoretical and practical.

1. Theme "The general strengthening value of physical culture and hardening"

a) Morning exercises, water procedures.

The value of morning exercises and swimming in the pool for improving health, nurturing willpower, well-being.

Learning complexes of morning exercises.

Perform daily morning exercises in the fresh air.

A clear sequence of exercises.

b) hardening.

A conversation about hardening procedures: hardening with air, water, sun, walking barefoot, the principles of hardening.

Consciously, systematically, consistently, gradually, taking into account physical development and states to comply with the rules of hardening.

c) Good posture hygiene.

The development of correct posture usually requires a long time and constant monitoring. Of great importance for the formation of the correct posture is the daily monitoring of how the child walks, stands when talking with the teacher, when answering from the spot, whether he sits correctly when doing work in class.

A student sitting at a desk is essentially motionless. This is due to the statistical tension of the muscles. If a child leans with his chest or stomach on the edge of the table, then there is a compression of the internal organs and large blood vessels located in the chest and abdominal cavities. The unnatural position of the body leads to improper development of the musculoskeletal system, primarily the spine, and contributes to its curvature. The close distance from the eyes to the working surface leads to eye strain, contributes to the development of myopia.

The child should develop automatism in the habit of sitting correctly. First of all, it is necessary for the child to form a belief in the need for correct posture with the help of motives that are understandable to them.

    The importance of correct posture for the harmonious development of the body:

    Health-saving impact sports events, morning exercises for the formation of posture.

    Regularly exercise, control the correct posture.

    Strictly follow the rules of proper fit and posture.

    Use the rules of self-control and self-regulation.

d) Motor activity.

Main health-saving factors physical activity: morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games on a dynamic clock, breaks, walks before going to bed, swimming in the pool.

Rules of conduct during breaks, matching clothing to the weather and the nature of the activity.

Active participation in dynamic hours, outdoor games, quiet rest before the call.

2. Theme "Rational organization and hygiene of mental activity of students"

Scientists have found that dozens of processes occurring in the human body are subject to the daily rhythm. In the daytime, the most active parts of the autonomic nervous system are those that stimulate blood pressure, bowel contraction, sweating and other functions that give the body the most favorable opportunities for physical and mental work.

If a child goes to bed at the same time every day and wakes up, has breakfast and lunch, performs morning exercises, conducts hardening procedures, empties the intestines, then he develops a reflex for a while. A dynamic stereotype sets a certain rhythm of life, which facilitates all life processes, helps to carry out such an important activity of a student as a study session.

The implementation of the daily regimen provides a good opportunity to cultivate self-discipline. At the same time, uniform requirements must be observed, educational duties imposed on the child at home, at school and the Center, time must be provided for the necessary social activities of the student - community service, self-service, help around the house.

Health saving factor - the correct mode of the day, a clear organization of mental activity, hygiene of the workplace, airing, performing physical breaks in the classroom, being active during breaks, dynamic hours. Hygienic requirements for sleep, the importance of airing before going to bed.

Self control for right behavior in the classroom, behavior at breaks, observing the correct daily routine. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in the classroom, during breaks, during the preparation of homework. Compliance with the recommendations on the implementation of hygiene requirements for watching TV, to the release mode.

3. Theme "The impact of physical labor on improving the health of schoolchildren »

The labor activity of children is organized by adults. Acquaintance with safety measures, keeping a log on labor protection.

In addition to great educational value, feasible work also has a healing effect: the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, metabolic processes increase, the musculoskeletal system strengthens, endurance, working capacity increase, coordination of movements improves, new conditioned reflex connections appear. Under the influence of labor in the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, nervous processes proceed faster. At the same time, the health-improving effect of physical labor is possible only if it corresponds both in nature and volume, to the age capabilities and health status of students, as well as in compliance with hygienic requirements for the regime of labor training and the conditions for its implementation. Monotonous long-term work does not make it possible to alternate the load on different muscle groups, which leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen saturation in the blood, a violation of physiological functions.

You can't "punish" with hard work. Children need to see the real results of their work.

a) Organization of the workplace.

Conversation on sanitary and hygienic requirements for educational premises, workplace.

Airing the premises, cleaning the workplace and classroom, storing working equipment in a certain place.

b) Prevention and prevention of injuries.

This problem can be solved only with the close cooperation of the family and the school.

It is important to teach children to instill skills in using dangerous objects at school, group, home, correct behavior and orientation in dangerous situations, and bring them to full automatism.

Games and activities that are especially dangerous for the health and life of schoolchildren should be banned. In this case, adult control, organization of recreation and leisure is necessary.

Fulfillment of requirements for the organization of the workplace, rules for the use of working tools and inventory.

Compliance and self-control for the implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements, safety regulations at labor training lessons.

c) Organization of recreation

4. Theme "Knowledge and skills of personal and public hygiene"

A very effective form of achieving the unity of the requirements of the school and the family in education healthy child is information on hygiene education.

For non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, you can shame the student, acting on his pride, but at the same time maintain his confidence in the possibility of abandoning a bad habit. But you need to keep in mind that the habit of biting your nails, pens, pulling your hair, biting and licking your lips can be a manifestation of childhood nervousness.

Personal hygiene rules.

Rules for the cleanliness of the body, clothing, change of linen.

