Rapid skin renewal. How does the skin cell renewal process take place? Basic functions of the skin

Throughout life, human skin is constantly updated. Dead cells exfoliating from the surface of the epidermis carry with them dust, bacteria, microbes, as well as toxins and waste products released with sweat.

The safety of the functions assigned to it depends on how quickly the skin is updated:

  • protection from external factors;
  • maintaining temperature and water balance;
  • excretion of metabolic products;
  • health, visual youth and external attractiveness of a person.

In one day, about 10 billion keratinized dead cells are exfoliated from the surface of the epidermis, for a lifetime - approximately 18 kg.

At the same time, the renewal of the cellular composition occurs at the genetic level with the accuracy of “cloning”, therefore, a completely renewed layer retains the same individual features and characteristics.

Let us briefly consider what the mechanism of skin renewal is, what it depends on and how quickly it proceeds.

How does age affect the rate of skin renewal?

The intensity of reproduction of skin cells depends on several factors. First of all, it is the age of the person.

In youth, the process proceeds quite actively and quickly, but over the years it slows down.

Skin renewal occurs less and less with age, which is partly due to a change in the water-lipid composition, weakening of the collagen framework, ptosis, the appearance of wrinkles, and other signs of natural aging.

In childhood and adolescence, human skin is completely renewed in an average of 21-28 days.

Since the end of the period of physical maturation (from about 25 years old), this process slows down and lasts longer than a month.

The skin of an average 40-year-old person is completely renewed within 35-45 days. After reaching the milestone of 50 years - 56-72 days.

Moreover, in different parts of the body, the renewal of cellular structures occurs unevenly and heterogeneously. Factors affecting this:

  1. thickness of the epidermis.
  2. The number and activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. The cumulative effect of harmful external influences.
  4. Skin condition, degree of moisture.

That is why on the face, arms, neck, decollete, signs of wilting appear earlier than, for example, on the stomach, hips, legs.

How does skin renewal work?

Let's start with the fact that not all skin is subject to renewal, but only one of its layers - the epidermis.

The zones subject to it - the dermis and hypodermis - do not participate in this process. The renewal of the cellular composition of the epidermis occurs continuously and constantly.

The epidermis is made up of several layers

  • Basal - the lowest, separating the epidermis from the dermis.

This is the sprout (germ) zone, where there is a constant formation of new skin cells, which, due to their ability to produce keratin (a type of durable protein), are called keratinocytes. In the germ layer of the epidermis, basal keratinocytes are formed.

  • The shiny layer of the epidermis is the thinnest.

It enters the structure of the epidermis not over the entire area of ​​the body, but only in those areas where its thickness is maximum (soles, palms). It consists of flat, homogeneous cells without a nucleus and major organelles.

It consists of spiny keratinocytes, in which the synthesis and accumulation of keratin continues.

  • Granular (keratohyalin).

In addition to spiny and granular keratinocytes, it contains special cells - process epidermocytes. These are peculiar epidermal macrophages, which are responsible for the main protective functions of the skin.

Keratinocides that have lost their nucleus are a flat sac filled with keratin. This is a transitional fragment from living epithelial cells to dead horny scales called corneocytes.

Consists exclusively of corneocytes (keratinized scales), tightly adjacent to each other. They form a protective barrier that protects the human body from negative external influences.

The thickness of the stratum corneum in different parts of the body is not uniform. On average, its thickness is 0.07-0.12 mm, in some areas - up to 2 mm.

Yes, on the face back side palms, neck, décolleté, genitals and groin, on the inner folds of large joints upper layer the skin is thinner than in other anatomical areas. The thickest layer of dead skin cells is found on the palms and soles.

Keratinocytes, formed from basal germ cells, gradually rise to the surface. In the process of moving outwards, they undergo structural changes and finally die, turning into cornetites, dense keratinized scales. Having reached the stratum corneum, obsolete cells are exfoliated, washed off and removed.

