Why can't we change fate. Can destiny be changed? The fate of man - what is it

It is not known when a person began to wonder whether it is possible to change his fate. Perhaps even in ancient times, when people learned to be aware of themselves in the world, to separate themselves from it and acquired the ability to introspection.

Be that as it may, the very fact of raising the question of predestination or freedom to choose one's own destiny makes it clear that once a person managed to change his destiny! After all, if he asked this question, if he noticed that his actions are determined not only by some divine or natural forces, but also by his attitude to the world, actions and will, then he noticed the existing freedom of choice.

Rain falls from the sky not at the will of a person, but a person is free to choose to get wet under it or hide and stay dry.

A classic image from fairy tales (both Russian and Greek, Indian, Scandinavian - every nation has it!) monomyth- a hero at the crossroads of three roads - proof of the idea that formed in ancient times about free will and the ability to choose one's own destiny!

Each person more than once in his life comes to the "crossroads of three roads", when "you go to the right - you will find a wife, if you go to the left - you will lose your horse, if you go straight - you will disappear yourself."

There are many scientific, pseudo-scientific, fantastic and sci-fi theories (on which books are written and films are made) about a multitude of worlds, dimensions, options for a person's life, the ability to turn back time, and so on. For example, there is a hypothesis that a person exists in several alternative dimensions at once and lives a separate life in each, lives a different destiny.

A person constantly makes a choice, and it is precisely the set of consistently made decisions that is fate. Yes, perhaps the choice is not always made consciously and it is always conditioned by something, but still it is made by the person himself, and not someone for him.

For example, a person automatically pulls his hand back if he touches something hot. This unconditioned reflex serves the instinct of self-preservation. But there are cases when not only people, but even animals passed through the fire if they needed to save their offspring. It turns out that the person able to overcome predestination, to change one's very nature, to tame the instinct for the sake of the goal, which means to change fate by an effort of will.

There is also an opposite point of view. Fate- this is a series of predetermined events that do not depend on the individual. No matter how hard you try, what will be, will not be avoided. Freedom of choice and will is an illusion. Man is limited bodily, physiologically, intellectually, socially, and so on. He can act only within strictly defined limits, and all the main events in his life were determined long before his birth.

Yes, perhaps a person is limited in choice, but the choice given by life is so wide that it is difficult to notice its limitations! For example, a person cannot see ultraviolet rays, but most people do not have such a desire! Needless to say, people do not want to see much of what is given to them, out of hundreds of possible options, they choose the usual, each time the same thing, limiting themselves: they think as they used to, act out of habit, raise children as their parents raised them , even in love make the same mistakes.

But it is impossible to change life by continuing to live as before! Having the opportunity to change the course of events, people themselves choose doing nothing or life "at random", and then sigh: "This is fate - there's nothing to be done ...". Do not confuse laziness, unresponsiveness and unwillingness to develop with evil fate.

A look at fate in positive psychology

In psychology, as in other sciences that study human nature, there is no unambiguous answer to the question "Is it possible to change fate?". But psychology is helping science. If the psychologist cannot help the client to reveal his inner potential, do some work on himself, develop as a person in order to have the opportunity to improve the quality of life (in fact - change fate), he will try to make the client changed attitude from the negative to the more positive.

The most important and necessary skill
in life, it is the ability to distinguish a situation in which something can be changed by active actions from one that will not change, and all that remains is to change the attitude towards it.

Many modern psychologists working in line with humanistic and positive psychology, They say that as long as a person is alive, he can do anything if he wants to!

People experience clinical death, recover from incurable diseases, survive in incredible accidents, man-made disasters, in inhuman conditions. Millions of people have experienced and are experiencing hunger, cold, unemployment, poverty and war. Yes, of course, not all! But perhaps in a couple of decades people will find a way to significantly prolong life, and someday they will achieve immortality.

The most independent of the will of man seems to be the fact of his birth. A person only by about three years of life begins to understand that he lives, gradually realizes what the world around is and that there is an “I” in this world. Birth, according to most people, is the real destiny, which cannot be changed on its own.