The importance of mastering the rules of the culture of behavior.

Regular observance of the rules of personal hygiene (washing hands, caring for nails, oral cavity, cleanliness, clothing, body parts, head).

Ability to properly assess and monitor compliance with personal hygiene rules.

5. Theme "Rational nutrition - the basis of the normal life of a child"

At present, a significant part of hygienic recommendations is based on knowledge of the rhythmic activity of the body. Dozens of processes occurring in the human body are subject to a daily schedule.

By a certain hour, when food is eaten, digestive juices are released, the body is ready to eat, the child wants to eat. The assimilation of nutrients in this case is maximum, which is so important for a growing organism. The body's readiness for a certain time is the general important physiological basis of the daily routine.

Proper diet, the importance of food for a growing organism.

Animal and plant foods are the basis of a balanced diet.

Importance of vitamins for the body.

Health saving factor - Compliance with the rules of conduct, hygiene.

Eating a variety of foods, limiting the use of sweets, confectionery, the harm of overeating, eating dry food.

Reception of dinner no later than 1.5 hours before lights out.

Compliance with a rational diet, eating foods containing vitamins.

6. Topic "Proper hygienic behavior of the student - protection from injury."

An analysis of the incidence shows that among children of primary school age, injuries are in 4th place. In recent years, the attitude towards this issue has changed. It has been established that injuries are seasonal, have age selectivity, occur in certain places.

When teaching safety rules, an important place is occupied by the so-called “safety tours”. Given the circumstances that more than 50% of accidents on the roads are caused by children, it is useful to analyze with them several specific situations that resulted in a tragedy. Equally important is the participation of representatives of specialized departments and bodies in preventive measures.

Compliance with traffic rules, rules for using public transport, rules for crossing streets and roads.

Prevention and prevention of domestic injuries (at home, on the street, at school, in a group).

Rules of conduct at breaks, classes, during excursions, during dynamic hours.

Rules of conduct and safety in extreme situations (during a fire, a terrorist attack, etc.).

Compliance with safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city. Movement according to traffic lights (in their absence, according to the rules of DD). Compliance with the rules of safe behavior at home, at school, in a group when working with piercing and cutting objects, when using sports and work equipment and tools. Compliance with the rules of safe behavior on ice, in water, in unfamiliar places, during floods.

Strict and strict observance of the rules of safe behavior at recess, stairs, in the dining room, and other public places.

7. Topic "Hygienic aspects of sexual education."

a) boys.

Respect for women and mothers. The value of a friendly and strong family. friendship with girls. specific hygiene. The concept of bad habits, their prevention and prevention.

Compliance with personal and specific hygiene, regular exercise, acceptance of water procedures. Help at home, in the classroom, in the group.

b) Girls.

The value of a friendly and strong family. Respect for parents and adults. The need for friendship and frankness with those you trust. Keeping the body clean, maintaining specific hygiene.

Active participation in family, classroom, extracurricular activities. Strict and strict observance of the rules of personal and specific hygiene, exercise, acceptance of water procedures.

8. Theme "Prevention of bad habits."

More serious attention is required for bad habits, the formation of which occurs in the younger years. school age- smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction.

In conversations with children, it is necessary not to be limited only to the medical side of the matter, but to pay attention to social and everyday aspects. This problem should remain in the area of ​​constant attention of the teacher.

In the fight against bad habits of schoolchildren, as pedagogical practice shows, even the simplest experiments or demonstrations of natural objects familiar to children give a good result, they are well remembered and encourage them to follow hygiene recommendations, to fight bad and bad habits.

In raising a healthy child, close contact and community of teachers with medical workers, especially in the implementation of preventive measures, in work with weakened children, health education of parents.

The concept of the dangers of smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction.

9. Theme "Physical minutes"

The basis of rational rest is a change in activity. Rest during class is a change of activity. Game elements, and especially physical education, help relieve muscle fatigue and relieve mental stress.


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  • Stasenko Julia
    The system of work on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills

    The task of early the formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and sufficiently complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How contribute to the development physical culture of the child? How to graft? When should this start? Preschool age is decisive in formation foundation of physical and mental health. Important at this stage form children have a knowledge base and practical, perceived need for systematic physical culture and sports.

    The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning from childhood to look after one's own health. What is lost in childhood is difficult to make up. Therefore, a priority in preschool education, today is raising the level children's health, developing healthy lifestyle habits(Healthy lifestyle, as well as a steady need for regular exercise.

    Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of optimal performance, creative return, emotional tone, what creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

    The study of children's problems health is of particular relevance today.

    Conservation issues children's health, grafting healthy lifestyle skills, creating conditions aimed at strengthening health, preservation physical health, mental and spiritual, are very relevant today. Modern life puts before us, teachers, many new tasks, among which today is the preservation health the rising generation. Only in preschool age is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching preschoolers the method of improvement and preservation and preservation health will lead to positive results. Which should be implemented in preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for physical development.

    Therefore, the main tasks to strengthen health children in kindergarten are:

    1. formation they have ideas about health as one of the main values life.

    2. formation of a healthy lifestyle.

    Teachers should teach the child right choice in any situation only useful for health and renunciation of all that is harmful. Instill in a child from an early age right attitude to my health, a sense of responsibility for it.