The division and formation of new cells occurs only in the basal layer of the epidermis. The life cycle of a keratinocyte averages 2-4 weeks. Corneocytes and other fragments of the overlying zones of the epidermis are essentially dead structures, since they do not have the ability to divide.

Health and skin condition

How the skin is renewed is affected by human health. It is known that the skin, as an indicator, reflects the presence of certain internal problems, malfunctions in the functionality of the body and its individual parts.

This is explained by the fact that in the event of any disease, pathology, the main efforts of the immune system are aimed at combating the disease. Less attention is paid to the functions of the skin, which are not of paramount importance for maintaining the viability of the body.

When a person is sick, the condition of the skin worsens. The functions of removing toxins, harmful substances, combating pathogens, viruses, and bacteria come to the fore.

Automatically, the reproduction of new cells temporarily slows down, skin renewal occurs less frequently. But after recovery, everything returns to normal, the replacement of the cellular composition proceeds as quickly as it happened before the illness.

An important factor determining the speed and frequency of updates is proper care. In this case, it is not so much about moisturizing, nutrition, the use of youth-supporting products, although this is also important, but about peeling procedures.

Dead cells tend to accumulate on the surface of the epidermis, layer on top of each other, which slows down the regeneration process. The protective functions of the skin from this do not become stronger, but the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the internal structures worsens.

The reproduction of young cells is slower, their advancement to the upper, stratum corneum is difficult. As a result, the skin condition changes for the worse, signs of aging appear faster.

Cleansing and peeling is a preventive measure that contributes to the rapid sloughing of dead cells from the surface of the epidermis. The regularity of the use of mild cleansing formulations, home lotions, masks, finished cosmetic products, peeling products, holding special salon procedures helps to maintain the intensity of cell renewal and, as a result, prolongs the youthfulness of the skin.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006).

The structure of the human skin

1. Skin - largest organ in the human body

2. If you stretch the skin of an average person, it will cover an area of ​​2 square meters

3. Skin is about 15 percent of your body weight.

4. There are two types of skin: hairy and hairless

5. Your skin has three layers:

Epidermis - water repellent and dead layer

Dermis - hair and sweat glands

Subcutaneous fat - fat and large blood vessels

6. Every inch of your skin has a certain elasticity and strength, depending on the location. So the skin on the knuckles is different from the skin on the stomach.

7. Scar tissue lacks hair and sweat glands

8. The thinnest skin on your eyelids - about 0.2 mm

9. The thickest skin on your feet - about 1.4 mm

human hair

10. In humans an average of 100,000 head hairs. In people with blonde hair about 140,000 hairs, dark-haired - 110,000, and red-haired about 90,000.

11. Each hair has a small muscle that lifts the hair in cold and various emotional states.

12. Body hair grow 2 to 6 years

13. We lose 20 to 100 hairs a day

dead skin

14. Keratin forms the outer dead layer of the skin and nails.

15. More 50 percent of the dust in the house is made up of dead skin

16. Every 28 days your skin is renewed.

17. Lipids are natural fats that keep the outer layer of skin hydrated and healthy. Detergents and alcohol destroy lipids.

18. Skin sheds over 30,000 dead cells every minute.

19. As we age, we begin to shed less skin. In children, old cells are shed faster. This is why babies have such a pink fresh complexion

bacteria on the skin

20. The skin produces about 500 ml of sweat per day.

21. Sweat itself is odorless, and it is thanks to bacteria that body odor is produced.

22. Your skin is a microcosm in which more than 1000 types of bacteria live and about 1 billion individual bacteria.

23. The glands that produce earwax are special sweat glands.

24. On average, you live between your toes about 14 types of fungus.

Melanin pigment and human skin color

25. Skin color is the result of a protein called melanin. Huge skin cells in the form of tentacles - melanocytes, produce and distribute the pigment melanin.

26. People have the same number of melanin cells. Different skin color is the result of their activity, not quantity.

27. Human skin varies greatly in different parts of the world. According to the well-known classification - the Lushan scale, there is 36 basic types of human skin color.

