May 9th win wishes. Best congratulations on Victory Day for veterans

Victory Day is one of the most revered holidays, at the cost of millions of lives, our country defeated Nazi Germany. We are the descendants of those who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads, we must not forget this heroic deed of the Soviet people. We have collected the best congratulations on May 9, Victory Day, so that you can congratulate your friends and loved ones, and most importantly, our esteemed veterans. Happy victory day friends!

Beautiful congratulations on the holiday of May 9 Victory Day

On May 9, the holiday came.
I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!
This holiday is very difficult,
After all, our grandfathers died for our world,
Sacrificing your whole life young.
So that people can continue to live in peace,
No more war
How many people laid down their lives -
We must all remember this.

With Victory - holy, long-awaited, beautiful!
And with the sky cloudless, peaceful and clear!
Think how sweet the peaceful life is
And smile warmly at the May sun!

With a wonderful, immortal, great Victory!
We owe every life moment
Heroes - dead and now alive,
Let's thank them!

Happy Victory Day
We each other every year.
Bright fireworks in the sky
All the people rejoice.

Let it settle forever
Freedom on our land!
And let everyone guard
Independence of the people!

The outbreaks of those battles have long subsided,
But they live on in my memory to this day.
Since MAY 9! Not enough words
And again, pride, like a wave, will surge ...

I don't want to lose these feelings.
And remember the fighters once fallen,
Protect love, family and happiness,
Walking through life only a victorious march!

Happy Victory Day.
Everyone honors this holiday
After all, it is not in vain that our grandfathers
They protected us like a shield.

Let's not forget the glorious feat
Let's save the honor of Russia.
We will honor the centuries of victory,
Our people are invincible.

Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country.
Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
This day is important for all of Russia!

Happy Victory Day!
Yes! No wonder the fascist fled,
The Soviet soldier won -
Specialist on enemies!

It is not in vain that Napoleon
He once fought back
And deservedly proud
This fact so far!

Our people have always been strong
Both brave and cool
This means he is forever
For others, invincible!

Meet the Victory Day everyone
Keeping feelings in my heart:
We admire the feat
Saved you and me

We confess to veterans
That we will never forget -
How much for present joy
There was a person...

How much hardship have you endured
And saw death
So that we grow up happy
Peacefully raised children!

Happy Victory Day! fireworks rejoice,
And everywhere war songs are sung,
A holiday of memory and eternal gratitude,
And hopes for endless peace!

May spring bring indispensable happiness,
The heart sings the glory of Victory beautifully,
Ahead - only a bright, peaceful life,
For which the grandfathers fought so boldly!

Low bow to you, heroes - soldiers,
Low bow, war veterans,
Thank you family for life without loss,
Thank you folks for peaceful dreams.

We wish you a decent life, good health,
Let your eyes shine bright fire!
We congratulate soldiers on the holiday of peace,
Thank you for the life we ​​live in!

Best congratulations on May 9 Victory Day

Victory Day is a national holiday.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who are younger ...
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
We congratulate you on Victory Day!
This day is important for all of Russia!

May 9th is here
And we hurry to congratulate everyone
With the fact that the oppression of the Nazis was gone,
And our people are invincible.
We wish everyone to think about the world,
But always remember the war.
Smile wider today
Victory Day on our land!

Accept congratulations in verse
Happy May 9, the day of spring and light!
May good luck accompany you in business,
May the soul be warmed by the sun.
We wish you brilliant victories,
Roads of successful right decisions.
After all, there is no limit to the feats of life,
So stay ahead of the big things!

Serious speeches from the stands,
And tears in everyone's eyes
Everyone on this day
"Thank you for the world!" on the lips.

May 9th for everyone
The holiday is a bit sad.
With "Great Victory!" are heard
Words are everywhere today.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
I wish you a peaceful sky
So people don't shoot
Never fought.
After all, the most important thing in the world
Even children know this
So that people live in harmony
And then there will be no war!