    These tasks should be solved by creating a holistic systems to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

    In his work I pay special attention to the following components healthy lifestyle:

    1. Physical education, walks.

    2. Proper nutrition ensures the normal course of the processes of growth and development of the body, as well as the preservation health, is of great importance for the development of the child's body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

    3. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: hardening, creating conditions for a good sleep (before going to bed, I must ventilate the room, carry out hygienic procedures: washing with cool water, rinsing the mouth).

    4. Rational nutrition.

    Next Factor healthy lifestyle

    5. Hardening.

    Almost everyone knows saying: "The sun, air and water are ours best friends"And indeed, the use of these natural forces of nature, the use of reasonable, rational, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened, successfully resists adverse environmental factors - hypothermia and overheating. Hardening - effective remedy fortifications human health.

    6. GCD, conversations ( "Eating Right Talk", "Most Healthy Foods", What to eat if you want to be strong, "Exploring Your Body", other). I use the following methods we: memorizing poems; simulation of various situations; consideration of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters, role-playing games; didactic games.

    The success and efficiency of hardening are possible only if a number of principles:


    - systematic;


    Accounting for individual characteristics.

    Physical culture wellness group activities include myself:

    morning exercises (daily);

    physical education;

    finger, visual gymnastics (daily during peak hours)

    walking on massage mats (barefoot);

    awakening gymnastics

    breathing, gymnastics in the relevant classes)


    walks with the inclusion of outdoor games;

    exercise and breaks (in sedentary activities, daily);

    emotional release, relaxation;

    I am sure that not one, even the best physical culture health work will not be able to give full results if it is not solved together with the family. For work with parents in a group framed parent's corner information on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children. These are consultations for topic: « Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers What parents need to know How to help avoid a cold to someone who is often sick; "About Correct Posture"; "The importance of vitamins for the growth and development of the child" other.


    The main goal of modern society is formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the creation of all necessary and favorable conditions, starting from the youngest preschool age for the future healthy and physically strong personality.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary form preschoolers have the knowledge of how to maintain and strengthen their health, healthy lifestyle skills, formation needs and desires to improve their performance health because the most valuable thing in a person is life, the most valuable life - health.

    Care about formation of healthy lifestyle habits the child should begin with ensuring a clearly established daily routine, creating optimal hygienic conditions, proper nutrition, performing daily morning exercises, hardening the body, which contributes to proper formation physical qualities of the child's body, the prevention of various diseases.

    Related publications:

    Preschool education is currently faced with the acute issue of ways to improve the work to improve the health of children as a physical,.

    Comprehensive work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions The disease does not occur suddenly, it is separated from health by a number of functional states that are borderline between the norm and.

    work experience

    Irina Malinovskaya

    Health is one of the most important human values. Good health is a prerequisite for highly efficient work, creative activity, the most complete self-expression of the individual. Health- this is an active harmonious activity of all organs and systems of the body. Violation of the harmony of interaction leads to various kinds of complications, the onset of the disease.

    On condition health a person is influenced by many factors: heredity, environmental conditions, medical care, conditions and lifestyle of people.

    In recent years, additional factors have emerged that negatively affect health growing up generations: overuse technical means training, including personal computers, insufficiently balanced and nutritious nutrition, psycho-emotional stress, reduced sleep duration, reduced physical activity and time spent in the fresh air, environmental conditions, aggressive social environment.

    Children are a special part of the population, which are characterized by a special vulnerability and sensitivity to environmental influences. Healthy child– preschooler, pediatricians say, is cheerful, active, inquisitive, resistant to adverse environmental factors, hardy and strong, with a high level of physical and mental development. Indicators children's health determine the state of not only medical, but also pedagogical, social, economic problems of society. Save health the younger generation in the process of obtaining education This is a state task on which the future of the nation depends.

    Child - preschooler learns everything in action. In a real objective action, he is both a theorist, knowing the world, and a practitioner, this world transformative. Basic knowledge healthy lifestyle, skills and conservation skills, maintaining and strengthening health received in preschool age, are the foundation formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, an important link in the work of the kindergarten is the valeological preschool education, i.e. learning preschool children ways to strengthen and maintain health during which they will master the system of scientific knowledge and cognitive skills and skills, culture personal health.

    strengthening health- one of the leading activities of the teacher of the institution preschool education . The overriding requirement here is that the level of children's health, contribute to its increase, through a well-thought-out system of work, including, physical education - recreational activities, hygienic mode, psychological climate, individualization of all regime moments.

    The system of knowledge and skills that senior preschooler will receive in the course of their activities, disclosed in the curriculum early childhood education in educational fields"Physical education", "Child and Society", "Child and Nature". They provide the implementation of such directions educational process like upbringing children of consciousness that man is part of nature and society; establishment of harmonious relations children with animate and inanimate nature; cultivating personal hygiene habits; hardening the child and increasing his physical activity; prevention and elimination of bad habits.

    The purpose of our work is the formation of preschoolers' understanding of the value of health person and ways to achieve it through a reasonable Lifestyle, assistance in discovering and realizing the natural potentials of each pupil, creating a sustainable need to preserve their own health and wellness of others.

