Burns: treatment at home. What to do with a burn of various forms and degrees The skin hurts like a burn

A burn is tissue damage caused by heat, chemicals, or radiation. This is the most common injury that can be received in everyday life. This is especially true for thermal burns.

Probably, there is no person who at least once in his life has not been scalded with boiling water or burned with hot oil. Treatment of mild skin burns can be carried out at home, it is not always necessary to run to the doctor.

Most of these injuries resolve within a few days. But you need to know how to relieve pain, how to speed up healing, and in what cases you still need to seek medical help.

How do people get burned most often?

  • Half of all cases are contact with open flames (fires, bonfires, oven flames, gasoline ignition).
  • In 20% it is scalding with boiling water or steam.
  • In 10% it is contact with hot objects.
  • 20% - other factors (acids, alkalis, sunburn, electric current).

Every third person burned is a child. Most often (in 75% of cases) the hands and arms are burned.

What are they

Because of:

  • Thermal.
  • Chemical.
  • Electrical.
  • Radiation.

I and II degrees refer to superficial burns, while only the upper layer skin - epidermis. With an uncomplicated course, they heal without leaving scars.

III and IV degrees are deep burns, with damage to all layers of the skin and underlying tissues. Heal with the formation of a rough scar.

What burns can be treated at home

At home you can treat:

  • 1st degree burns in adults, not exceeding 10% of the body area;
  • burns of the 2nd degree, not exceeding 1% of the body.

How to determine the degree?

1st degree burn - manifested by swelling, redness of the skin, soreness, sensitivity to touch, there may be small blisters.

Grade 2 is characterized by the addition of large fluid-filled blisters to the above symptoms.

How to determine the area?

The easiest way to determine the burn surface area at home is the palm method. The area of ​​the palm of a person is conventionally taken as 1% of the area of ​​the entire body.

When should you seek immediate medical attention?

How to treat burns at home

  1. Stop contact with the burning factor. Bring down the flames on clothing, move away from the fire. In case of burns with boiling water, immediately remove clothing in contact with the body. Throw a hot item.
  2. Cool the burned area. It is best to do this under running water at a temperature of 10-18 degrees. You can lower the limb into a container of water or apply a damp cloth. It is necessary to cool from 5 to 10 minutes, in case of a chemical burn, rinse with running water for up to 20 minutes (except burns with quicklime). Cooling has an analgesic effect, and also prevents the spread of heating of healthy tissues at the border with the burn.
  3. Anesthesia. With severe pain, you can take paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, and other analgesics.
  4. Local treatment. The main goal in the treatment of burns is to protect the surface from microbes, anesthetize and accelerate the recovery of the damaged skin layer. They simply use sterile wipes, special wipes for burns, sprays and ointments that promote healing.
  5. General treatment. It would be useful to take general tonic drugs, as well as follow the right diet so that the burn heals faster and without consequences. It is recommended to increase the amount of protein in the diet (meat, fish, dairy products), as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Additionally, you can take vitamin C and Aevit. It is recommended to drink more.

Pharmacy preparations

So, you got a burn with boiling water or oil. They cooled him down, assessed that he was small and shallow, his condition as a whole was satisfactory, he could be treated at home. Worth a look in the first aid kit. Prudent and thrifty people can have at least a package of sterile wipes and Panthenol there.

What can you ask at a pharmacy?

You do not need to buy everything at once, for the treatment of minor burns, sometimes one sterile dressing slightly moistened with an antiseptic and Panthenol is enough. In a healthy person, everything will heal without the use of additional funds. If there are no sterile bandages, you can iron a clean cloth with a hot iron.

How long will it take to live

Superficial burn injuries of the 1st degree heal without consequences in 3-4 days. A slight pigmentation may remain, which will also disappear with time.

Second-degree burns with blisters will take longer to heal. The bubble gradually subsides, the liquid resolves. It may happen that the bubble burst with the formation of erosion, this requires additional treatment with antibacterial ointments Levomekol (130 rub) or Voskopran bandage with ointment levomekol (5 x 75, cm 350 rub, 10x10 cm 1100 rub), Silvatsin, Dioxysol. The bandage should be changed every other day. Such a burn heals for 10-12 days also without scarring.

If, in the process of treatment, redness, swelling, pain increase, purulent discharge from the wound appears, this is evidence of infection and a reason to consult a doctor.

What not to do and why

Folk remedies in treatment

There are many tips for treating burns with folk remedies. You shouldn't trust them all. But some of them may come in handy if the burn is received away from home and from the first aid kit, or if the person likes to be treated. natural remedies without any chemicals.