But today there is an alternative view of this phenomenon. Some esotericists and philosophers argue that a person, even before his birth, chooses his parents and the time when he should be born.

In psychology, there are also directions and schools that adhere to this point of view. For example, during a session Holotropic Breathwork(method of transpersonal psychotherapy) people relive their birth, see past lives and feel themselves in some kind of outer space, where they can remember how and why they chose these parents and such a body for a new life.

From this point of view, it turns out that, being still only a kind of ideal, and not a material entity, a person is already shaping his own destiny.

Today, an increasing number of scientists and ordinary people come to understand that the idea forms matter, in particular, to the fact that The thought is material. Being ideal in nature, it is able to transform, change and transform into physical matter.

A person determines his being and builds his destiny not only by his actions, but also by thoughts. What are the thoughts, such is life, what is thought and dreamed about, then it comes true.

It is known that for people with a strong will, believing in themselves, purposeful, confident that they build their own lives, fortunetellers cannot predict fate. Such people also do not succumb to mass and gypsy hypnosis, manipulation and "zombie".

There is no predestination for the one who believes in himself and that he the creator of his own destiny.

Today, palmists do not hide the fact that the lines on human palms do not remain unchanged, they change, appear and disappear in the course of life, as a person chooses his path.

Everyone can predict your own fate! It is enough to analyze your thoughts and actions. After all, it is not difficult to guess what will happen if you smoke a lot, treat your loved ones disrespectfully, do not raise children, endure an unloved job for a long time. You don't have to be a fortune teller to do this.

Lifeworlds and dimensions

By and large, everything is decided by what a person sincerely believes and how he relates to life. If you believe that fate is a strict predestination, fate, fate, then life will seem to be the course of events that are predetermined and do not depend on a person.

If you believe that by working on yourself, setting and striving for goals, developing your personality, intellect and abilities, you can write your own history on your own, life will be a work, a creation of human hands.

A person sees the world as three-dimensional, but according to scientists, there are much more physical dimensions, perhaps an innumerable number of them. Psychology also studies measurements, only this dimensions of inner worlds. And in this regard, how many people, so many dimensions. A pessimist sees the world in a gray light, for an optimist the world is bright and bright. And this is not just a metaphor.

More recently, German scientists have found that with severe forms of depression, people really begin to see the world in gray. The sensitivity of the neurons of the retina to contrasting shades is disturbed, as a result, the world literally dims.

It is important to remember that people with opposite beliefs and ingrained views on the world and destiny are unlikely to understand each other, because they seem to live in different worlds. Everyone has their own truth and their own right to it.

It is impossible to fully imagine what another person feels and thinks, how he lives. One grew up in the midst of violence, he has a villainous fate, and the other grew like a hothouse plant, and for him fate is infinitely kind.

Do you believe in fate?

Psyche is a function of the brain, which consists in the subjective reflection of objective reality. It turns out that the entire visible world is just a reflection of reality, because a person perceives it biased.

Certainly there is congenital mental features, but there are also those that formed, are brought up, mature. There are also things in the external world that a person either can or cannot influence.

For example, everyone is waiting for a miracle and hopes that fate will send him love, a woman or a man with whom he can live happily for the rest of his life.

If a person made an effort, was looking for a partner, and not just waiting for him to knock on the door, people will say: “Deserved, searched, did not give up, that's why I found it!”. If he did not seek, but met love by chance on the street, they will say: “Luck smiled at him! He has a happy share!

But how to know for sure that in the first case the meeting depended on the efforts made, and in the second there was not a single, even insignificant action that would not lead to acquaintance?

A person cannot change innate reflexes, given genetic characteristics, social and natural disasters, cannot force a betrothed or betrothed to appear in his life by the power of thought, but he can indirectly influence all these events, be able, given their likelihood, better organize your life.

The past is invariable, but the present is in the hands of man. The past cannot be relived or changed, but you can always change your attitude towards it and take care of the future in the present.

If you have a choice what to believe, then why not believe in good, in what fate and life can be changed for the better? Especially since other people did it! There are a great many examples of how a person has radically changed fate for the better!