    When implementing the curriculum, it is especially important not only to transfer knowledge and form practical skills and skills but also teach children conscious choice right decision in each specific situation. The result of this choice will depend on where the child will do "step": to the side health or illness. In this regard, we have set ourselves the following tasks:

    Expand and deepen views children about yourself, your body, internal organs organism, their functional features, means of protection;

    Build confidence in children“Nature is my friend, I am part of it”;

    introduce children with safety rules life in the environment;

    Practice managing your health;

    form sustained interest and need for motor activity;

    Awareness of the main signs health(when nothing hurts, normal temperature, good appetite, cheerful mood, etc.).

    Components healthy lifestyle:

    Physical activity, physical education and sports


    rational mode

    Balanced diet

    Personal hygiene

    Favorable psychological environment in kindergarten and family

    Environmentally conscious behavior

    Creation and replenishment of the development environment for formation of healthy lifestyle skills in older preschoolers plays an important role in the work of a teacher. The developing environment is the environment with which the child comes into contact, reacts, interacts. The subject environment is a part of the social environment. It largely determines the pace and nature of the development and upbringing of the child. Surrounding objects are a source of knowledge, emotions, one of the conditions for interpersonal communication. We ensured that the environment provided activity children, their self-development, contributed to the physical development of our pupils, retained the right and freedom of choice for each child for their favorite pastime. When organizing the spatial environment, we proceeded from the need to take into account age, sex-role and individual characteristics children, their interests, preferences, opportunities.

    We replenished the center of motor activity in the group, trying place the equipment so that children can approach it without interfering with each other,

    issued"Corner health» ,

    where they placed didactic and educational games on formation of a healthy lifestyle, LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS "How to avoid trouble?", "Valeology or healthy baby. Skin, nutrition, sleep, "Valeology or healthy baby. Teeth, ears, eyes",

    puzzles "My Safety",

    "The sun, air and water are our best friends",

    "My Daily Routine",

    "Make a story about a picture", "Make a proposal on the topic « Health» ,

    "Come up with a phrase on the topic « Health» ,

    "Helpful - Harmful",

    “Learning to provide the first medical care» , "Follow the safety rules", Labyrinths "My health my safety", "Quiz What do you know about safety and health, "Tell me about a dangerous situation".

    In the corner health demo material available "Sports",

    "Medicinal Plants",

    educational literature for review "Nature and health» , "How to Save Yourself from Trouble", "Nutrition and health» ,

    illustrated stories "Naughty Stobed ​​or children about safety rules".

    To organize work with children by us assembled practical material on healthy lifestyle, life safety, a card file of mobile and finger games, physical education minutes, game library and film library health. To implement the intended tasks, we use manuals for role-playing games "Hospital", "Pharmacy",

    attributes and hats for outdoor games,

    children's fiction and scientific literature.

    In order to ensure environmental and hygienic conditions in the group, conditions have been created to comply with sanitary standards - daily cleaning of group premises, compliance with the temperature regime. Security psychological comfort each pupil of the group contributes to the conditions for the free choice of activities. Ensuring optimal activity children during the day, conditions for independent motor activity contribute,

    the inclusion of movements in all types of children's activities.

    We pay special attention to the organization of hardening of our pupils.

    We strictly monitor the layering of clothing in the group and on walks, we organize short-term walking barefoot before and after daytime sleep, with all dressing. We promote types of hardening among parents. From an individual survey of parents and children we found that 23% of pupils attend swimming classes, 68% of parents try daily organize joint walks and games with children in the air (in the park, in the zoo, on the playground, outside the city, in the country). All this also contributes the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children.

    Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers is a holistic process. It needs to be mastered preschoolers the sum of certain knowledge, the application of various forms, methods and techniques of working with children. We use the following methods and tricks: game complexes for emotional, social, cognitive and moral development, minutes psychological relief, experiments, experiments and observations in the framework of cognitive and practical activities children, problem situations, relaxation pauses, elements of psycho-gymnastics and fairy tale therapy, dramatization games, training games "The art of being healthy» , games and exercises for teaching the simplest ways of self-regulation, conversations, looking at albums, illustrations, posters, watching cartoons, video presentations, listening to audio recordings, getting acquainted with fiction and scientific literature, a moment of reflection, complexes of general developmental exercises, corrective gymnastics, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings , mobile, sports, didactic, theatrical, desktop, plot-role-playing, finger, logorhythmic games, competitions and quizzes, musical-rhythmic and physical training minutes, breathing exercises, physical education breaks, staging and analysis of literary works, discussion of dangerous situations.

    In the content of the work formation HLS a significant place is occupied by classes with children of various character: cognitive, developing, integrated, plot, theatrical, folklore, musical and rhythmic, etc. We conditionally divided all types of classes into 3 block: 1 block - « Health- a priceless gift of nature "- aimed at clarifying and systematizing ideas children about health, its factors, causes of diseases and the formation in children of the concept of a healthy lifestyle. 2 block - "Movement is the way to health» - aimed at formation in children perceptions and knowledge about one of the main factors health - movement; ways to achieve full health through the organization of the optimal motor mode and physical culture wellness, sports activities. 3 block - "If you want to be healthy - chill» - aimed at familiarization children with methods of hardening the body in order to resist various diseases.

    Cognitive classes are held using elements of folklore. The inclusion of folklore as an element of the lesson enlivens the learning process, makes it accessible to children preschool age. We use nursery rhymes and jokes, riddles, proverbs and sayings as folklore material.