Many plants are known to have antiseptic properties. Here the main principle will be “do no harm”. The most secure folk remedies:

  • raw potato juice. Grate one medium potato, put the gruel in gauze and apply to the burned area for 10-15 minutes.
  • carrot lotion. Instead of potatoes, raw carrots are rubbed, used in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • Black or green tea brew with boiling water, cool to room temperature, moisten a napkin in the tea leaves and attach to the burn.
  • Ointment with calendula. Brew 3 tablespoons of dry calendula with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Mix the resulting infusion with vaseline in a ratio of 1:2. Apply 2 times a day to the burnt surface. Keep refrigerated.
  • Dry linden flowers pour boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Infuse for about an hour, strain. Apply 2-3 times a day until dry.
  • By the same principle, you can prepare a decoction of any herb or mixture of herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects: chamomile, calendula, sage, succession, plantain.

Burns are considered the most dangerous skin injuries, because not a single skin is affected, it is bad at this moment for the whole body. Burns have a particularly negative effect on the work of the kidneys and heart, failures occur in metabolic processes, an increase in body temperature, manifestations of vomiting, etc. are observed. How to behave in case of a burn, how to provide first aid to the victim? After all, often the further state and full functioning of the human body, and often his life, depend on timely and correctly provided first aid.

First health care with burns.
A burn should be understood as traumatic tissue damage against the background of exposure to thermal and chemical factors. A burn with high temperatures is usually obtained in a fire, at home when in contact with hot objects and boiling liquids (oil, water, etc.). A chemical burn can be obtained when alkali, acids, heavy metal salts come into contact with the skin. It is burns that take the second place among the cases that caused death, and often a person dies due to the lack of first aid or elementary ignorance of the basics of its provision by those who are nearby at the time the victim receives a burn. That is why absolutely every person should have basic knowledge and skills in first aid for burns, be able to classify them according to the degree of skin damage.

When you get a burn, you need to call an ambulance, and take some actions yourself to alleviate the condition of the victim:

  • Eliminate the damaging factor, remove the remnants of hot clothing.
  • Cool for ten to twenty minutes (prolonged cooling is fraught with vasospasm, impaired blood circulation) burned areas of the skin (cold or even ice water), this will reduce the depth of tissue damage and reduce pain. Cooling of damaged tissues can be done only in the first two hours after the burn.
  • Anesthetize, then apply a sterile bandage or, in case of large areas of skin damage, wrap the victim with a clean sheet.
  • For first-degree burns, you can use special burn remedies. If a child has received a burn, the treatment of his skin will require special attention. Antiseptic treatment is the main aspect in the treatment of a burn in a child. Parents are wondering what to use to treat a raw, blistering wound in order to achieve a decontaminating and restorative effect and at the same time relieve pain. You can forget about brilliant green and iodine, because these products have too aggressive an effect on delicate baby skin. Therefore, today pediatricians prescribe antiseptic preparations, which contain silver salts. One of these is Sulfargin, the drug accelerates the healing process, protects against bacteria and is suitable for children's sensitive skin.
In case of burns, it is strictly forbidden:
  • lubricate the damaged surface with vegetable oil and starch;
  • use alcohol-containing preparations, iodine, etc.;
  • cut the skin or artificially open the "blisters";
  • to clean the wound from the remnants of clothing, etc.;
  • apply ointment for burns;
  • use urine as a healing agent.

Classification of burns, first aid for thermal burns.

There are four degrees of burns:

Burns of the 1st degree.
This category includes burns resulting from contact with hot (up to 50-70 degrees) objects and liquids (water, oil, steam, iron). Since the affected area affects only the superficial layers of the skin, first-degree burns are the least dangerous. With this degree of tissue damage, redness, swelling, severe burning and pain symptoms are observed. In this situation, it is necessary to cool the burn area, treat with Panthenol. With this degree of burns, folk remedies can be used in the treatment. Usually, after a few days, all this passes, the skin begins to peel off, after healing, pigmented areas remain. If the damaged surface of the skin due to a burn is more than 25%, a serious injury has occurred, therefore, before the arrival of a doctor, it is necessary to provide first aid, following the steps described above.

Burns II degree.
Such a burn is diagnosed when the skin comes into contact with a temperature of 70-100 degrees. This should also include any kind of burns of the respiratory tract. In addition to extensive reddening of the skin, blisters or blisters filled with serous fluid appear immediately or several hours later. After a breakthrough (independent, not mechanical) of the blister, redness of the skin persists. Usually recovery occurs within about two weeks, but this is only if there is no infection.

In case of damage of a similar degree with ointments or oils, it is impossible to lubricate the burn area, as well as resort to traditional medicine recipes. Despite the pronounced effect of reducing the manifestation of pain, these funds are an excellent breeding ground for the development of bacteria and infections, which further complicates the situation seriously, interfering with the recovery processes. When receiving burns, the victim should call an ambulance, and while help is coming, apply a dry and always sterile dry bandage. The healing process can take up to fourteen days. Any damage to the respiratory tract due to a burn is referred to as second-degree burns.

