How to restore vital energy to a woman. Protection from energy vampires. how the right thoughts affect our lives! how to restore a person’s energy for the fulfillment of desires and goals

The modern rhythm of life leads to overwork - both physical and emotional. Stress and poor health, alas, are often our constant companions. But there are several ways to restore energy and strength.

Recovery of energy and strength after illness

Experts in the field of bioenergetics are sure that any disease is a consequence of problems and excessive loads. The disease does not appear in a day, it “turns on” for a long time and manifests itself after some time. Any illness is accompanied by a sharp decline in activity, which allows us to rethink our actions, actions, thoughts and habits that deprive us of vitality.

Quickly renew energy after illness will help:

  • intake of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body;
  • the inclusion in the diet of fruits and vegetables, honey, medicinal fees and tonic drinks;
  • walks in the open air;
  • moderate physical activity.

To restore peace of mind, bioenergetics recommend:

  • enjoy the beautiful: visit exhibitions, theaters, admire nature and listen to music;
  • listen to pleasant sounds: prayers, meditations or motives of nature;
  • watch beautiful feature films;
  • more contact with animals.

How to restore energy after a hard day at work

Rehabilitation of the body after a busy day is a must, because with excessive workload at work, almost the entire supply of vitality is depleted. To be in such tension every day means to systematically increase not only physical, but also psychological fatigue. The body may simply stop fighting and give up. To prevent this from happening, use simple ways to restore strength after tiring work.

  • Cool shower. Water perfectly removes lethargy and neutralizes negativity.
  • Hiking. It's great if these are walks in a pine forest. Such a pastime, albeit a short one, will fill the body with oxygen and help get rid of negative thoughts and experiences.
  • Complete rest. The benefits of sleep can be felt not only physically, but also psychologically - in sleep we can completely heal ourselves and even find correct solution difficult life situation. While a person sleeps, his brain is busy diagnosing each system of the body.
  • A full meal and dinner no later than 21:00. It is important to eat three hours before bedtime so that the body has time to get enough and process food.
  • Massage and spa treatments.
  • Spiritual practices. Meditation, for example, is great for calming down and relieving nervous tension.
  • 200 ml of cold clean water on an empty stomach. Water helps clear your mind and relieve stress.

Restoration of strength and energy during stress

Stress passes, but its effects remain. Despite the fact that the effects of stress are initially imperceptible, they take away strength. It is important to learn to control yourself and independently bring yourself out of a state of apathy. Positive attitudes and techniques aimed at managing emotions can help in this difficult matter. If you have lost joy and happiness, if you are overwhelmed by depression and negative thoughts, and there are more and more problems every day, you need to:

  • change the situation. It is not necessary to spend money on an expensive ticket, it is enough to simply go to another city, visit friends or visit distant relatives;
  • walk alone in beautiful places or places of power. Such walks will help you restore inner harmony;
  • visit a church;
  • Book a relaxing massage session;
  • buy yourself what you have long dreamed of. Of course, within reason. It could be new things beautiful accessories or new phone;
  • change your look and hairstyle.

If all of the above did not help you improve your state of mind, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Stress and fatigue can ruin a life, but this should not be allowed to happen. Restore strength after each working day, draw vital energy from the outside world, eat healthy food, spend more time in the sun, surround yourself with happy and successful people. After just a few days, you will feel a surge of strength, you will be able to get stronger both physically and spiritually. We wish you a great mood and don't forget to press the buttons and

A healthy human energy field has the appearance of an egg-shaped cocoon that completely surrounds the body. The thickness of the field ranges from several tens of centimeters to several meters. The thicker and more powerful the field, the better health, higher human energy potential.

The main violations of the energy field are a decrease in its thickness, curvature and breakdowns. A small thickness indicates poor health, may indicate malnutrition and a suboptimal lifestyle. Curvature and breakdowns are direct harbingers of diseases.

Meditative methods for restoring the energy field

In serious situations, you should entrust the restoration of the field to an experienced bioenergy therapist. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to work on your own field. However, such work can still be done.

To restore the energy field, you can use the following exercise. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, the posture should be comfortable. If you find it difficult to sit up straight, spread something soft, lean your back against a pillow, etc. The main conditions: the spine should be straight, your posture should be comfortable.

The task is to pump all the chakras, from Muladhara to Sahasrara. The exact layout of the chakras can be found on the net. First, concentrate on the muladhara, imagining the chakra as a luminous red ball about 5 cm in diameter. The concentration time is about 5 minutes. You don't need to pinpoint it, work according to your feelings. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of warmth in the chakra area. Once you have succeeded, move on to the next chakra, and so on. Chakra activation is very good exercise to restore the energy of the body.