28. 1 in 110,000 people is albino that is, it does not have melanin cells.

29. Melanin is also responsible for eye color, and itself the skin covering the eye is transparent and very sensitive.

30. Permanent skin color in a child is formed within about 6 months.

Acne and skin treatment

31. The cause of acne or pimples is the overproduction of cells that line the sweat glands.

32. Even babies suffer from acne. Some newborns develop acne in the first few weeks of life. The cause of acne in newborns is not fully known, but it does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

33. About 80 percent or 4 out of 5 teenagers experience acne.

34. But this is not only a problem adolescence. One in 20 women and one in 100 men suffers from acne in adulthood

35. The appearance of a boil is associated with a staphylococcal bacterium. It penetrates into tiny cuts in the skin, getting into the hair follicles.

Appearance of human skin

36. Type and texture of the skin talking about your health. With illness, the skin turns pale, and with fatigue, bags under the eyes appear.

37. Smoking negatively affects the condition of the skin, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients, slowing down blood flow, and also contributing to the appearance of wrinkles.

38. Skin heals very quickly. Since the top layer of the skin is a living tissue, the body begins to heal the wound immediately. Blood from a cut forms a scab and seals the wound.

Moles and freckles

39. Most moles are genetically predetermined even before we were born.

40. People who have more moles on their bodies live longer and look younger those who have fewer moles.

41. Almost every person has at least one mole.

42. Moles can appear anywhere including genitals, scalp and tongue.

43. Freckles most often appear in people with light color skin.

44. Freckles fade in winter since melanin is not produced in large quantities during the winter months.

45. Freckles can be red, yellow, light brown and dark brown.

46. ​​Unlike moles, freckles do not appear at birth, they appear after a person has been exposed to sunlight.

What vitamins are needed for the skin?

47. Vitamin A heals skin from sun damage and cellulite

48. Vitamin D- reduces rashes and neoplasms

49. Vitamin C- antioxidant, restores vitamin E and protects from the sun

50. Vitamin E- antioxidant, protects against sun damage and aging.

Skin renewal is one of the proven ways to get rid of annoying imperfections. It is this task that is assigned to procedures such as peeling and dermabrasion. Until recently, they were carried out by professionals, but today there are tools that will help the skin to renew and transform without the participation of a beautician, at home.

  • Why does the skin need to be renewed?
  • How skin renewal happens
  • Skin renewal methods
  • Interior skin renewal
  • Peeling for skin renewal
  • Stages of peeling at home
  • Skin renewal products
  • Precautionary measures

Why does the skin need to be renewed?

Renewal of the skin, or rather, its surface layer, the epidermis, is a continuous process programmed by nature. This is a kind of way of survival, because it is the epidermis that is in contact with the outside world and, in fact, is the main defender of the human body from unfriendly environmental factors.

Naturally, the first line of defense constantly suffers losses, which means that new “fighters” must be regularly supplied. And this process is well established - a cycle of 28 days is enough for the skin to gradually get rid of old cells and replace them with new ones. It is precisely because the skin is a self-renewing organ that we can influence it. appearance and condition.

Skin renewal - a natural law of nature Getty Images

How skin renewal happens

The skin is a multilayer structure, which is a collection of cells at different stages of the life path from birth to death. In the lowest layer of the epidermis - the basal - there is a "birth" of cells, they gradually move up to the surface of the skin, turning into dead cells there. In other words - in horny scales, they perform protective and barrier functions.

It's all about the rate of renewal of the cellular composition. If it is slowed down, then the horny scales remain lying on the skin as a dead weight, making it dull and uneven. This picture is typical:

skin with hyperkeratosis;

However, even more or less prosperous skin will not interfere with means that stimulate the replacement of old cells with new ones. After all, new always looks better than worn out.

Skin renewal methods

Exist different ways stimulation of cell renewal.

Mechanical. This is how scrubs work. The target for abrasive particles are exclusively dead cells.