Burns III and IV degree.
Burns of the third and fourth degree are expressed by severe destruction of skin and muscle tissues, with large areas of damage, lethal outcomes of the victims are often observed. In victims of this degree, the so-called burn shock is observed, when at first they experience excruciating and unbearable pain, and then completely lose the ability to perceive or feel anything. At the same time, the pressure indicators decrease, the pulse weakens. This happens with burns with oil, steam, boiling water of the second degree with a lesion of 30% or with third-degree burns of 10% of the body surface. Scabs and deep ulcers remain at the sites of damage, and after the final healing - scars. There are cases of disability.

At the fourth degree, charring of the skin is observed, skin, fiber, bones, muscles are destroyed. The victims may not experience pain (which often happens), because the nerve endings are damaged. As a result, doctors often have to amputate limbs. If extensive burns are observed, the victim should be urgently hospitalized. In no case should you try to remove adhering clothes from the skin on your own.

If the victim is unable to move independently, and he has to be carried, it is necessary to protect the damaged areas of the body with any surfaces. In this situation, an ambulance is immediately called, the victim is given painkillers and provided with plenty of fluids.

What to do with a burn with boiling water?

  • Remove clothing that has been exposed to boiling water.
  • Determine the degree of skin damage (human palm - 1%). In case of damage over 10% (ten palms), you should consult a doctor.
  • Treat the injured surface with Panthenol.
  • If the burn occurs on the hand, it must be kept elevated to reduce swelling.
  • In case of a first or second degree burn, a sterile cloth soaked in cold water should be applied to the damaged areas. Change every few minutes (no more than twenty minutes and only while maintaining the integrity of the skin).
  • If blisters appear, do not try to open them.
What to do in case of a steam burn.
  • Cooling the damaged surface, after preliminary removal of clothing.
  • In case of damage to more than 10% of the body, consult a doctor.
  • Do not apply oil to the burn, open blisters or touch them.
What to do with an oil burn?
  • Soak the affected area in cold water until completely cooled.
  • If the oil burn area is more than 1% or the oil has got into the eyes, it is urgent to call an ambulance, and until then apply a sterile wet bandage. You can pre-use analgesics (for the eyelids): a solution of novocaine (4% - 5%), lidocaine, albucide (10% - 30%), chloramphenicol (0.2%).
What to do in case of an iron burn.
  • Apply oil or glycerin to the affected area.
  • Attach finely grated beets, you can cabbage, change every ten minutes.
  • Cool the injured area of ​​the skin with water and sprinkle with soda.
  • You can lubricate the burn with a raw chicken egg.
If the burn has led to the appearance of blisters, it is better to abandon the above methods and consult a doctor.

Treatment of chemical burns.
Chemical burns are treated taking into account the damaging substances. Of course, first aid is to call an ambulance. Then, clothes are removed from the victim or torn at the site of injury, the substance is removed from the skin. To do this, for twenty to thirty minutes, the surface is washed with a strong stream of cold water. If burns were caused by quicklime, it is impossible to cool the surface of the body, because when in contact with water, lime has the opposite effect, burning even more. If the damaging substance is sulfuric acid, it is first removed with a dry cloth (after putting on protective gloves), and only then the area is washed cold water. After that, apply a dry bandage to the damaged surface.

Medicines in such cases should be prescribed only by doctors, since the reaction of damaging substances with medicinal formulations can be the most unpredictable. If the substance that caused the burn is known, for example, acid, then the wound can first be treated with a two percent solution of baking soda, if it is caustic alkali, then the wound should be treated with water with the addition of boric acid or a few drops of citric acid. After that, be sure to apply a dry and clean bandage.

Any healing agents should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Typically, such burns are treated for a very long time, while therapy can be internal and external. To alleviate the condition of the victim, accelerate healing processes, cool and moisturize the skin at the site of injury, apply aloe vera (apply). Vitamin E is also used on diseased areas for the purpose of healing and resorption of scars. For internal treatment, vitamins E in capsules, C, A, B are used.

Folk remedies for burns.
As previously noted, traditional medicine is relevant only in cases of first-degree burns, that is, with minor damage to the skin.

You can apply compresses from raw potatoes, pumpkins or carrots. Any of the vegetables is rubbed through a grater, applied to the affected area and fixed with a sterile bandage. This dressing should be changed every ten to fifteen minutes.

Very effectively reduce the pain and redness of the lotion from the decoction of coltsfoot, wild rose, oak bark. Brew according to the instructions on the box, moisten the gauze and apply for fifteen minutes, then change the bandage.

Dairy products are great pain relievers. Three times a day for half an hour, you can make lotions with kefir or sour cream.