A similar activation can be carried out before going to bed, lying in bed. After pumping the chakras, visualize your aura. Imagine it as dazzling white - the brighter white you can imagine, the better.

Energy gymnastics

An excellent way to restore energy is to use the Hermes gymnastics, its description can be found on the Internet. A set of exercises allows you to restore the circulation of energy in the body, raise the overall energy level.

To restore energy, Chinese taijiquan gymnastics is also perfect. Its main advantage is that even elderly or weakened people can do it. It restores energy very well, but requires long regular exercises.

Perfectly restores energy and normal running. Regular daily jogging quickly normalizes the energy field, gives vigor and optimism.

Proper nutrition

The energy of the body is very dependent on the quality of food. Eliminate from the diet any foods containing preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other additives. Eat more natural products with a minimum degree of heat processing. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, as well as fish. Minimize the consumption of flour products.

positive thinking

Try to be an optimist, move away from negative thoughts. Remember that constant worries, thinking about problems in the most negative way affect the energy of the body. Focus on the positive, watch comedies, listen to good music, meet friends. The better you feel in your soul, the more powerful your energy and health will be.

We all have moments when internal resources are running out. Tiredness and irritability, low mood and apathy, physical malaise and insomnia are all familiar signs of energy depletion. How to restore lost strength and ignite the inner fire? The main thing is to act without delay.

Most of all we lose energy during strong emotional disturbances. Learn to "catch" the first signs of disturbed peace and look for an antidote. They can be anything, the main thing is to distract from the exciting problem and not start swearing, crying, complaining, etc. Drink green tea (vitamin C will help the body recover), turn on a stupid series, get into the bath. When emotions subside, you can return to solving problems.

Our body has the ability to adapt to the environment. This is especially true of the internal rhythm - breathing and heartbeat. Adjusting to a fast rhythm, we feel a surge of strength and joy. Therefore, in case of surging sadness and apathy, immediately turn on the sounds of salsa or run to a concert of African drummers.

Color can change our inner state. If you contemplate a bright yellow or orange sheet of paper for several minutes, apathy will be replaced by creative energy. Close your eyes and imagine a ball of yellow or orange color in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Imagine how it becomes big and warm - the brighter you imagine, the stronger you will feel.

It was not for nothing that spices were once worth their weight in gold - they not only treat many diseases, but also give energy. Ginger, cinnamon, saffron, hot pepper, cloves, coriander are proven remedies for those who are exhausted. Add them to tea or hot milk, let it brew for a couple of minutes and drink, imagining how the body is filled with warmth and health. Garlic has the same effect.

It is known that a cold shower instantly awakens the body. But sometimes a few hours of cheerfulness are replaced by hours of fatigue. Therefore, to prolong the effect, it is better to take in the morning cold and hot shower. A hot bath has a calming effect, but if you climb into it for just a couple of minutes, while "seasoning" the water essential oil orange or lemon, the body will instantly wake up and cheer up.

In ancient India, breath and energy were denoted by one word - prana. After all, our inner potential depends on how we breathe. Try this exercise: sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and start breathing deeply. Breathe slowly - let the exhalation be a little longer than the inhalation. Feel the breath in your nose, throat, lungs, stomach - then in reverse order. Gradually speed up the rhythm of breathing. Then open your eyes - you are ready for any work.

Singing has the same strong effect as breathing practices. Cheer up with a song is the easiest way to get your energy back. The main thing is that your repertoire includes only positive songs.

During winter epidemics of colds and flu, be careful with the choice of medicines. Use only complex medications with a therapeutically effective dose of paracetamol. They are gentle on the stomach, do not cause drowsiness, lethargy and a decrease in concentration.

A piece of chocolate gives a feeling of happiness. A cup of coffee can "revive" in difficult times. A small cake will be useful for mental activity. Why deny yourself a treat with a lack of strength? What gives us joy can instantly replenish the supply of internal energy.

Replenishment of energy is a long and laborious process that requires effort on the part of a person. It is important not only to scoop it up, but also to make sure that it does not leak out. Let's analyze how to restore energy and keep it in order to feel great and take on new things with enthusiasm.

Channels of energy leakage

In order to understand how to independently restore your strength, you should think about the circumstances under which they are lost. Imagine: a person has a hole in a jug, and he draws water into the vessel, makes up for the lack of liquid, but it still pours out. Likewise with energy. If it is possible to close the holes from which it flows, then this is already half the battle.