Chemical. With the help of acids, it is possible to carry out both superficial peeling, affecting only dead cells, and deeper, aimed at solving a specific aesthetic problem.

Physical. The horny layer of the skin is damaged with the help of physical energy (laser).

Interior skin renewal

Many problems, from hyperpigmentation to post-acne traces, are solved by modern cosmetologists by prescribing a course of peels to patients.


Using a special pressure nozzle, a stream of abrasive particles is applied to the skin, which literally squeezes the epidermis, providing different peeling depths depending on the task. Microdermabrasion can even smooth out post-acne scars, although the procedure is not pleasant and requires rehabilitation.


Massage with liquid nitrogen - very old and extremely effective procedure against stagnant spots, but with the help of "dry ice" you can also peel.

laser resurfacing

Resurfacing today is replaced by fractional thermolysis - fragmentary damage to the skin using directed laser radiation. This method allows you to combine a fairly deep impact and a relatively easy recovery period.

Skin resurfacing uses next-generation laser technology Getty Images

Chemical peel

In the salon you will be offered acid peeling based on glycolic acid, which can be combined with other AHA acids or salicylic acid. The composition and concentration are selected individually. Peeling in the salon is not one procedure, but a course of at least three. After each session, the skin will peel off and renew itself. The result is cumulative.

Peeling for skin renewal

Mechanism of action

When talking about peeling, first of all, they mean peeling with the help of acids, which destroy the bonds between cells and force them to leave their habitat, giving way to "youth".

When to apply

The advantage of peeling lies precisely in the fact that all ages and almost any problems are submissive to it. When we don't like something in the condition of the skin, we turn to peeling, because we know that we will get the result.

What can peeling help with?

Uneven tone and relief.


Efficiency is directly proportional to the degree of damage to the epidermis - the deeper it is, the more noticeable the result, but the recovery period is longer and more difficult. Therefore, a course of peelings in the salon will, of course, give a more noticeable effect than using an acid lotion or peeling lotion at home. However, homemade cosmetics should not be discounted, because it is able to support and activate the natural process of skin renewal, on which its appearance and condition largely depend.

Stages of peeling at home

Regardless of which product you use: scrub, serum or cream with acids, it is applied to clean skin. There may be further options.


Remove makeup with cleansing milk or micellar water.

Wash your face with a gel or foam according to your skin type.

Description of the procedure

Scrub. In the vast majority of cases, the scrub is applied to wet skin, abrasive particles are rolled over the entire surface of the face, excluding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly with water. Then wipe the face with a tonic and apply a care product.

Peeling. Usually home peeling is a lotion or serum with acids for evening use. Apply before night cream. It is clear that it is not necessary to wash it off. The result of these funds is cumulative.

Mask. Such products are usually based on acids or enzymes. They are also applied to clean, dry skin and washed off after a few minutes according to the instructions.

Skin renewal products

Mineral peeling mask "Double radiance", Vichy

Combines mechanical and chemical peeling, as it contains exfoliating particles and AHA acids. More about the product.

Night two-phase peeling for face Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme

A product that comes close in effect to professional peeling in the salon. The course, designed for 28 days, is divided into two two-week stages.

Preparatory. Helps skin gradually exfoliate dead cells with a combination fruit acids and quinoa seed extract (1.5%).

Basic. Glycolic peeling with the addition of salicylic acid intensively renews the skin. The result is smoothness, radiance, beauty!

Night two-phase peeling concentrate Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop, Lancôme

It consists of two fractions that are mixed immediately before application, used before night care products instead of serum. Can be used as a course or as desired. It has oil and water phases.

Oil. Contains oils of argan tree, white limnanthes and sunflower.

Acid. It is a mixture of glycolic acid (3.4%) and other fruit acids, as well as a unique pink blend with native rose cells, which provides the skin with exceptional anti-aging care. More about the product.

Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight SkinCeuticals Night Cream

Due to the action of glycolic acid (10%), it stimulates the renewal of the skin, providing it with smoothness and radiance. Soothing ingredients prevent unwanted skin reaction to acid.