Honey, due to its high bactericidal qualities, has long been used in folk medicine to treat minor burns, reduce pain and accelerate regeneration.

Be careful and vigilant when handling hot appliances, liquids and chemicals, follow our advice in case of burns.

Neither children nor adults are immune from such an injury. It is good when there are special drugs in the medicine cabinet that can relieve the first symptoms and provide timely treatment. If this is not the case, then a suitable folk remedy is used.


It is necessary to know not only what helps with burns, but also the varieties of such injuries, since the remedy that will be used directly depends on this. There are several categories of damage.

1. After an injury, the skin turns red, it aches a little and a slight swelling appears. You don’t have to worry much, since the cover is not very affected and treatment for such a wound is not required, everything regenerates on its own.

2. In addition to all the above symptoms, a blister swells. The danger lies only in the fact that at the time of damage to it there is a risk of infection.

3. If the skin is covered with large blisters with blood that have united, then urgent hospitalization is necessary. It is almost impossible to eliminate such an injury at home.

4. When not only tissues are affected, but also bones, it is urgently required to call an ambulance. Most often, such a wound can be obtained at work.

If the damage was earned by a child, then a specialist should be contacted immediately, regardless of the degree of damage.

You need to know what helps with burns, and understand the next steps to facilitate future treatment.

1. It is required to carefully remove clothes that have been exposed to boiling water.

2. The affected areas are substituted for 10-20 minutes under cold water. It is important that it is not icy, as this can cause shock and dangerous consequences that are associated with a sharp temperature drop.

3. To reduce swelling, the injured limb should, if possible, be kept higher.

5. After a sterile bandage is used, if it was not at hand, then you can take a clean cloth, iron it with an iron and, after cooling, lay it on redness.

burn disease

Pathology develops when a person has suffered more than a third of the body surface with superficial or 10% with deep damage. In the elderly and children, such an ailment occurs even at the time of damage to a small area. These circumstances may lead to:

Intoxication with tissue decay products;

shock state;

Purulent inflammation of the skin.

It is necessary to understand what helps well with burns, because if they are not treated, then this is fraught with serious consequences. Often develop infection of the lymph nodes, abscesses, phlegmon, and in the most severe situations - sepsis.

Household lesions

Being at home, especially in the kitchen, you can easily get an injury to the skin. Thermal burns from hot liquids are considered a very serious problem for which first aid is important, so you need to know what helps with burns. This is due to the fact that the temperature is above 55 gr. begins to cause irreversible tissue damage and leads to skin necrosis. At 70 °C, this entire process takes just a moment. Therefore, if the injury was acquired with the help of steam, then for 15-30 seconds this place must be held under cold water.

The situation is much worse with burns that have been received from hot oil, since it boils at 200 ° C, and at the same time does not conduct heat well. Therefore, even if, after an injury, the place is lowered under cold water, the fat will harden, but under it the skin will still remain hot and the pain will intensify. Such ailments heal much worse than those caused by steam. Therefore, you definitely need to know if Panthenol helps with burns, since it occupies an important place in the first-aid kits of many housewives and can save in emergency situations.

The most painful injuries are those received from the iron. Hot metal literally begins to melt the skin and leaves scars. If such a wound was acquired, then the damaged area must be kept under cold water for at least ten minutes, and then the area should be bandaged with a sterile bandage.


Therapy largely depends on the extent of the lesion. In stationary conditions, it is carried out in a closed and open type. The first involves applying a bandage to the skin, previously treated with antibacterial drugs and an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide, furacilin and chlorhexidine. The second type is carried out using infrared radiation and fans, this is all done so that a crust forms on the skin faster.

Pharmacy funds

Today, you can buy a huge number of drugs that are used for burns. What helps, which ointments, sprays and gels are best, as well as the principles of their correct application to prevent long pain- all this is described below.

1. "Argakol" is available in the form of a hydrogel. It contains antiseptics in the form of dioxidine, catapol and poviragol. This is an excellent antimicrobial agent, used to treat burns and other minor injuries. After drying, it turns into a film that is easy to remove with water.

2. "Betadine" - it contains iodine - is famous for its wide antimicrobial action. Apply 2-3 times a day.

3. "Panthenol" helps with burns, as it is a real household doctor for a wide variety of skin lesions. It has a very mild effect, perfectly heals wounds and has practically no side effects. Together with drugs such as Bepanten, Rescuer and Solcoseryl, it is recommended for use in burns in children.

4. "Katapol" (the therapeutic component is povidone and benzalkonium) is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, applied under a bandage.

5. "Dermazin" contains sulfanilamide and perfectly fights microbes.

6. "Solcoseryl" helps regeneration, is used to accelerate healing. It has the appearance of an ointment and a gel.