Spring. Victory. How much in a nutshell
And boundless happiness, and pain.
So let in our lives and hearts
There will be no place for enmity or malice.
Let's save this world
Protect from destruction and explosions
And we will protect our future
Until the Earth cooled down from grief.
In the gap, let's stand up for our children,
To surround them with goodness and happiness,
So that we can raise our sons in peace,
And the grandchildren were not touched to attack.
We wish you all smiles and love,
May May last forever in your families!
Let all your days shine
And give the joy of life endlessly!

Congratulations on Victory Day!
And I want to glorify
The land that our grandfathers
They were able to take it from the enemy.

I wish peace, happiness
And good clear days.
May they always circle in the sky
Flocks of white doves!

Our grandfathers fought for peace,
We will always remember their deeds.
I congratulate you on Victory Day!
Let the star of pride burn.

May there be happiness and warmth
Let all barriers disappear.
May the soul always be light
Let health not leave!

With reverence, awe and respect, I congratulate you on Victory Day! Blessed memory to the heroes, gratitude for the peaceful sky above our heads, bow to the earth for the right to life without the horror of war, fear and pain. May not a single generation know sorrow, loss, enemy oppression. Let feats, courage, courage inspire people, and let the holiday leave tears of happiness and touching joy in the hearts, uniting souls!

Through tears and pain, through battles and years
The fighters were close to victory.
And that day has come, the trouble has receded,
Everyone cried and cheered!

Congratulations to all those who returned alive,
Let us kneel before them.
We honor the fallen with a minute of silence,
They will be remembered for generations.

Thank you for everything we have to say to them.
Thanks to our fathers, grandfathers
For peace, for peace and grace.
Thank you all for the win!

Happy Victory Day!
May good reign.
The feat of our grandfathers
We have not forgotten.

glorious veterans
We thank,
On this holiday the main
Let's honor them!

Happy Victory Day - Happy Great Day!
We wish you with all our heart
Suns in the world of many faces,
Joy, great love.

Live together, be able to put up
And cherish peace.
To be able to fly like birds
To soar in your dreams.

Let's give each other hands
Save the beauty of the earth
So that our children, grandchildren
Find happiness in life!

Congratulations on Victory Day
And I wish on this day
Sea of ​​joy and light
And health, like flint!

The great holiday is not forgotten,
Even though years have passed.
I wish you good and happiness
The sky is always peaceful!

With spring comes Victory Day,
And every time we wait for it!
There are fewer veterans with us,
And it's sad for all of us.

We are glad to live under a peaceful sky,
Thanks to those who fought.
So let's keep this happiness
After all, someone has suffered for us.

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you!
I wish you peace and good
We always honor the feat of the people
And we will never forget!

Happy Victory Day to all of you!
I wish peace to all of you
So that all misfortunes and troubles
Dissipated like mist.

For the sun to shine brightly
No more war
And life to always bring
Only the most good days.

Happy Victory Day -
Happy great day of my country!
We will not forget the feat of grandfathers -
Yours, Fatherland, sons.

Let the enemy remember the forty-fifth,
That they cannot defeat the Russians.
We will love the country sacredly,
Appreciate our victory!

Happy Victory Day!
tribute to veterans,
That they managed to give us the world,
We are proud of their glorious feat,
We will remember and honor them throughout our lives.

And the fires of the obelisks will be lit,
Poppies will bloom in distant lands,
As if in memory of the glorious soldiers,
Who died in bloody battles...

This year marks the 74th anniversary of the great Victory over the Nazi army of Germany. This holiday with tears in the eyes every year causes great joy, sad memories and pride in the ancestors of those who, fortunately, did not have a chance to experience the consequences of the war. on this day they sound special. Therefore, the editorial staff of I WANT prepared something beautiful for all the children of the war who came into contact with this human misfortune.


We previously published, but now we want to congratulate everyone on the holiday of May 9 with beautiful congratulations in verse. Note that May 9 in all countries former USSR people will honor the victors, give flowers to veterans, talk about important things, watch war films and mentally ask that "never again" there will be war. On this day, of which there are already so few left, this is a way to express your gratitude.