If the individual is sure that everything is bad, it will get worse and nothing can be changed, then there is no need to try. In this case, there is no personal responsibility, no volitional decisions are made, no efforts are made - the person is passive. If so, then the freedom of choice for such a person and the opportunity to change his fate, indeed No. But this is also a personal choice.

If a person believes that everything in the world is arranged correctly and harmoniously, that everything always happens for the best and everything will be fine for him personally, it is only worth
make enough effort, he has a completely different, kind, creative faith and, accordingly, a different fate, not an evil fate, but a smiling fortune.

How to relate to life, what is meant by the word "fate", and how to answer the question of whether it can be changed, everyone chooses for himself! This choice always remains with the person.

But, of course, it is better to believe in a happy lot, that with your own active actions, positive thoughts, self-improvement, creative ideas, purposefulness and optimism, you can make yourself happier, and in case of problems, do not lose heart, but draw conclusions, changing your life. and fate for the better!

Do you believe that destiny can be changed?

An article about whether it is possible to change the fate of a person or is everything a foregone conclusion? And the answer is: Yes, you can! You just need to change your life script. Change the life program that has been laid in us since childhood.

Hello dear readers !

I have finally prepared an article for you on how to change your life script (or, in other words, script).

True, in the title you read: “is it possible to change fate?”.

But there is no mistake here.

After all, you see, the scenario of a person's life is very similar to something unchanging and repeating.

To what owns us against your will. It is something predetermined and inevitable.

In this sense, the script is very similar to what is commonly called fate.

How this program of human life is formed, I already wrote (read and).The most unsuccessful scenarios are described by me in.

Now let's get to the question:

Can destiny be changed?

And does it need to be changed?

I will answer right away, you definitely need to change them if you understand that your life stubbornly follows the wrong track.

And no matter how much you try to get her out of there, every time everything returns to normal.

And you again step on the same rake. And you keep asking yourself: »

But I must say right away that it is not so easy to change the scenario of a person's life.

To do this, you need to have a very powerful, be able to set goals And .

In addition, a sufficiently high level of reflection and awareness is required.

So, if you don’t want to waste time and do everything better and faster, then it’s better to contact.

He will help you identify your key script settings, and together you will develop a plan to remake your not-so-successful life script.

For those who do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist and who do not know yet, How I propose the following course of action.

Your main goal:

Realize that:

  • you are driven
  • what determines the pattern and repetition of your behavior
  • what binds you to the past
  • what parenting messages do you implement in your daily life

To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Be patient…

What has been formed and strengthened for many years cannot be changed so quickly.

It takes a lot of effort and before you realize your failed attitudes and develop a more effective script for your life.

However, with due diligence, you have a lot of chances to change your script and, accordingly, .

  1. Give answers to the following questions...

Are there certain similarities between the way you live and the way your parents live (lived)?

For example, they can be very similar:

  • your and their lifestyles
  • ways of interacting with others
  • ways to respond to life events
  • the course of these events
  • ways of behavior in conflict situations
  • and so on.

Moreover, it is important to establish not so much the sameness and similarity of events as common motives and common features of your life and theirs.

Find a general sketch.

If you did not repeat something from the life of your parents, then how would you live? How much better or worse would your life be?

What actions did your parents approve of? What made them happy?

For what behavior and actions did they punish you? What upset them?

Was this punishment fair?

What does your father think (thought) about people and about himself?

What does your mother think (thought) about people and about herself?

How do they behave (have behaved) in relation to the people around them?

How do they relate to the world? Is it hostile to them or do they feel comfortable and good in it?

Is there anything in the responses you received that is typical for you as well? If common storylines?

So, for example, you can understand that, just like your father or mother, all your life you strive to please the people around you.

Or prove to them that you are better. Perhaps, just like your parents, you are constantly in a defensive position, expecting attacks and threats.

Or you may suddenly realize that you are doing about the same things as your parents or even grandparents.

You do Make similar decisions. Choose similar people, etc.

  1. Reflect on your life choices and goals...

What do you want from life? What are your goals?