7. "Amprovizol" works due to menthol, anestezin and vitamin D. It has anti-burn, antiseptic, cooling and analgesic effects. Can be used to treat severe burns at home.

8. Olazol consists of sea buckthorn oil with additives. Available as a spray and has an antibacterial and anesthetic effect.

What helps with a burn with boiling water

After such an injury, blisters often appear, so the selected drug should contain antibiotics in its composition, protect against infection, stimulate the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Such wounds are very dangerous, as they can, if not properly treated, cause infection in the future.

The instruction of all these drugs is very simple: immediately after the burn, the place is smeared with a thin layer of the drug, then repeated 2-4 times, depending on the degree of damage. Strong components are preliminarily applied to the gauze bandage, and then the area of ​​redness is wrapped around it, replacement is required 1-3 times a day. These manipulations must be performed until all traces of injury have completely disappeared.

herbal remedies

You need to know what helps with a burn at home, since first aid is very important. In addition to drugs, traditional medicine helps a lot.

1. You can prepare a well-healing compress from a decoction of oak bark. For it, you need to pour one teaspoon of the collection with warm water, and then boil for eight minutes, then you need to cool and strain it. A cotton sponge is dipped into the resulting infusion and applied to the reddened area, then it is fixed with a bandage. You need to change the bandage several times a day.

2. good remedy carrots are considered, as they perfectly relieve inflammation, do not clog pores and do not dry the skin. The vegetable is rubbed on a grater with small holes. The prepared mass is applied to the affected areas. The lotion is replaced several times a day. If such a gruel is applied immediately after the incident, then a blister can be avoided.

3. Potatoes are finely chopped and applied to the affected skin, as it perfectly relieves the symptoms of burns that have appeared. What helps at home is such an easy tool, many know, since they were used by their parents. Compresses need to be replaced when the mass has dried up. For best results, it is recommended to even drink freshly squeezed juice from it at this point.

4. Aloe is considered an excellent remedy, as it is in almost every home. The affected area is smeared with juice or compresses are made. A piece of gauze is wetted in juice and applied to the burn (the dressing needs to be replaced several times a day).

5. Fresh blueberries are a good anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. They are poured with boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes. Next, the fruits are taken out and ground in a mortar. The cooled gruel should be applied to the injury site and fixed with a bandage.

6. You can use pumpkin pulp, for this it is rubbed on a fine grater and wrapped in gauze, then applied to redness. It also treats pumpkin juice well for burns.

What helps at home with such an injury is very important to know, since medicines are not always at hand.

Skin condition

Immediately after the injury, a blister forms on the cover, containing a transparent liquid - plasma. At proper care, which includes the treatment of the neoplasm, inflammation will not appear and the epidermis layer will begin to recover. "Levomekol" from burns helps to remove the consequences of the lesion, since an infection can penetrate through the damaged areas. If the pathology turned out to be more serious, then, most likely, suppuration of the blister itself will begin, in which case it is imperative to seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe all the required tests to help determine the cause of the inflammation. In such cases, the victim often feels weak and chills, and a fever is also possible.


In order not to harm an already difficult situation, you need to know what to do is generally not recommended:

You can not rub the burn with alcohol-containing solutions, as this causes even more irritation;

Baking soda is sometimes used for burns, but it is not worth wasting time on it, since its effect is minimal;

If there is a small child in the house, then you do not need to put hot things within reach;

You should not use ice, because after applying it, even more pain will be felt due to a significant difference in temperature.

Scars and scars

Most people know what helps with burns, but not everyone and not always use it on time. necessary means and be able to properly administer first aid. As a result, spots remain on the skin, and often scars. Such neoplasms may be accompanied by itching and burning. To return to its former beauty, it is worth using special ointments that prevent tissue growth. And it is also recommended to contact a beautician and take a course chemical peeling, which is carried out with the help of fruit acids.

It is also recommended to turn to laser resurfacing services, although this procedure is very expensive. If all of the above remedies do not help, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor, and he will independently prescribe treatment.

We tell you what burns children have, how to ensure safety in the house and what measures should not be taken when providing first aid to a child.

A burn is one of the types of damage to the skin, mucous membranes and other tissues of the body. Burns are caused by different reasons- due to contact with steam, boiling water and other hot liquids or objects, due to solar radiation, chemical exposure, electric current.

Depending on the cause, burns are conditionally divided into several types. It is the type of burn that determines its treatment and the procedure for providing first aid.

Sergei Manikhin, chief physician of the DocDeti evidence-based medicine clinic for children, talks about how parents should act in a given situation.

Types of burns

Burns are thermal, chemical, electrical and radiation.


The most common burns in children. Often occur in domestic conditions when a child's skin comes into contact with boiling water and, for example, such liquids - tea, soup, milk. This also includes the careless handling of matches, open flames by children.