    We get to know each other in class children with elementary scientific knowledge about the external and internal organs of a person, with the basics of first aid for injuries, with the rules of safe behavior in everyday life and in nature. Topics of classes different: "Our helpers are the eyes",

    "Our helpers are ears",

    "Those Dangerous Animals", "I AM shore health - I want to be healthy, "Visiting Lesovichka", "Vitamins in the Garden", "Journey to the Garden Country", "At the school of the young pedestrian", "Journey into nature", "Road to health» , "Golden key of the country health» ,

    "My heart is an amazing motor", "Good Mood Talk", « Dangerous Items» , "Beautiful teeth - beautiful smile",

    "What is a microbe and how does it get into the mouth?", "Lessons of Moidodyr",

    “I care about the environment, and therefore about myself” and etc.

    cognitive activities varied in form: didactic games, contests of experts, independent research, "round tables", quizzes, game trips. Experience shows that children effortlessly acquire knowledge about the structure of the body and acquire the initial healthy lifestyle skills if knowledge is presented in an accessible and exciting way form.

    Our students love educational video presentations. With the help of our parents, we collected a large"Filmoteka health» : "If you want to be healthy» , "What is good and what is bad in a modern way", "For children about the rules of safe behavior on railway transport", "Good Habits", "School of Road Sciences", Why brush your teeth and wash your hands and etc.

    Children really like moments of reflection, for example: Why is it important to be healthy? Is it possible life without movement? What movements are helpful? Why would a person keep health? What items are dangerous? Is it possible to live without air? Why are vegetables and fruits useful? Why do we need sports? What leisure? What can children do? What can't children do?

    Interested in problem solving for children for example: “Piggy loves vegetables and fruits, but his stomach hurts from them. What to do?", "Is it easy to live if our eyes do not see anything?", How is a child similar to an adult?, What happens if the disease is not treated?, “What will happen if the doctors disappear?”, “You have a toothache, but there is no one at home”, “The water from the tap has disappeared, what should I do?”.

    Pupils are happy to discuss problematic issues How much water does a person need?, "Is the water in the glass clean?", “Why do children and adults need to relax?”, "Why do we need sleep?".

    We constantly include reading in our work with children. fiction for this topic: K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief", V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad", A. Barto "Dirty Girl" and etc.

    Training games have been developed on the topic "The art of being healthy» . Their goal is formation in preschoolers habits of daily performance of actions aimed at strengthening one's own health. Here are some of them "Five things to do before bed", "How to wash your hands", "How to take care of your teeth", "Sharp eye - gymnastics for the eyes", "So that the throat does not hurt" and etc.

    The education of the need for physical exercises is facilitated by daily motor and musical-rhythmic minutes, daily morning exercises. Through conversations with children, through looking at illustrations about physical education and sports, through board and didactic games "If you want to be healthy» , "Know the sport", we we try to instill in all our pupils an interest and love for sports. 41% of the pupils of our group attend sports clubs.

    To educate children about food habits we have done the following classes "Enjoy your meal", "Vegetables and fruits are healthy products" and others, organized conversations about the culture of food, about the culture of behavior at the table, and practiced how to set the table correctly. We consolidate this knowledge while eating, in role-playing games Oh "House", "Family", "Daughters-Mothers".

    While working with children we try comply with all regulations. We give children what they need information about hygienic culture and rules of conduct. Constantly exercise children in skills personal hygiene and self-care. Every regime moment for us, this is a temporary guideline for a gradual change in activities children. At the same time it is a system original health and educational activities with kids. For children it is simply a necessary and exciting activity, as a result of which our pupils begin to realize: why you need to wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your hands, why you need sleep and exercise, airing the room, walking, why you need to stand and sit straight, eat carefully, use a napkin, rinse your mouth.

    Activities for formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, properly organized daily routine give their results: our children are calm, active, they have no tension and excitement, children do not refuse food, they calmly fall asleep, sleep soundly and wake up cheerful. Thus, step by step, pupils accumulate experience in preserving and maintaining health, master the relevant competence, strive to demonstrate it.

    Formation of ideas among preschoolers about a healthy lifestyle impossible without the help of parents. Parents help in enriching the developing environment of the group, in acquiring educational literature on the problem, developing games. With their help was collected collection of video presentations for children, riddles, card index of proverbs and sayings about health, equipped "Corner health» , corner according to traffic rules "Green Light", a corner of role-playing games "We play", game center "Learning to take care of the body", compiled "Catalogue of vitamins".

    In order to increase the competence of parents in matters of conservation and health improvement of preschool children thematic folders are compiled « Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle» , "Bad habits", "Physical development of the child in the family", "Correct Posture Education", "Piggy bank of advice about child health» , What you need to know about hardening children» .

    Thanks to this close cooperation, our children have a wonderful command of the basic cultural and hygienic skills know the rules of personal safety, the basic rules healthy lifestyle. For a considerable period of time, the group has a low incidence of pupils. As practice has shown, systematic work on skills building Healthy lifestyle leads not only to improvement children's health, but also to increase their child's self-esteem, educate self-confidence, broaden their horizons preschoolers. Parents formed active position in matters of physical development and children's health, increasing competence in this area.