Therefore, we have collected congratulations on May 9, official, beautiful in verse and prose, so that we can congratulate you on the great holiday. Write down a beautiful congratulation with in verse. These short congratulations on May 9 can be written in postcards and presented to veterans.

Congratulations on Victory Day -
With the legendary, bright day.
We wish peace in the house,
In society, in the native country.

We wish that in the world
From now on, nowhere and never
Did not happen, did not open
No more war.

We wish people
guarded, guarded
The world that our grandfathers
They brought it to their grandchildren.

The war has been over for a long time
Again the blue sky above us.
Only the memory of the past is alive
We will not forget this pain over the years.

Do not forget those young guys
That they brought victory closer to us.
With no way back
Only forward under fire fled.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will decorate the fireworks
In honor of the heroes that are not with us today!

Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
Victory Day is a holiday for the ages!
Let's salute the veterans together.
The country says "thank you" to you.

Withstood. Saved. Forever memory
To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
To those who are with us today,
Everyone - the warmth of relatives and a lot of strength!

I wish you a clear sky
And peace without war
AND radiant sun,
Over all the land of the country.

Relatives, loved ones - Happy Holidays!
Love, health, strength!
To make you happy every day
And brought happiness.

Let the sounds be silent on this day
Let time slow down your run
Let grandchildren remember the feat of grandfathers,
Silence will honor their memory.

May their unfading glory
Leave the fear of war behind
Let there be a peaceful state
Let the children sleep and dream.

Let people believe, wait and love
Through villages and cities
They will not forget your feat,
Thank you veterans!

Victory Day is special for the country:
We remember the soldiers, the fallen.
For them, rockets will fly into the air
Let the sky be lit up with lights.
I bet there are no people who don't appreciate
Army feat of those who protected children.
War blows, I believe, behind,
Only light and joy remained ahead.
Good health and warmth!
Birth of healthy, happy children,
The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

In prose, the official is designed to help express gratitude beautifully if you have to speak in front of an audience. in prose will be a real find for those who, in their own words, want to thank the veterans for their feat before the Fatherland.

To congratulate you on the holiday in your own words, see the following congratulations on Victory Day in prose.

Happy Victory Day. The most important thing that I want to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace to you! May there always be a clear sky and a bright sun above your head. I wish you health, joy and happiness on Victory Day. May victory accompany you everywhere and always, may only kind and sincere people be around. I wish that the heart does not know pain and longing, and the victorious march always plays in the soul.

Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire hearts and lead forward - to new exploits, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and only this sacred holiday reminds of wars.

Happy Victory Day! This holiday is moving away from us every year. But we must never forget those heroic deeds that our ancestors did in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, I would like to wish, first of all, peace. After all, nothing is worth more than human lives, tears of mothers, broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds, love for the Motherland. May no one ever see war.

May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few left who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at the feet and thank for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children will never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked for miles to this victory. Happy holiday!

Over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. However, officially since 2015, Ukraine has been celebrating the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Second World War of 1939-1945. But many veterans traditionally consider May 9 to be their holiday. On this day touching and beautiful congratulations from May 9 in their honor, as a sign of their courage, victories and super efforts made during the terrible years of the war.

It is simply impossible to forget the feats of our veterans. Unfortunately, from year to year there are fewer and fewer participants in World War II, and every Ukrainian is obliged to thank them for the peaceful sky above their heads and for a year to say sincere congratulations on May 9 and on Victory Day over Nazism in World War II 1939-1945.

On Victory Day I want to wish

Forget, finally, about bad weather -

Meet the years in good health,

If you cry, then only from happiness!

Let success please you

Your great-grandchildren, grandchildren and children!

And let every moment, every hour

The sun gently shines in your life!

Happy Victory Day! joyful date

And at the same time, an hour of light sorrow ...

Millions died once

To redeem freedom for us!

So let's celebrate joyfully, cordially -

Keeping joy through the years:

Happiness, deserved eternal feat,

Stays with us forever!