Night peel that activates skin radiance, >

Apply with a cotton pad, like a tonic. Gradually renews cells due to the presence of glycolic acid at a concentration of 4%, while fermented black tea extract and blueberry extract restore radiance to the skin. More about the product.

Precautionary measures

Under no circumstances do not use compositions for professional peeling at home, even if they are "easy" to use and "weak".

With a negative reaction stop using a peeling agent.

Observe manufacturer's instructions.

Use daytime cream protective factor of at least 30 to avoid pigmentation. Acids make your skin more sensitive to the sun!

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  • Recipes for weight loss
    Weight loss according to the biocompensation method of Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann, Doctor of Biological Sciences, is not just health-improving, but therapeutic and rejuvenating, without special diets, with the usual normal varied diet, without the use of drugs and drugs. From the first day of the weight loss course, fats begin to burn and flow out of the body naturally (with urine, sweat, breath) at a rate of up to 15 kg in 4 weeks (men - up to 17 kg). The healing effect of the method of Dr. G. N. Grossmann is so effective that in the first 2-3 weeks blood pressure and sugar levels return to normal, cholesterol decreases, diabetic symptoms disappear, and sleep normalizes. The appearance returns to the maximum, the face becomes younger and more beautiful, and the skin is smooth and even. This, of course, is a miracle, and Dr. G. N. Grossmann has been doing this miracle for more than 20 years.

Renewal of the skin, or rather, its surface layer, the epidermis, is a continuous process programmed by nature. This is a kind of way of survival, because it is the epidermis that is in contact with the outside world and, in fact, is the main defender of the human body from unfriendly environmental factors.

Naturally, the first line of defense constantly suffers losses, which means that new “fighters” must be regularly supplied. And this process is well established - a cycle of 28 days is enough for the skin to gradually get rid of old cells and replace them with new ones. Due to the fact that the skin is a self-renewing organ, we can influence its appearance and condition.

Skin renewal is a natural law of nature © Getty Images

How skin renewal happens

The skin is a multilayer structure, which is a collection of cells at different stages of the life path from birth to death. In the lowest layer of the epidermis - the basal - there is a "birth" of cells, they gradually move up to the surface of the skin, turning into dead cells there. In other words - in horny scales, they perform protective and barrier functions.

For obvious reasons, the cells of the stratum corneum quickly wear out, and the skin naturally gets rid of them, and new “protectors” appear in their place. And this process is continuous.

It's all about the rate of renewal of the cellular composition. If it is slowed down, then the horny scales remain lying on the skin as a dead weight, making it dull and uneven. This picture is typical:

However, even more or less prosperous skin will not interfere with means that stimulate the replacement of old cells with new ones. After all, new always looks better than worn out.

Skin renewal methods

There are different ways to stimulate cell renewal.

    Mechanical. This is how scrubs work. The target for abrasive particles are exclusively dead cells.

    Chemical. With the help of acids, it is possible to carry out both superficial peeling, affecting only dead cells, and deeper, aimed at solving a specific aesthetic problem.

    Physical. The horny layer of the skin is damaged with the help of physical energy (laser).

Interior skin renewal

Many problems, from hyperpigmentation to post-acne traces, are solved by modern cosmetologists by prescribing a course of peels to patients.


Using a special pressure nozzle, a stream of abrasive particles is applied to the skin, which literally squeezes the epidermis, providing different peeling depths depending on the task. Microdermabrasion can even smooth out post-acne scars, although the procedure is not pleasant and requires rehabilitation.


Massage with liquid nitrogen is a very old and extremely effective procedure for stagnant spots, but with the help of "dry ice" you can also exfoliate.

laser resurfacing

Resurfacing today is replaced by fractional thermolysis - fragmentary damage to the skin with the help of directed laser radiation. This method allows you to combine a fairly deep impact and a relatively easy recovery period.