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    To date, the relevance of the chosen topic of a healthy lifestyle is to instill healthy lifestyle skills in order to reduce the percentage of morbidity in schoolchildren, since the problem raised is caused by the need for psychologists, teachers, parents in improving methods of psychological and pedagogical impact on a healthy lifestyle in formation of the student. Hence the problem of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren. This was the basis for choosing the topic of the study and its conduct.

    slide 3

    The object of the study: is the process of forming schoolchildren's ideas about a healthy lifestyle and additional training in the field of volleyball. The subject of the study: is the ways of forming schoolchildren's ideas about a healthy lifestyle and volleyball. The purpose of the study: to identify the level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

    slide 4

    to reveal the basic concepts of health and a healthy lifestyle; to analyze the main components of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren; consider personal hygiene as a guarantee of a healthy lifestyle; reveal the prevention of bad habits as the basis of a healthy lifestyle; conduct a pedagogical study on knowledge about a healthy lifestyle among 5th grade students. to develop a system of developing exercises for the formation of skills in playing volleyball.

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    theoretical analysis of literature; method of pedagogical observation; test method; method of mathematical statistics.

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    The Constitution of the World Health Organization defines the concept of health: "... a state of complete, physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects." According to S.V. Popov, “If you think about this definition, you can conclude that absolute health is an abstraction and, moreover, that this definition initially excludes people who have any (congenital or acquired) physical defects, even at the stage of compensation."

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    "Human health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

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    Lifestyle is a type of people's life activity, due to the peculiarities of the socio-economic formation. The main parameters of the lifestyle are work (study for the younger generation), everyday life, socio-political and cultural activities people, as well as various behavioral habits and manifestations. If their organization and content promote health, then there is reason to talk about the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, which can be considered as a combination of activities that ensures optimal interaction between the individual and the environment.

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    A healthy lifestyle should be understood as typical forms and methods of daily human activity that strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of the body, thereby ensuring the successful performance of their social and professional functions, regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations. And it expresses the orientation of the activity of the individual in the direction of the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. From this it is clear how important it is, starting from the very early age, to educate children in an active attitude towards their own health, understanding that health is the most greatest value given to man by nature.

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    Working hours ( learning activities) and rest Sleep mode Physical activity Daily routine Hardening Diet mode Personal hygiene Prevention of bad habits

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    Labor is the true core and basis of the regime healthy life person. There is an erroneous opinion about the harmful effect of labor, which allegedly causes "wear and tear" of the body, excessive expenditure of forces and resources, premature aging. Labor, both physical and mental, is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, a systematic, feasible, and well-organized labor process has an extremely beneficial effect on the entire human body.

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    To maintain the normal activity of the nervous system and the whole organism, a good sleep is of great importance. The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov pointed out that sleep is a kind of inhibition that protects the nervous system from excessive stress and fatigue. Sleep should be sufficiently long and deep. If a person sleeps little, then he gets up in the morning irritated, broken, and sometimes with a headache.

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    For schoolchildren, systematic physical education and sports are of exceptional importance. A trained student can easily cope with significant physical activity. Physical education and sports are very useful. Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become the same habit for schoolchildren as washing in the morning.

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    The regimen of each student should provide for a certain time for study, rest, eating, sleeping. The daily routine for different students can and should be different depending on the nature of their studies, living conditions, habits and inclinations, however, even here there must be a certain daily rhythm and daily routine. It is necessary to provide sufficient time for sleep, rest. Breaks between meals should not exceed 5-6 hours. It is very important that the student sleeps and eats always at the same time.

    slide 15

    Time of day, clock elements of the regime of the day 7.00 - 7.05 7.05 - 7.15 7.15 - 7.20 7.20 - 7.45 7.45 - 8.00 8.00 - 13.30 13.30 - 14.30 , tempering procedures Breakfast Walking to school Educational session Lunch, walk in the fresh air Afternoon rest Self-preparation Classes in the sports section or independent physical exercises (3-5 times a week) Dinner, rest Self-preparation and lights out

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    Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body. It strengthens the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, improves metabolism.

    slide 17

    Schoolchildren eat differently, but there are a number of requirements that must be taken into account by everyone. First of all, food should be varied and complete, i.e. contain in the right amount and in certain ratios all the main nutrients. It is also very unhealthy to eat with the systematic introduction of exorbitant amounts of any one product or nutrients of one class (for example, abundant intake of fats or carbohydrates, increased consumption of table salt).

    slide 18

    Approximate menu for a student Breakfast Salad of fresh vegetables Omelette with carrots Coffee with milk Wheat bread, cheese, butter Afternoon tea Rosehip infusion Cheesecake with cottage cheese Fruits, nuts Lunch Vegetable soup Meat cutlets with stewed potatoes Juice, dried apricots, rye bread Dinner Vinaigrette Buckwheat porridge Milk with honey , bread

    slide 19

    Of great importance in protecting and strengthening the health of the schoolchild belongs to his hygienic education and upbringing. Hygiene education is part of general education, and hygiene skills are an integral part of cultural behavior Personal hygiene is of great importance in the prevention of various diseases. Personal hygiene is taking care of your body and keeping it clean.

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    Habits are a form of our behavior. No wonder A.S. Pushkin said: “The habit is given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness.” Useful habits help the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, while harmful ones, on the contrary, hinder its development. Habits are extremely stable. Even Hegel emphasized that habits make a person their slave. Therefore, at school age, it is important to develop good habits and resolutely fight against harmful ones that threaten to turn into vices.