We know, we remember! We are immensely proud.

Your feat will never be forgotten.

Thank you so much for your strength and faith.

For our freedom on your shoulders.

For a clear sky, native open spaces.

For joy and pride, in hearts and souls.

Live long, may God bless you.

Let the memory live on the victorious spring.

We thank you for everything:

For your courage without barriers,

For protecting the world

Not for titles and awards.

We want to wish you health

To live long, not get sick.

We say thank you

For the fact that life is not spared!

For a clear sky above our heads

We will say thank you, our dear soldier,

For fighting for the world without fear,

For the fact that you shed blood in exploits.

So let the smile play in the eyes

From the meaning that lies in these words:

There is no greater joy in the whole wide world,

We thank you for your victory!

I congratulate you on Victory Day,

On the ninth bright May day

I wish you a peaceful sky

And next - sincere people!

May the sky above the earth be peaceful,

Gardens are blooming and the sun is shining brightly!

Thank you for happiness and peace

Which you gave to the planet!

I wish you on Victory Day

Victory Day is both a joyful and sad holiday, because so many of our compatriots lost their lives in this war. Congratulate your loved ones on this great day, Victory Day.

Official congratulations on Victory Day in prose

This holiday is special for every person in our country. The greatness of the Victory and the bitterness of loss in our country touched every family. Combat red banners, St. George ribbons and carnations have become the invariable symbols of Victory Day. But these are not just symbols, this is a tribute to those who are not with us, but those who remain in the memory of the people and in the heart of everyone who is not indifferent to the history and fate of the Motherland. I sincerely wish you great joy, kindness, health, happiness, love and success in all your endeavors!

Your whole chest sparkles with orders,
You have passed heroically along the roads of war.
Let your head be gray for a long time,
But you are strong in spirit and memory.

Let the sorrows of life not break you.
Good health, success in all matters,
We wish you well
And we will remember your feat forever.

Congratulations to WWII veterans on Victory Day

Today we congratulate you on Victory Day,
And let you become all grandfathers by age.
For your military feat, I bow to you,
He delivered us from the slavery of fascism.

War veterans! There are so few of you left.
You took everything you had to share.
And your whole life is an example for youth.
How many losses we suffered in the war.

We wish you health, veterans,
Let mental wounds hurt less.
Live longer, attention to you,
Kudos to you for what you have given to all of us.

Congratulations on Victory Day to colleagues, partners, veterans

Accept my sincere congratulations with day Great Victory! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the struggle for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried the victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked in the rear, tirelessly , worked to win. I would like to congratulate everyone. All without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, as one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

It is easy and pleasant to congratulate on the holiday of the advent of peace on the whole planet. There is so much kindness and bright, pure feeling in this holiday that it is a real joy to express it.

Congratulations on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, a war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in a war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family.

May the festive fireworks, thundering and coloring the sky with bright colors, forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, may explosions be only a festive fireworks display for our children!

Veterans, put on orders
And put on your medals.
On this day we honor all of you
Please accept our congratulations.

We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday
The most wonderful victory
And we say thank you
Dear grandparents.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in peacetime, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work quietly, enjoy life and raise our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave all their strength for the Victory, we make plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!

We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees vivacity, good health and spring mood!

Congratulations on Victory Day in verse

Because we know the war
Only according to your stories,
For having shots in life
We have never heard

For being a peaceful sun
Shines above our house
Thank you veterans
Congratulations to your grandchildren.

Happy Victory Day
Happy glorious victory
For our peaceful childhood
Thank you warriors!

For us Victory Day -
Salute and parade.
Veterans congratulate
Everyone would be happy.

For them, Victory Day -
Sadness and tears
For those who died
Sad eyes.

For us Victory Day -
The smell of lilac
joyful, sunny
Spring day.

For them Victory Day
Day of silence.
Thank you grandfathers
That there is no war!

What a peaceful sky
Above us today
What did you win
What are you with us today!

congratulations on victory day in prose
congratulations on victory day short
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