Here are the leak channels:

  1. Physical. For example, a person goes in for sports, takes care of his body, while taking insufficient time to sleep, eats improperly and at the same time drinks little water.
  2. Emotional. These include human complexes, fears, feelings of guilt, prohibitions, stresses, thoughts-viruses, etc. All this fetters the muscles, negatively affects the aura of the biofield, and undermines vital and psychological energy.
  3. Intellectual. There are two scenarios for the development of events: a person either grows or degrades. Without replenishment of the knowledge base, intellectual hunger sets in.
  4. Spiritual. The loss of the meaning of life, the misunderstanding of one's goals is also a hole where energy pours out.

After we figured out the leak channel, so to speak, we recognized the enemy in person, we need to fight him. First of all, eliminate the source; without this, the entire further process will be meaningless. Be sure to review the diet, make it balanced, give enough time to sleep. It is worth adding positive emotions to life, doing something that there was no time for before, finding time to read a book. It will be useful to visit places where you can feel spiritual saturation, go to a place of power, a temple, and meditate. Throw away unnecessary things, put things in order, do not clutter up your home, this negatively affects your mood and general condition.

Follow the instructions: first, we find out the cause of the leak, and then we are already engaged in restoration and accumulation.

Energy Recovery Methods

After identifying the cause and dealing with it, you can start restoring and accumulating energy. This can be done on 4 levels: physical, etheric, astral and mental. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Physical body

On a physical level, it is important to give up bad habits Eat more vegetables, fruits, healthy carbohydrates and proteins. Exercises are useful, but they should tone up, develop endurance, and not deplete the body. Cleaning will also help replenish strength - therapeutic fasting, yoga, healing herbal decoctions. Meditation promotes muscle relaxation, general relaxation. Oriental gymnastics will help strengthen the body: qigong, tai chi or others.

So here are some practical ways.

Healing massage. If there is a feeling of fatigue, it is worth using this method. Here's what you need to do to recharge your batteries:

  • massage the area between your thumb and forefinger;
  • knead the neck with a wooden hair comb;
  • tilt your head in different directions and back.

Mild dizziness is considered normal after the procedure is completed.

Healthy sleep. Go to bed before midnight, always on your back, this way the chakras are cleared more effectively, and head to the north or south. The duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours, with the exception of people who have experienced stress or severe emotional shock. Then you need to allow yourself to rest until you want to get up. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time every day.

etheric body

Consider how to increase your energy at the ethereal level. Accumulation here is facilitated by: harmony with nature, the practice of proper breathing, maintaining calmness (even in a non-standard, emergency situation), the practice of exercises for better cleansing and functioning of the chakras. Next, let's talk about techniques that will help the etheric body.

Interaction with natural elements. Esotericism says that energy can be obtained from the sun, fire, water or earth.

In the first case, it is better to choose a sunny, cloudless day. It is necessary to separate oneself from earthly vanity, forget about pressing matters and direct all thoughts towards the sun. Raise your hands up and ask him for energy. Feel how it spreads throughout the body, penetrates into every cell. Thank the luminary 7 times, verbally or mentally, and lower your hands.

You can ask for strength from the fire. The flame of a candle or a fire will do. You need to focus and look into the fire. Imagine that it burns negative emotions, illnesses and everything bad. For 10 days, perform cleansing, after which there will not necessarily be the presence of a flame. Subsequently, you can imagine the image frozen in memory, and the energy level will increase.

Now about water. Immerse yourself in the bath and breathe rhythmically, imagining that during inhalation the cells absorb energy, and on exhalation it is transformed into bioenergy.

With the help of the wind, you can recover as follows. Go outside, listen to the leaves rustle, the branches sway. Imagine how the pores absorb the energy of the wind, become one with it.

Proper breathing. There is a direct link between proper breathing and well-being. In yoga, it is given great importance. Breathing through the nose is considered correct, with concentration of attention, as if not air is inhaled, but the energy itself.

astral body

Energy balance increases in the astral body if a person tries to maintain a positive attitude in any situation, works on internal emotional traumas, creates a pleasant environment, and also learns to love. the world and all living things. Here are the techniques you can use.

Search for emotions. Start looking for things that will give positive emotions. It could be walking the dog, playing badminton, hiking, or skydiving. From here the necessary energy will be drawn.

Learn to give. Start giving without asking for anything in return. Feed a stray dog, donate to the poor, or make an unexpected pleasant surprise for a loved one. Gratuitous deeds are returned with an uplifting mood.

Change of environment. If you are not satisfied with the place of work - you need to change it, you do not like the environment with which you have to communicate - stop doing this, keep in touch with nice people. All changes for the better will provide an opportunity to increase self-esteem, regain self-confidence and the opportunity to try something new.