Such burns often occur if household chemicals are not properly stored in the house. Children can sprinkle powdered substances on themselves, spill acid, alkali and other toxic substances (as a rule, these are cleaners and detergents).


The cause of such a burn is contact with an electric current, namely a malfunction of electrical appliances or non-compliance with safety precautions when using them. This also includes sockets accessible to the child, protruding wires.

Occurs when exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

Burn severity

It is important to determine not only the type of burn, but also the degree of its severity. It is enough for a parent to know 3 main degrees of severity.

1 degree

Redness at the site of the burn (only the top layer of the skin is affected)

2 degree

Bubbles at the site of the burn (deeper layers of the skin are affected)

3 degree

The skin at the site of the burn is dry, in some places it can be charred (all layers of the skin are affected, as well as possibly the muscles, nerve trunks and vessels under it)

Health care

In what cases it is necessary to urgently seek medical help:

Any 3rd degree burn (even if very small);

A burn of the 2nd degree, if its area is more than 1% of the entire surface of the victim's body (approximately the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm of a person);

A 1st degree burn that covers more than 10% of the child's body surface (for example, the abdomen or arm from the shoulder girdle to the hand).

The decision of parents on whether to take the child to the hospital or not, in addition to the severity of the burn, should also be influenced by its localization.

Here are some parts of the body where even small burns can lead to serious complications, so any burn in this area requires a doctor's consultation:

Neck - joint areas


How to give first aid

While waiting for the doctor, you need to give the child first aid.

The only remedy needed in emergency care for burns is water.

The burn site must be treated with running water. Due to the high temperature at the burn site, adjacent tissues are damaged - those that are nearby and those that are deeper. Due to the timely exposure to cool water, damage is restored faster and does not spread. In addition, cold gives an analgesic effect - the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases.

What are the nuances.

Keep the affected area under running water for 15-20 minutes.

In 10 minutes, the heat will stop spreading to neighboring areas, in 15-20 minutes the water will provide anesthesia.

Sunburns usually affect large areas of the skin. From exposure to water, the child can only be more painful. Therefore, it is worth putting a towel on the child’s shoulders and pouring from the shower through it.

Important! If the burn was caused by contact with a powdered chemical, do not immediately flush the affected area with water. The powder must be disposed of. It must not be shaken off by hand, as it can damage other areas. It must not be blown off as it may get into the eyes. You need to do this with a cloth, napkin. If the substance gets on the clothes in which the child is dressed, it must be removed very carefully - perhaps even cut.

After holding the affected area under a tap or shower for 15-20 minutes, you need to attach a sterile napkin moistened with water at room temperature to it. If the fingers on the hand are damaged, it is better to wrap each with a sterile bandage (also wet) so that they do not stick together, and put a wet napkin or rag on top.

With burns of the 3rd degree, do not pour water on the affected areas!

They can be covered with a damp, clean cloth until the ambulance arrives.

While waiting for the doctor, if the baby is in pain, you can give ibuprofen (for children over 6 months old) or paracetamol.

What NOT to do with burns

It must be clearly understood that with burns it is impossible:

Touch affected surfaces with unwashed hands (generally better with hands don't go there)

Tear off sticky clothes (it will come off by itself after washing with water);

pierce bubbles;

Apply ice;

Apply cotton wool (it will dry to the burn site);

Seal the burn site with a plaster (any bandage slows down the healing time, besides, the plaster will be painful to tear off);

Apply oil, kefir, sour cream, iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, creams, lotions, ointments to the affected area;

urinate on the burn;

Apply any substance to the site of a chemical burn during the day (any local drug can enter into an unpredictable interaction with the substance that provoked the burn).

On what other organs, besides the skin, there can be burns

Burns in children can be localized not only on the skin. For example, a burn of the respiratory tract, a burn of the oral cavity, a burn of the eyes.

The most common cause of a burn of the respiratory tract is an indestructible desire to properly treat a child for acute respiratory infections, namely, to make inhalations.

If, after such a thermal procedure, the child's voice is hoarse, it became difficult for him to swallow and breathe, it is necessary to call an ambulance. While waiting for her, it is better to be in the fresh air and not let the child talk. Respiratory burns are extremely dangerous.

A child may have a burn of the oral cavity if he took something hot in his mouth. Since it is difficult to assess the severity of such damage, it is better to consult a doctor. Rinse your mouth with water for 15-20 minutes. After that, you can give the child ice cream. But only so that he does not bite him, but licks him.

Eye burns often happen when children in the kitchen are near a sizzling pan. Even if the parent is not sure whether the oil from the pan got into the eye of the child or not, it is better to consult a doctor. Eye burns are also often caused by children being near an open fire, such as a campfire.