What tasks do you solve in your life?

If you don’t set any goals, but just go with the flow, then what does this have to do with your parents and the way they raised you?

How do your goals align with your values?

Are your goals yours in every sense of the word?

Perhaps, but there is only a tracing paper from the lives of those who surrounded you in childhood?

How do you get out of difficult situations? Who taught you this?

How do you respond to problems? Why exactly? Are you like your parents in this? Or someone else?

Are the problems you have to solve similar to the problems of your parents?

What attitudes and principles did you learn from your father and from your mother and grandparents?

What attitudes and principles did you learn from the friends and other significant people who surrounded you as a child?

Who do you look like from your childhood environment?

Who acts for you as an orienting image, and you are poorly aware of this?

  1. Analyze your childhood games...

What character roles did you choose? Was it a hero or a villain?

How are you similar to them?

For example, I know a person who, in childhood, playing with his little friends “in war”, always chose secondary roles, he was never a commander, but always a subordinate.

As you understand, in adulthood, he always remained on the sidelines. Who do you think his parents were? Right, - .

  1. Analyze your favorite fairy tale as a child...

Is there something similar in the behavior of her main character and in your behavior? What plot lines of this fairy tale are present in your life?

For example, one fate of one woman was very similar to the fate of an old woman from A.S. Pushkin about the goldfish. She wanted too much. Her wishes came true. She got everything and more. But pride and growing appetites again led her to a broken trough. Realizing that something was wrong in her life, she applied to me for help with question : is it possible to change fate and how to do it?

  1. Describe your scenario...

After you have completed everything that is suggested above, you need to do the most important thing - to formulate the key points of your scenario.

To do this, using the answers to the questions above, imagine your life in the form of a short story or story.

Break it down into chapters.

For example: childhood, school, first date, college, first job, meeting with O., marriage, birth of A ... etc.

Highlight the most significant events in your life. Who played the main role in them? Who else was involved?

Why didn't they always develop the way you wanted them to?

What or who influenced it?

Are there recurring events in your life?

What makes them repeat themselves? Perhaps some setting from childhood?

What unites similar and recurring situations?

If you were making a movie about your life, or wrote a book about her, what would you call them?

What epigraph would fully convey the key meaning of this book or film?

What thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences most often appear in your life?

And run through your whole life?

What memories haunt you the most? What do you keep coming back to?

What is the most important of them? Why? What feelings does it evoke?

  1. Create your script...

After all 6 previous steps have been taken and the script-story about your life has been written, you can start rewriting it.

To do this, determine which of the three options for negative life scenarios by E. Bern corresponds to your scenario - (I "+" You "-"), (I "-", You "+"), (I "-" You "-" ).

The desire to make adjustments to one's destiny can appear in any person who is faced with regular failures that have a causal relationship with each other. How to change your destiny? What is predetermining in writing the script of our life? Is it possible to change everything without resorting to magic or long work with a psychologist?

How to change fate and life

It is worth knowing that we do any important act according to a pre-planned scenario or on our own. If you notice in your life the presence of frequently recurring episodes, then most likely you are following the scenario type of development of events.

How to change your destiny and get out of this walking in a circle? The easiest way is to contact a psychotherapist, but due to the fact that in our country this service is of low popularity, most people prefer to cope on their own. What should you pay attention to and what to think about?

Psychologists have long noticed one feature: a person's fate is greatly influenced by his parents. They are in many ways the writer of their child's life script. Try to analyze your childhood memories.

Remember what your parents often told you about, and transfer these thoughts to your life, if you carefully observe, you can notice a direct connection. For example, parents often told a little boy that a real man should not cry, that he should be strong and enduring.

As a result, being in an adult state, this man may well have problems with expressing his feelings and some misunderstanding from the people around him. Neuroses may also be observed.

If you have found the repetition of episodes in your life, then analyze the reason for their appearance, how the people around them and yourself behave. After you can accurately determine the pattern, you can establish that the cause of any failure comes only from you and, therefore, only you can reverse this course of a closed cycle.