Sincere forgiveness. Resentments against others are heavy stones that you have to carry around with your soul all the time. Get rid of the load, the burden will become less heavy. Relief will come instantly, well-being will noticeably improve.

mental body

Here it is important to control your thoughts throughout the day, get rid of negative images, and perform meditative exercises. It should be borne in mind that any thought has karmic consequences. Now about how to strengthen your energy at the mental level.

Visualization. Imagine exactly what you want, say it out loud and in detail. It works. Just no vague wording, you can also use mantras.

Temporary silence. The habit of constantly speaking takes away strength, without the need to pour a stream of unnecessary words, it is better to focus on your thoughts at this time.

How to quickly restore energy

Let's talk about how to quickly relieve fatigue, relax after abnormal loads at work or at home, for example, after the whims of a child.

  1. With the help of music. You can sing karaoke, play a musical instrument, or just listen to a pleasant melody.
  2. Prayer. It is noticed that after its pronunciation, the aura of a person absolutely changes, becomes brighter.
  3. The melodious rhythm will help you quickly relax, as the body can adapt to environment. Turn on the sounds of salsa or drums, and then immediately feel the rise in tone.

Restoring strength after illness and with the evil eye

If magic is applied to a person, damage or evil eye takes place, you can try to deal with it yourself. In order for the negative influence to stop, a strong emotional shock is needed, for example: take an ice shower, travel to another country by plane, engage in extreme sports. These actions muffle the actions of the evil eye and help to remove it altogether.

And how to recover if weakness overcomes after an illness? In this case, be sure to sleep well, eat vitamins (be sure to include vitamin C in the diet, you can use folk remedies, for example, herbal decoctions). It is better not to rush to work, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. It is important to breathe fresh air and exercise, gradually increasing the load.


It is common for everyone to get tired, stress, illness take strength and energy every day, but if you work on yourself, you can replenish your reserves. Follow the instructions: first, we find out the cause of the leak, and then we are already engaged in restoration and accumulation.

Quick recovery is my professional need. Intensive work with people; continuous innovation in projects; mountain tracks to a height above 4000 meters three times a year; frequent flights and crossings, and sometimes “swimming”, when a tiny fishing boat on the waves that overwhelm inward, skips a two-hundred-meter dry cargo ship in open water, insistently require effective actions to replenish their mental and physical energy.

Here, of course, there is a great temptation to flaunt the famous:

– How do you relax?

Yes, I don't stress.

But the ability to maintain mental balance in any situation is a characteristic of three types of people - masters high level self-awareness; those who do not leave their comfort zone, and those who do not leave their comfort zone, but are sure that they are masters of a high level of self-consciousness.

So, how to quickly restore mental and physical energy?

Top 7 of my personal self-help tricks

1. Sleep

With sleep, as with energy expenditure, the rule applies - not too little, but not too much. Lack of sleep, as well as oversleeping, leads to an imbalance in the body, just as too intense activities can cause burnout, but insufficient expenditure of energy makes a person slow, internally sticky, inert. In everything you need to strive for a dynamic balance that is available to your body and psyche at the moment, gradually working to expand your own bandwidth.

For most people, the golden mean is 7-9 hours of daily sleep. And if in a normal state eight hours are enough for me, then in a situation of even a little stress or some kind of physical problem, I give myself the opportunity to sleep for 9 hours. At the moment of a more noticeable surge, it already takes about 10 hours, but at a time, and for dessert, in a situation of acute heat - long intercontinental flights or a series of non-stop retreats - ideally, continuous 12 hours in bed. Even waking up, I continue to lie down and fall asleep again. A healthy psyche is restored with this approach in just one night.

2. Switch activity

Another elementary truth that manages to constantly stumble over a variety of thought patterns. For example, that resting on the couch is responsible for all our illnesses, or that a book is best friend in any situations. Yes, not so. Switching is switching because you are changing the pace that led you to de-energization to exactly the opposite. If you have been “plowing” at the computer for a long time, if the screen required your endless presence, the best switching is movement, air, nature. Lack of one point for the eyes. Not a book, for example. Yes, the book will calm you down, but it will not give you a recharge, since a complete switchover did not take place with this approach.

And vice versa. After flying and moving, when in less than a month you visit 16 islands on a working visit, the best rest is to lie still in bed all day with a series of endless films or, yes, with a good book. One or two days of such a regimen completely bring you back to life, and you want to run and create again.

Switching activities for full recovery requires a literal understanding of this process, while simply following your addictions and habits in rest will give some kind of relaxation, but the reboot may not happen.