Next-generation laser technology is used to resurface the skin © Getty Images

Chemical peel

In the salon, you will be offered an acid peel based on glycolic acid, which can be combined with other AHA acids or salicylic acid. The composition and concentration are selected individually. Peeling in the salon is not one procedure, but a course of at least three. After each session, the skin will peel off and renew itself. The result is cumulative.

Peeling for skin renewal

Mechanism of action

When talking about peeling, they first of all mean that they destroy the bonds between cells and force them to leave their habitat, giving way to "youth".

When to apply

The advantage of peeling lies precisely in the fact that all ages and almost any problems are submissive to it. When we don't like something in the condition of the skin, we turn to peeling, because we know that we will get the result.

What can peeling help with?


Efficiency is directly proportional to the degree of damage to the epidermis - the deeper it is, the more noticeable the result, but the recovery period is longer and more difficult. Therefore, a course of peelings in the salon will, of course, give a more noticeable effect than using an acid lotion or peeling lotion at home. However, homemade cosmetics should not be discounted, because it is able to support and activate the natural process of skin renewal, on which its appearance and condition largely depend.

Stages of peeling at home

Regardless of which product you use: scrub, serum or cream with acids - it is applied to clean skin. There may be further options.

Peeling exfoliates dead cells. © Getty Images


  1. 1

    Remove makeup with cleansing milk or micellar water.

  2. 2

    Wash your face with a gel or foam according to your skin type.

Description of the procedure

    Scrub. In the vast majority of cases, it is applied to wet skin, abrasive particles are rolled over the entire surface of the face, excluding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly with water. Then wipe the face with a tonic and apply a care product.

    Peeling. Usually home peeling is a lotion or serum with acids for evening use. Apply before night cream. It is clear that it is not necessary to wash it off. The result of these funds is cumulative.

    Mask. Such products are usually based on acids or they are also applied to clean, dry skin and washed off after a few minutes according to the instructions.

Skin renewal products

Mineral peeling mask "Double radiance", Vichy

Combines mechanical and chemical peeling, as it contains exfoliating particles and AHA acids.

Night two-phase peeling for face Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme

A product that comes close in effect to professional peeling in the salon. The course, designed for 28 days, is divided into two two-week stages.

  1. 1

    Preparatory. Helps skin gradually shed dead cells with a combination of fruit acids and quinoa seed extract (1.5%).

  2. 2

    Basic. Glycolic peeling with the addition of salicylic acid intensively renews the skin. The result is smoothness, radiance, beauty!

Night two-phase peeling concentrate Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop, Lancôme

It consists of two fractions that are mixed immediately before application, used before night care products instead of serum. Can be used as a course or as desired. It has oil and water phases.

  1. 1

    Oil. Contains oils of argan tree, white limnanthes and sunflower.


1. Skin - largest organ in the human body

2. If you stretch the skin of an average person, it will cover an area of ​​2 square meters

3. Skin is about 15 percent of your body weight.

4. There are two types of skin: hairy and hairless

5. Your skin has three layers:

Epidermis - water repellent and dead layer

Dermis - hair and sweat glands

Subcutaneous fat - fat and large blood vessels

6. Every inch of your skin has a certain elasticity and strength, depending on the location. So the skin on the knuckles is different from the skin on the stomach.

7. Scar tissue lacks hair and sweat glands

8. The thinnest skin on your eyelids - about 0.2 mm

9. The thickest skin on your feet - about 1.4 mm

© Science Photo Library

10. In humans an average of 100,000 head hairs. Blonde hair has about 140,000 hairs, dark hair has 110,000, and redheads have about 90,000.

11. Each hair has a small muscle that lifts the hair in cold and various emotional states.

12. Body hair grow 2 to 6 years

13. We lose 20 to 100 hairs a day

© Kwangmoozaa/Getty Images Pro

14. Keratin forms the outer dead layer of the skin and nails.

15. More 50 percent of the dust in the house is made up of dead skin

16. Every 28 days your skin is renewed.

17. Lipids are natural fats that keep the outer layer of skin hydrated and healthy. Detergents and alcohol destroy lipids.