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    In conclusion, we can conclude that one must not only want to be healthy, but actively and persistently work in this direction, since easy ways to achieve high level no health.

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    The results of the study indicate an increased number of children who are aware of the personal importance of a healthy lifestyle and are confident in its necessity. Now most students attribute responsibility for deviations from the norms of a healthy lifestyle only to themselves, and not to their parents, doctors or the environment.

    slide 27

    Lesson type: reinforcing. Purpose: To improve the technique of volleyball elements. Lesson objectives: To help consolidate the speed of movement. Fix the technique of passing and receiving the ball from above with both hands. Fix the technique of performing the lower direct ball delivery. Develop a sense of cooperation with a teammate.

    Healthy lifestyle skills

    Healthy lifestyle skills are based on five components, which include:

    1. Rational nutrition

    2. Physical activity

    3. General body hygiene

    4. Hardening

    5. Refusal of bad habits

    1. Rational nutrition

    This component is considered as one of the most important criteria for a healthy lifestyle, and in books devoted to this issue, it is subjected to the most thorough research. After all, there is no doubt that nutrition performs one of the most important functions in ensuring the vital activity of the human body. “Rational nutrition, built on scientific foundations, ensures the normal development of the body. It serves as a powerful prophylactic in preventing many diseases. (V.Mikhailov, A.Palko. We choose health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young guard, 1987 - p. 109)

    Irrational nutrition, on the contrary, significantly increases the risk of diseases that can even lead to death (for example, excessive accumulation of cholesterol contained in fatty foods causes atherosclerosis).

    The daily diet of a person must be strictly balanced. It should “contain in sufficient quantity and optimal ratio all the substances necessary for the body” (Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Ed. Yu.P. .Lisitsyna. - M .: Medicine, 1988. - p. 278)

    However, American researchers argue that a person "does not have to eat food of animal origin - meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products" (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 45.). And for this he needs to be diverse. It should include the products of the most different groups: grains, legumes, animal products (low fat), vegetables and fruits.

    However, in rational nutrition, certain groups of products are distinguished, the use of which is recommended to be reduced or completely eliminated (based on information from all sources used):

    Smoked products. This group of products contains substances harmful to the body - nitrites, which, accumulating in the digestive tract, can form compounds with carcinogenic activity. To remove harmful substances from the body, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products that heal the intestines.

    Dairy products are high in fat. The fat found in dairy products can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels (and butter is also very high in fat). a large number of saturated fat). However, they cannot be excluded from the diet, since they contain many substances necessary for the body (for example, dairy products are the main source of calcium), so you should drink (or eat) them in a low-fat form.

    Hidden saturated fats found in hydrogenated oils and used in many foods (margarine, biscuits, cakes) are extremely unhealthy because they are as saturated as butter, for example.

    Salt. Too much salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure. The sodium contained in salt is needed by the body, but in limited quantities.

    Sugar. The main consequences of excess sugar consumption are dental disease (caries), diabetes and overweight, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Sugar is solid calories that the body does not have time to consume, and therefore sugar is more fattening than any other food of equal calorie content.

    White varieties of bread. In the manufacture of white flour, when grinding grain, up to 80% of nutrients and a number of valuable vitamins are spent, as a result of which a person's need for white bread is reduced. In addition, these types of bread are extremely high in calories. Much healthier and cheaper bread made from wholemeal flour.

    Great importance in the organization of rational nutrition is given to the proper processing of food. You need to know that "certain types of heat treatment of food products (frying, baking), especially if it is long and intense, adversely affect the quality of finished products" (V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987. - S. 110). One of the main ideas of proper nutrition is the exclusion or limitation of frying and sautéing. As a result of such influences, irreversible changes occur in the product with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, pigments, and active substances valuable to the body are destroyed.

    An important characteristic of a balanced diet is moderation. It is necessary to consciously regulate the calorie content of food, to maintain an energy balance. “The energy balance is most clearly indicated by body weight, which remains within the normal range only with energy balance” (Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Pod. Ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M .: Medicine, 1988. - p. 282). Also, do not take long breaks between meals and absorb it in large quantities.

    The difficulty in the transition to proper nutrition is rather not even physiological, but psychological. “We are used to eating the way we eat, and habits that develop throughout life cannot be changed immediately” (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 43)

    American scientists suggest that such a transition should be carried out gradually, approximately within a year. But the result of such a restructuring of the body will immediately make itself felt - health, appetite will improve, body weight will normalize, physical activity will increase and, most importantly, new opportunities for human self-improvement will open up.

    2. Physical activity

    This is the second basic component of a healthy lifestyle. American scientists give a lot of arguments that could convince people to exercise. Among them:

    1. Exercise is fun.

    2. There is a suitable type of exercise for everyone.

    3. In a few months, you will become so attached to them that you will never quit.

    And six months later:

    4. You will become more active, livelier.

    5. You will feel a surge of strength, coordination of movements will improve, the reaction will become better.

    6. It will be easier to cope with nervous tension and bad mood.

    7. The content of fatty deposits will decrease.

    8. Bone tissue will be strengthened.

    9. Blood circulation will improve.

    10. Your performance will increase

    One cannot but agree with these conclusions, since they have been repeatedly confirmed by real practice. Physical exercises are rightfully included in the system of a healthy lifestyle, since without physical activity a person’s condition worsens significantly, and not only physical, but also mental, a person’s intellectual capabilities decrease (doctors say that mental work should be fully compensated by physical work).