For example, one successful businessman, over the years, began to realize that in the course of his work he constantly faced deception from close business people.

As a result, it turned out that, while still at a very young age, his parents constantly told him to be more careful, more careful, that there were only enemies around in life. As a result, he regularly attracts these same scammers through life.

To change your destiny, do not look for the cause of your failures in the people around you or in yourself. Also, do not blame your parents for the fact that you have some problems in life. Remember that when they raised you, they only wanted the best for you, they just wanted to protect you in every possible way.

How to change character and destiny

Human destiny and his character are two adjacent parameters. By changing your character, you can change your destiny. How to change the character and destiny, what needs to be done for this?

As a rule, we think about our fate, when we only notice a number of negative events in life, then we are talking about evil fate. But what is fate in general, psychologists define under this concept - the totality of occurring patterns, in fact, it consists of a number of our habits.

Therefore, by changing your habits, you can quite successfully change your destiny. How to change character and destiny? Let's try to establish some patterns step by step.

It should be understood that each of us constantly makes one or another choice, usually this happens on an intuitive level, thanks to established habits that can be generic or acquired. Names are a set of habits and are decisive in the direction of the channel of fate. To change your destiny, you must change your habits.

In fact, changing your habits is quite difficult, as it might seem at first glance. Fighting old habits can be like fighting in the dust. That is, until you rise, it is quite difficult to decide on further actions. There is an option - to let go of the habit, while it may be necessary to step over a number of universal principles familiar to the body.

At the very peak of the manifestation of habits, over the eradication of which you are actively fighting, you can try to artificially change your character, through it and your destiny. That is, change the tactics of action in a situation in which you have always acted in the same way, following your habit.

Of course, every person wants to receive everything at once, including the results of work on themselves. However, in practice this is completely unacceptable. It takes time to change your destiny. The body must fully adapt, in the absence of old habits.

Energy is needed to change your destiny. The own saved energy can be used, or it can be attracted from outside. In any case, you need to learn how to manage your energy.

Theoretically, each person can control his own destiny, the problem for the majority is the lack of a proper desire to change anything. If, nevertheless, this desire is present in the required quantity, then the implementation of changes is quite real.

The life path consists of a chain of events that can make everyone happy or bring a lot of adversity. The desire to avoid troubles, to take care of a better future arises on the path of cultivation. How to change your destiny for someone who does not have super abilities, connections, financial fortunes? Can life bring not constant suffering, but freedom and opportunity?

Everyone has a large number of "tools" that help to radically change the way of existence. Is it enough to apply them, and that's it - life is a success forever? In the article you will learn the best ideas and secrets of victory over yourself.

How to know and change your destiny in real ways

The willingness to change the course of your own life from “I feel bad / it’s impossible” to “it’s so great / now I can” forces you to take matters into your own hands. "Our path is destined and it is impossible to turn back" - such an expression can only drive everyone into moral decline. It is better to be guided by the rule: "Life, like plasticine, can take many forms." How to change your destiny is guaranteed? Constantly study your inner world and be ready for cardinal changes!

A chain of certain passages from a person's biography. Man has three types of destiny:

  • Initial. The esoteric view indicates that even before we are born, we acquire goals for all future decades.
  • lived- what has been realized in life.
  • real is happening now or in the future.

A counter question is created - and change it? Sequential methods are proposed that are available to everyone. They can be used by both a teenager of 18 years old and an elderly lady of 80 years old.

Change your life goals once and for all!

The most accessible way to change the path of life is to reconsider significant goals. To turn old dreams into reality, put fear aside, decide to take action - you should not put off such a strategy for later. Change is exactly what leads us to the new.

Personal growth requires time for learning. According to esotericists: "If the goals are worthy, and the thoughts are pure, then the Universe will give a chance." You can work out goals by lessons for setting and achieving ideas. Brian Tracy's books are a great example of this.

Find the main meaning of life

After working out external goals (achievements, contribution to society), the development of one's inner world comes. It is important to ask the question: “What is the purpose of my life? What contribution can I make to the world around me? Strong responses motivate deep change. Internal energy is capable of launching irreversible reactions in life. If there is a business that will bring sincere joy regardless of the circumstances, then the choice is obvious.