18. Skin sheds over 30,000 dead cells every minute.

19. As we age, we begin to shed less skin. In children, old cells are shed faster. This is why babies have such a pink fresh complexion

© Science Photo Library

20. The skin produces about 500 ml of sweat per day.

21. Sweat itself is odorless, and it is thanks to bacteria that body odor is produced.

22. Your skin is a microcosm in which more than 1000 species of bacteria live and about 1 billion individual bacteria.

23. The glands that produce earwax are special sweat glands.

24. On average, you live between your toes about 14 types of fungus.

© Science Photo Library

Melanin pigment and human skin color

25. Skin color is the result of a protein called melanin. Huge skin cells in the form of tentacles - melanocytes, produce and distribute the pigment melanin.

26. People have the same number of melanin cells. Different skin color is the result of their activity, not quantity.

27. Human skin varies greatly in different parts of the world. According to the well-known classification - the Lushan scale, there is 36 basic types of human skin color.

28. 1 in 110,000 people is albino that is, it does not have melanin cells.

29. Melanin is also responsible for eye color, and itself the skin covering the eye is transparent and very sensitive.

30. Permanent skin color in a child is formed within about 6 months.

© Christian Negroni

Acne and skin treatment

31. The cause of acne or pimples is the overproduction of cells that line the sweat glands.

32. Even babies suffer from acne. Some newborns develop acne in the first few weeks of life. The cause of acne in newborns is not fully known, but it does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

33. About 80 percent or 4 out of 5 teenagers experience acne.

34. But this is not only a problem of adolescence. One in 20 women and one in 100 men suffers from acne in adulthood

35. The appearance of a boil is associated with a staphylococcal bacterium. It penetrates into tiny cuts in the skin, getting into the hair follicles.

© Povozniuk/Getty Images

Appearance of human skin

36. Type and texture of the skin talking about your health. With illness, the skin turns pale, and with fatigue, bags under the eyes appear.

37. Smoking negatively affects the condition of the skin, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients, slowing down blood flow, and also contributing to the appearance of wrinkles.

38. Skin heals very quickly. Since the top layer of the skin is a living tissue, the body begins to heal the wound immediately. Blood from a cut forms a scab and seals the wound.

© master2 / Getty Images Pro

39. Most moles are genetically predetermined even before we were born.

40. People who have more moles on their bodies live longer and look younger those who have fewer moles.

41. Almost every person has at least one mole.

42. Moles can appear anywhere including genitals, scalp and tongue.

43. Freckles most often appear in people with fair skin color.

44. Freckles fade in winter since melanin is not produced in large quantities during the winter months.

45. Freckles can be red, yellow, light brown and dark brown.

46. ​​Unlike moles, freckles do not appear at birth, they appear after a person has been exposed to sunlight.

© Brainsil1

47. Vitamin A heals skin from sun damage and cellulite

48. Vitamin D- reduces rashes and neoplasms

49. Vitamin C– antioxidant, restores vitamin E and protects from the sun

50. Vitamin E- Antioxidant, protects against sun damage and aging.

The outer layer of the epidermis, called stratum corneum, consists of corneocytes - dead cells that do not have nuclei.

In more detail, the human skin consists of three layers:

    The top layer is the epidermis;

    Middle layer - dermis;

    The bottom layer is the hypodermis.

The epidermis is of interest to people in Everyday life most of all, because it is he who is the main factor in protecting the skin from dehydration, the development of a bacterial background and other unpleasant factors. It is this layer of the skin that can change depending on the influence of certain cosmetic procedures. The epidermis is divided into several layers:

    Basal layer;

    Spiny layer;

    Grainy layer;

    Shiny layer;

    The stratum corneum is the topmost layer of the epidermis.

The cells of the epidermis go through a huge number of biochemical changes, while they perform various functions, although most of them are technically dead cells.