    If we consider the actual system of exercises offered by American authors, we will see that they do not provide any special exercises associated with targeted muscle training or special development of any physical qualities (dexterity, endurance, speed, etc.). To maintain a healthy lifestyle, in their opinion, aerobic exercise is necessary.

    “Aerobic exercises are those exercises that force large muscle groups to work rhythmically. They are not directly related to physical activity, but they should contribute to the supply of oxygen to tissues and its greater consumption ”(How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 86)

    Any type of aerobic exercise will strengthen the cardiovascular system if done at moderate intensity for twenty minutes every other day or at least three times a week.

    Aerobic exercise includes walking or hiking, running, running in place, swimming, skating, climbing stairs, rowing, skateboarding, roller skating, dancing, basketball, tennis. As we can see, almost all of these exercises do not require any special physical skills. All of them are performed in a special, interesting form for the practitioner. Naturally, this is an additional incentive for physical education, and hence for maintaining a full-fledged healthy lifestyle.

    3. General body hygiene

    Hygiene of the body is associated, first of all, with maintaining the cleanliness of the skin. The problem of the cleanliness of the skin is very relevant for a person, since: “about 2.5 million sweat and sebaceous glands secrete about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 g of fat per day, there is a continuous renewal of cells in the surface layers of the skin, on dirty skin micro-organisms harmful to human health may be present. When the skin is contaminated, the excretory ducts of the sweat glands are clogged, and the body's ability to thermoregulate is impaired. Dirty skin develops easily fungal diseases, the treatment of which requires a lot of time ”(Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Edited by Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M .: Medicine , 1988. - pp. 285 - 286)

    Naturally, all these facts convince us of the need to maintain the purity of the body.

    4. Hardening

    This rather broad concept is also included in the general concept of a healthy lifestyle. Previously, hardening meant, first of all, or even exclusively, the body's adaptation to cold. Now this concept is interpreted more broadly - hardening means “strengthening the body's resistance to any environmental factors that cause a state of stress, i.e. voltage". (Book about health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Edited by Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M .: Medicine, 1988. - p. 291 )

    Such factors include low and high air temperature, excessively low or high humidity, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, etc. However, the most important is still hardening to excessive cooling, and sometimes to overheating.

    “Under the influence of high or low temperatures, physiological changes occur in the human body. Thanks to hardening, the central nervous system is activated, the excitability of the peripheral nervous system decreases, the activity of the endocrine glands increases, the activity of cellular enzymes increases ”(V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987 . - p. 71). All this increases the body's resistance to environmental conditions.

    Repeated cooling of the body increases resistance to cold and allows you to continue to maintain the thermal balance of the body even when a person is very cold.

    Ways of hardening against the cold have long been known to everyone. It is air, water and sun combined with exercise. “The best results are obtained by a complex of techniques consisting of convection (air and sun baths) and conduction cooling (wiping and dousing, foot baths, bathing, alternating water procedures)” (Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V.Kareva, T.N.Loseva. Edited by Yu.P.Lisitsyn. - M.: Medicine, 1988. - p. 293)

    The hardening effect is short-lived, it lasts only during the hardening of the body and not for long after it, so hardening should be constant and consistent, it should be practiced daily.

    5. Refusal of bad habits

    First of all, it should be noted that in the ideal case, a healthy lifestyle does not imply a rejection of bad habits, but their initial absence. If, for some reason, a person already has them, then it is necessary to take all measures to free this individual from addictions that are so harmful to him.

    To bad habits, first of all, include the use of alcohol and smoking, and in the literature smoking is presented as a more common habit, and, therefore, as a greater evil for a person.

    Smoking endangers many vital organs. Smokers are at risk of lung disease and are also at increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. “Cigarettes accelerate the narrowing of the arteries, reduce the oxygen content in the blood by as much as 15%, and, therefore, create an overload of the entire cardiovascular system” (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 31)

    No less harmful to the body and alcohol. Those who abuse it are more likely to have high blood pressure. Well, everyone knows that alcohol destroys the liver. Especially regrettable is the fact that alcohol and tobacco adversely affect the innate characteristics of children and can cause serious developmental abnormalities.

    For those who want to quit drinking and smoking, a healthy lifestyle in general is of particular importance. Regular physical exercise, rational nutrition to a large extent contribute to overcoming bad habits.


    So, having considered the main criteria for a healthy lifestyle, we can summarize our reasoning. We found out that a healthy lifestyle is a set of preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases, strengthening all body systems and improving the overall well-being of a person.

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not involve the chaotic use of various methods, but the application of an individual, carefully selected plan. This plan should take into account the physiological and psychological features a particular person seeking to improve their condition. A healthy lifestyle does not imply any special physical training, its principles are designed to be used by an ordinary person in order to maintain working capacity and normalize the body's vital functions.

    Bibliographic list

    1. How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M.: Medicine, 1990.

    2. Book about health: Collection // Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Losev. Under. ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyn. – M.: Medicine, 1988.

    3. V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. We choose health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987.

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