Turn to the Higher Powers

Everyone has karma to work hard on. Putting meaning into deep reflection, heartfelt prayer, a person achieves significant goals. A quick leap forward happens when a person is ready to accept his mistakes and redeem himself. How to change your destiny? Why not ask her to discover new opportunities, achieve an understanding of her tasks, find a worthy mentor. Such requests can attract positive changes that will expand life horizons.

How to do it? Write a letter to the Higher Forces, where the reasons for such a petition will be indicated. Next, read, putting emotional experiences into each word. Oddly enough, but this method really helps to change the course of life.

Be grateful

Grateful people give more often than they demand in their favor. Saying "thank you" for the smallest thing is very helpful. “Give it once and it will come back to you twice” - it's hard to argue with the saying. There are so many examples available! Made a gift for no reason, just with best wishes - you were made an exception in life. Thank God for your loved ones - you will see them healthy and happy. The response is always there. Positive energy is waiting for its moment when it should come back to the sender.

Gratitude rituals are a powerful cure for negativity and resentment. You can't skimp on good words when it's time to say so. How to know and change your destiny? Write a letter of gratitude to the Higher Forces for all achievements, trials, happiness and sorrow. Words must be spoken from the heart. This technique really works, freeing a person from the old framework. Tomorrow, life can change beyond recognition!

Help from a Spiritual Healer

It is important to find a trusted mentor who can clearly see fate. It cannot be denied that there are charlatans for whom money is above everything! But the existence of people who can read the past, present and future cannot be ruled out. To see the causes is the main task of the healer. Fate is programmed to solve difficult life situations. You can dutifully follow what is destined or break through the door to a brighter future.

Purposefully develop on a new path

Becoming yourself is the main secret to growth. Self-realization requires constant development. To do this, you need to positively, adequately assess the environment, ceasing to shift responsibility to others. It is possible to eliminate shortcomings, problems, weaknesses with the help of effective development. The increase in the inner strength of a person occurs as knowledge is accumulated. Sign up for a personal development course? Great! Read literature with deep meaning? Amazing! It is impossible to exclude mistakes on the way to the set goals, because they help to gain valuable experience. The more a person uses the potential, the faster the result will come to him.

How to change your destiny? Enough to trust the inner feeling. To give up addictions, to suppress weaknesses, to temper willpower - all this, like a wave, will wash away the absence of change. Of course, you will not immediately put the advice into practice, but at least start the path to dramatic changes. If the article was at least a little useful for you, share it with a person who is valuable to you. Know that change is coming!

Elena Golunova calls the fate of a person karma. According to her, from birth, each of us carries a certain kind of cross. Most often, this cross leaves a negative imprint on the whole life of a person. Is it possible to change your destiny and how to do it?

Can you change your destiny

Elena Golunova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, said in her blog that fate can be corrected. To do this, you do not need to resort to magical rites and rituals. It is enough to give up a kind of karma and break the energy connection with your family. There will be no harm from this, relations will remain the same, only your fate will not be similar to the fate of your relatives.

How to change your destiny

The most efficient way change fate is to part with the ancestral karma. How to do it?

Psychic Elena Golunova advises to completely move away from the worldview and views of her kind and take a different path. For example, if in your family all the women in the family remained single mothers, and you do not want such a fate for yourself, then change your attitude towards life and the people around you. Let it be different from your relatives.

In this way, you will program yourself for a different life, a different destiny. Make decisions for yourself and proceed from your own beliefs and experiences, and not from the experience of someone else's life that you have not lived. In this way, you will break the energy connection with your kind.

What does it mean to break the energy connection? According to Elena Golunova, this does not mean to stop communicating with your relatives and honor the memory of those who are no longer alive. Breaking the energy connection should in no way affect communication and relationships in the family.

You can change your life and destiny in one day. Just decide for yourself what is important to you and who you want to see yourself as and strive for this goal. Getting rid of the energy of a kind, you do not become strangers to him, you become yourself. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2014 09:15

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