3. Water

What properties are not attributed to water! You will find rituals with it in almost all religions, shamanic rites and modern books on healthy lifestyle life. Water is able to change state and enhance the circulation of energy. Purify not only at the physical level. So, with a noticeable psychological overheating, I go under the shower with my head at any time of the day. In the same place, by the way, obsessive thoughts are washed off quite well, if suddenly something persistently bothers you, but you need to do completely different things. Water literally washes away emotions, ideas, fatigue, road, vanity. A window appears to start new regimens for the current day, and not just wait for a recovery at night.

4. Off

Complete and total disconnection from business and the Internet. As a preventive measure, I try to do this unloading weekly on Sundays, but in a situation of getting out of both a negatively and positively colored surge, it takes 2-3 days for a complete renewal. During this period, everything is available besides the Internet and work - walking, going to the cinema, reading a book, meeting friends, talking about high things, but just not returning to the Web under any sauce. And here lies the catch. In a situation complete shutdown, when you have freed yourself from the routine flow of affairs and thoughts, ideas suddenly begin to “fall”, and, of course, precisely in the aspect that you cut off for a while. For the success of the practice, all this is postponed until the day when information diet will end. If you start writing everything down and discussing it right in the course of your day Off, thinking that an innocent fixation does not mean anything, the cleaning processes will stop, not completed. You will again be caught up in the whirlpool of deeds and thoughts.

A bridge of 100 meters cannot be crossed by passing only 99

5. Art and nature

Art is the nature of a big city. This brilliant guess came to me one day from the lips of a friend: “When there is no way to go out of town right now, you can go to the museum, it also renews and energizes.” Eureka! Everyone knows the restoring forces of nature, but few people look at art from this angle - it energizes, perfectly switches and gives quite a tangible return of positive emotions. Since then, I have been going to museums not only because of the “new exhibition”, but also for restorative purposes, when I need to improve my condition and recover from internal hurricanes different strength. Art is the nature of a big city.

6. Rug with needles

Like so many good things in our lives, this miracle device came to me through a problem. I solved issues with my back that appeared in my life after the stress of famous events. And I found the best relaxer in the world. That's what my "gadget" is called. This is a rug with steel needles, on which, at first, you are very afraid, and later you don’t know how to stick it into yourself harder, because this is exactly what your body asks for - the maximum impact of the needles for complete relaxation. Blood flow to the back and neck, tangible physical warming up, complete relaxation achieved in just 30 minutes - all this perfectly calms and literally frees from situational emotions. The manufacturer recommends lying on pins and needles before going to bed, but in my practice I can say that daytime rest on them significantly lowers the degree of events if something goes off scale for your psyche. You ask, where can you get these needles on that very tiny tropical island? It's simple - I carry a mat with me, following the example of a yoga instructor from our team. Helps great!

7. Silence

The most effective, the most complex (because the most "thin") and the most beautiful, in my opinion, tool. The practice of complete silence. It combines the day Off and your personal, to begin with physical, silence. I recently had the opportunity to speak with Vegetarian magazine, and this is how I described my approach in response to their question: “How to arrange a one-day reboot at home on a day off, if the vacation is still far away, and the person is already at the limit or “hit the ceiling”?” :

Take the austerity of silence for this day: without talking, looking at each other, books, the Internet, gadgets, music, letters, SMS. Stop the flow of incoming meanings and do not try to fix your ideas that will come at that moment - let the psyche “unleash” at least a little. Arrange with your family or go to any country hotel, warning the staff upon arrival that you want to keep quiet. Such silence should be a practice in the full sense of the word, when you, having made a promise to yourself, honestly keep it. Be silent without expectations and demands, listen to the world. Take a walk, walk the streets, look at the passers-by, at the trees, at the world around. Take a piece of paper with you: “Sorry, I’m silent today,” if you need to show it to someone. And please spare yourself the desire for results in that one day. To demand from a one-day practice the solution of one's problems or super insight is like seeing a future husband in a man on a first date and showing it to him in every possible way. Run away! One day is very, very little. Usually the minimum time for a silence retreat is seven days, but more often ten. Don't expect miracles. Just be honest. With attention to the current moment that surrounds you. And see what it gives you.

Olesya Vlasova

P.S. Friends, for 5 years we have been organizing retreats, expeditions and mountain treks in different parts of Asia. The purpose of our programs is to release the mind and body from tension, restore strength and launch the rhythm of conscious change for the better. Our tools are yoga, meditation, freediving, the practice of silence, the right atmosphere for a complete switch and the good company of like-minded people. If you were looking for a place where you can fully switch and rethink the current “settings” in a qualitative way, we are there.