Types of active epidermal cells

There are four types of active epidermal cells:

    melanocytes. They are pigment cells located at the junction of the dermis and epidermis. Melanocytes give the skin its color and are responsible for the manifestation of a tan;

    Langerhans cells. They are functional cells immune system capable of detecting foreign agents and pathogenic flora that have entered the epidermis;

    Merkel cells. They are tactile cells and are responsible for sensitivity;

    basal cells. They produce new cells epidermis. Basal cells are located at the junction of the dermis and epidermis.

skin renewal process

The cells of the epidermis begin their existence as living cells of the basal layer. The basal layer is also called the germinal layer.

This layer consists of small cells lined up in a row and resembling a cylinder in shape. During the biological process of division of basal cells, which is called mitotic division, new cells are formed, identical to basal cells.

Fresh cells are pushed up due to the ongoing mitotic division, after which they begin to move towards the outer skin surface. The closer the cells get to the outer surface of the skin, the more keratin they accumulate. Thus, by the end of the journey to the outer surface of the skin, the cell loses the main organelles and the nucleus, but accumulates a large number of keratin. This process is called keratinization or keratinization.

Types of keratin

There are two types of keratin in cells:

    The first type of keratin. It is found in the hair and skin cells of the epidermis and is a soft keratin. Such keratin has a fairly flexible and soft structure;

    The second type of keratin. It is a hard keratin present in fingernails and toenails. This keratin has solid structure.

The main tasks of the process of keratinization of the skin are the following points:

    Strengthening the resistance of the skin surface to water;

    Opposition to the appearance of bacterial microflora and foreign substances on the skin;

    Protecting the skin from dehydration and dryness.

The structure of the epidermis

During the movement of cells to the outer surface of the skin, they pass through several layers inside the epidermis, undergoing a series of biochemical changes. When moving from the basal layer to the skin surface, the cells increase in size and begin the process of alignment, due to which a spiny cell layer is formed. Further from this layer, the cells continue to move upward, then form a granular cell layer, where the cells appear granular in shape due to their filling with keratin. After the granular layer, the cells form a shiny layer in which they lose their own nuclei and some organelles. The last and outermost layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, is so named because its cells, when viewed under a microscope, resemble the tiled roof of a house.

All cells passing through keratinization process, are called keratinocytes - that is, cells that have undergone keratinization. This term is general to describe the cells of the epidermis of any layer and stage of the keratinization process. Keratinocytes that have reached the outermost, stratum corneum of the skin are called corneocytes, or dead cells.

A good analogy for the process of keratinization of skin cells is the transformation of grapes into raisins. Basal cells are associated here with ripe grapes, they are just as round, dense and fresh. Further, the grapes begin to dry out, and its structure actively loses moisture and becomes rigid. Raisins are associated with corneocytes, shriveled and flatter cells that are stacked like shingles on the surface of an apartment building roof.

Human skin thickness

Skin thickness of a person depends on the specific bodily area, as well as on individual and age features. The average thickness of human skin ranges from 0.5 to 5 millimeters, excluding subcutaneous fat. Humans have the thickest skin soles of the feet, and the thinnest skin is located on human eyelids. The skin is thinnest in childhood and old age, while in adults the skin is denser.

Skin layers

The human skin is made up of three layers:

    Epidermis. Its thickness in different parts of the body can vary from 0.05 to 1.5 millimeters. There is no blood in the epidermis, therefore, after a skin injury, blood can flow only if the epidermis and dermis are damaged and pass through them. The most dense skin on the feet and palms, the minimum dense - on the eyelids;

    Dermis. Its thickness ranges from 0.3 to 3 mm. The thickness of the dermis can vary markedly in different people on the same bodily areas. This information must be taken into account before carrying out skin resurfacing and median peels;

    Hypodermis or subcutaneous fat. Its thickness ranges from 2 millimeters in the skull to 10 centimeters or more in the buttocks. The hypodermis is thickest on the posterior and extensor surfaces of the limbs. The hypodermis is absent in humans nail plates, on the eyelids and in some areas of the genitals.

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