Also, a chemical can get into the child's eyes.

In both situations, before you get to the doctor, you need to rinse your eye yourself (usually it is just one eye, not two).

This is done as follows: a stream of water must be directed from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

It is important to observe this rule so that the substance does not flow from the “sick” eye into the “healthy” one. In this case, the child should blink. If he cannot, you need to wrap your fingers with a sterile bandage and hold the child's eyelids with them. After washing, put a damp sterile napkin or handkerchief on the eye and wait for the doctor. If there is no sterile material at hand, you can use any clean cloth: handkerchief, towel, etc.

About self-treatment of burns

If the parents assessed that the child did not have a terrible burn, and decided to do it on their own, you need to understand that the child's condition may worsen.

Here are the situations in which it is necessary to stop self-medication:

After the burn, the child developed nausea and vomiting;

After a burn, the child has an elevated body temperature (even if slightly) for more than 12 hours;

A day after the burn, the child did not feel better;

A day after the burn, the area of ​​the affected area increased;

The child feels numbness at the burn site.

Traumatic damage to the skin as a result of exposure to high temperatures or contact with chemicals leads to burns. Almost every person has personally experienced burns that had varying degrees and appeared during prolonged exposure to the sun, non-compliance with safety precautions with electrical appliances, or through negligence, which is more common in children.

Mild burns can be treated at home by resorting to both folk methods and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. It is important to remember that only 1st or 2nd degree burns can be treated at home. If burn injuries are severe enough or have damaged most of the skin, then home treatment is not acceptable and can not only harm human health, but also lead to serious consequences. Let us briefly consider the main types and degrees of burns, as well as first aid and remedies that will help restore the skin after a burn at home.

Traditional medicine recipes and drugs for the treatment of burns, which will be mentioned in this article, can only be used for light burns (1 and 2 degrees) of the skin. If there is a burn of the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, or the percentage of burn injuries occupies more than 40% of the skin and has a 3rd or more stage, then the only way out will be to immediately consult a doctor or call emergency medical care.

Types of burns

You can get a burn in several ways, which is why there are several types of burn injuries to the skin.

  • Thermal (thermal) burns - appear as a result of exposure to human skin of fire, steam, hot liquids or objects.
  • Electrical burns - caused by contact with electrical appliances or lightning.
  • Chemical burns are close contact with chemicals that have a local irritant property.
  • Radiation burns - appear after prolonged contact with ultraviolet rays(sunshine, solarium).

Regardless of the origin of the burn, with the resulting injury, the integrity and irritation of the skin occurs, which causes severe pain in a person, redness of the skin in the area of ​​injury, followed by the formation of blisters (grade 2).

Degrees of burns

There are many reasons that can cause a skin burn, but before proceeding with treatment, you need to establish how severe the burn is. All burns, regardless of the cause of their occurrence, are divided into first, second and third degree burns.

First degree burn

Minor damage to the skin from high temperatures is referred to as first-degree burns. Such a burn on the skin causes only redness and pain. A first-degree burn does not require a person to be hospitalized and is successfully treated at home.

Second degree burn

Second-degree burns penetrate deeper into the skin. This type of burn injury is characterized not only by redness of the skin, but also by the appearance of blisters that are filled with a clear liquid inside. Most often, 2nd degree burns appear when scalding with boiling water, prolonged exposure to the sun, or contact with chemicals. If the burn of the 2nd degree is extensive, then a large loss of fluid occurs in the human body.

After such burns, scars or scars may remain on the skin. Important: If a 2nd degree burn is larger in area than a person’s palm or is on the face, you should definitely see a doctor, this will help to avoid cosmetic problems in the future. Treatment of burns of the 2nd degree is carried out at home and is successfully treated with pharmaceutical preparations in combination with traditional medicine.

third degree burn

Third degree burns are quite dangerous. When they are received, the skin is destroyed, the subcutaneous tissues and nerve endings are affected. Such burns can be obtained as a result of contact with chemicals, oily substances, from electrical appliances or lightning. The condition of the victim with 3rd degree burns can be either moderate or severe. Treatment is inpatient only. Usually, after receiving 3rd degree burns, a person needs a skin graft.

In the case when the burn damages 20% - 40% of human skin, the injuries are deep, there is a malfunction internal organs, the condition of the victim is severe, then it makes sense to talk about the 4th degree of burns, which often end in death.

First aid for burns

After receiving a burn, it is important to provide the first first aid to the victim, which will help at times to minimize the consequences and alleviate the condition of the person. It is important to remember that further treatment and the recovery process often depend on how first aid is provided. Therefore, it is very important to behave correctly when getting a burn. One of the important things in first aid for burns is calmness and lack of panic. Only a “collected” and self-confident person can carry out pre-hospital medical measures. So, first aid for burns is as follows:

1. As soon as possible, stop the contact of the injured person with the source of high temperatures. If a person is under electric current, then you can not touch the person or the source itself. It is necessary to use any insulated object and eliminate the current. In the case when, after cessation of contact with high temperature, further destruction of tissues occurs, it is necessary to apply cold (ice, snow, cold water) to the burnt surface, but not more than 10-15 minutes.

2. Considering that the injured person feels severe pain, any painkiller, anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Ketanov and others) can be given.

3. After anesthesia, the damaged area of ​​the skin must be treated and a sterile gauze bandage should be applied. A good result can be obtained when using a special dressing material "Kombiksin" or "Diosept", which can be used for burns of varying degrees.

4. Chemical or thermal burns can be treated with running water. Burns with alkali - a weak solution of citric acid. If a person has received a chemical burn of the skin, home treatment is carried out depending on the substance that caused damage to the skin.

Usually, chemical burns require professional medical attention, but if the burn is minor, you can flush with a strong stream of cold water. In the case when the burn is caused by quicklime, it is strictly forbidden to cool the surface of the body with water, since such substances, when in contact with water, have the opposite effect and burn the skin even more. Also, when providing first aid after a chemical burn, it is forbidden to independently use any external medicines. Since the reaction of a chemical in combination with a medicinal composition can be very different and not always favorable.

Upon receipt severe burns, after providing first aid, you need to wait for the arrival of an ambulance and be sure to tell the duty team about your actions. If the burns are minor and the face or mucous membranes are not damaged, then you can do without the help of a doctor. Children are an exception.

What not to do with burns

Incorrect or untimely first aid for burns can lead to complications that will affect the treatment process and increase the recovery period. In case of burns, it is strictly forbidden:

  • lubricate the skin after burns with vegetable oil;
  • use products containing alcohol;
  • independently open "blisters";
  • clean the wound from the remnants of clothing;
  • use urine.

In case of burns, it is recommended to put cold on the damaged area, but you need to remember that for no more than 10 - 15 minutes. If the amount of time is increased, death of the nerve endings may occur, followed by the development of skin necrosis.

Complications after burns

Minor skin burns do not cause any complications, but if a blister appears at the site of injury, which indicates a 2nd degree burn, there is a risk of infection with subsequent suppuration and inflammation of the blister. The presence of an inflammatory process can cause an increase in body temperature, general weakness of the body and other ailments. After suppuration of the burn, a scar or scar may remain on the damaged area.

With burns of the 3rd degree, complications are much more serious and can negatively affect the work of internal organs and systems.

Pharmaceutical preparations for skin burns

The main thing in the treatment of burns is to reduce pain, accelerate healing and disinfection of the skin. The pharmaceutical industry provides a large number of drugs for the treatment of burns 1 and 2 degrees. Such drugs are available in the form of an ointment, cream or aerosol for external use. Each of the drugs for the treatment of burns has a different composition and mechanism of action, so before using any remedy, you need to read the instructions for the medication or consult a doctor. Consider the most effective medicines for burns, which have an antiseptic, wound healing, regenerating effect.

  • Betadine is an antimicrobial drug that contains povidone-iodine. It is widely used to treat burns of 1 and 2 degrees. Apply the ointment to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day.
  • Levomekol is an effective drug that has a bactericidal, analgesic property. The use of Levomekol for burns allows you to relieve pain, accelerate healing, and quickly restore the skin after burns.
  • Solcoseryl is a biogenic regeneration stimulator often used for skin burns. Apply to the skin 1 - 2 times a day, only after the burn wound stops getting wet.
  • Panthenol is a popular remedy for burns, which contains dexpanthenol and B vitamins. The use of Panthenol improves tissue regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply in the form of an aerosol or cream. This drug should always be in the home first aid kit, especially in a house where there are children.
  • Amprovizol is an aerosol. Combined drug for the treatment of burns, which contains propolis, anesthesin, menthol and vitamin D. This drug has anti-burn, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and cooling effects, accelerates skin healing. It is recommended to use for thermal and sunburns of 1 or 2 degrees.

  • Olazol is a wound healing, anti-burn agent. The preparation contains sea buckthorn oil. Available in the form of an aerosol for topical use. It has an anesthetic, antibacterial effect, reduces exudation, accelerates the process of epithelialization of wounds.
  • Karipazim - drug plant origin, which has a wide range of indications, including those used for burns. The composition of the drug includes vitamin complexes, amino acids, carbohydrates and other substances. The use of caripazim - treatment for burns allows you to relieve inflammation, accelerate healing, restore the skin after injury. Produced in vials. Karipazim can be used to treat burns of the 2nd degree at home, but before use, you need to read the instructions for the drug.