Grounds for calling a doctor to a child's home. How to call a doctor at home from the clinic? Polyclinic at

Find out under what symptoms and conditions a doctor from a polyclinic is called to the house, an ambulance for an adult or a child, and also what to do if the doctor did not come to the call.

No one is immune from diseases: neither children nor adults. Fortunately, today, feeling bad, we can immediately receive qualified medical care. And we even have an alternative - to come to the clinic on your own, call a doctor or an ambulance at home. In what condition and with what symptoms how to act, read the article.

How to call a doctor at home by phone and the Internet through the State Services?

The system of healthcare institutions is organized in such a way that certain addresses are assigned to adult and children's polyclinics - a site. Accordingly, a person is attached to a certain clinic at the place of his residence, it is from it that the district doctor should come to the house on a call.

IMPORTANT: Despite the development of medicine, today there are those who prefer to treat themselves and their children on their own: they take medicines at random in a pharmacy, use folk remedies, diagnose themselves on the Internet. But without the appropriate education and experience, it is impossible to determine the disease and ways to deal with it. Feeling unwell, do not disdain the right granted to you to receive professional medical care completely free of charge. Assess your condition and decide whether you should go to the clinic or call the doctor home.

  1. Your notebook must contain the numbers of the registry and the informant of the polyclinic at your place of residence. Sometimes the institution has a separate number for calling a doctor.
  2. Call the number indicated, describe your symptoms and leave the data: IFO, year of birth, address of residence (check if there is a combination lock or intercom on the door).
  3. The doctor must visit you during the current working day. He is obliged to carry out an examination, consult on more detailed examinations, prescribe treatment completely free of charge. If the doctor believes that treatment at home will be ineffective, he will issue a referral for hospitalization.

IMPORTANT: You can issue a doctor's call directly at the clinic. Ask family, friends, or neighbors to come into the lobby of the institution and leave a call at the front desk or a special self-recording log.

Many clinics today have their own websites on the Internet with the option to call a doctor. You can also use the State Services website.

From what time to what time can you call a doctor at home for a child and an adult?

There is an unspoken rule - a doctor from the clinic must be called only in the morning, otherwise the call will not be accepted. Sometimes the medical institution itself sets a time frame - from 8 to 9 hours, from 8 to 12 hours. Having found signs of illness in themselves or their child, patients wait for the next day, aggravating their condition. Why is that?

  1. Polyclinics have work time usually from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    In the morning, house calls are collected and distributed among doctors according to the territorial principle.
  2. Before or after the appointment, the doctor visits the patient.

It becomes clear that calling a doctor in the morning is convenient for both the clinic and the patient. But this does not mean that the challenge will not be accepted during the day. It’s just that then it will be possible to wait for a doctor until late in the evening, and there is no guarantee that it will be the local therapist who knows the patient well. Perhaps during the call, he will be at the reception.

Is it possible to call a pediatrician for a child and an adult on duty from the clinic on Saturday or Sunday?

In almost all clinics, Sunday is a day off. On Saturday, the polyclinic either works as usual, or it has a specialist on duty. The possibility of calling a doctor at home on this day must be clarified at a particular medical institution.

IMPORTANT: If the condition does not allow waiting until Monday, an ambulance should be called at the weekend. Arriving doctors will provide emergency care, offer hospitalization if necessary, or on the first working day they themselves will call a doctor from the local clinic.

Which doctors can be called to the house of a child and an adult for free? Is it possible to call a doctor of a narrow specialist: a surgeon, an ENT doctor, a therapist, a neurologist, a narcologist, a psychiatrist at home?

If necessary, not only the therapist makes a visit to the patient. The local doctor can write out a referral for a specialized examination at home by doctors:

  • neuropathologist
  • surgeon
  • otolaryngologist
  • endocrinologist
  • other specialists who are receiving at the polyclinic at the place of residence

Also, a laboratory assistant can come to collect tests at home.

Doctors - specialists from the polyclinic come to the elderly, bedridden and disabled people at home.

IMPORTANT: Specialists come to the homes of elderly people, bedridden patients and disabled people who are unable to move independently.

Specialists do not go on calls every day. Patients they visit 1-2 times a week. If necessary, the head of the polyclinic may decide on an unscheduled visit of a specialist to the patient on any day during his working hours.

In what cases can you call a doctor, at what temperature, pressure, symptoms? Is it possible to call a doctor if there is no temperature?

The reason for calling a doctor at home is a condition in which the patient cannot come to the clinic on his own. These are considered:

  • temperature above 38 degrees
  • temperature below 36 degrees
  • high and low blood pressure (indicators, in one direction or another other than 120/80)
  • injury
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • myalgia
  • back and joint pain, other

IMPORTANT: Denying home care just because the patient does not have a fever is unreasonable.

At the same time, the service of doctors on calls should not be abused:

  • they are people too, they have fixed working hours
  • patients who really cannot visit the clinic can wait for them

With rhinitis or moderate headache, do not be lazy and go to the appointment yourself.

Under what symptoms do you need to call not a doctor from the clinic, but an ambulance?

In planned cases, that is, for diseases and conditions that do not pose a threat to the life of the patient, do not require emergency care and allow for a delay in its provision, a doctor from the clinic is called.
An ambulance will arrive in emergency and urgent cases.

  1. Emergency assistance is necessary for sudden conditions, acute illnesses and exacerbations of chronic diseases, when there is a threat to the life of the patient.
  2. Emergency care is necessary for sudden conditions, acute illnesses and exacerbations of chronic diseases, without a clear threat to the life of the patient, but without the possibility of delaying its provision.

An ambulance is called:

  • at temperatures of 40 degrees and above
  • in hypertensive or hypotensive crises
  • with convulsions
  • with difficulty breathing (asthma attack, stenosis of the larynx, ingestion of a foreign body in the throat, etc.)
  • heartache
  • renal and hepatic colic
  • acute pancreatitis
  • bleeding
  • loss of consciousness
  • acute pain in the abdomen
  • diarrhea and vomiting, other signs of an intestinal infection
  • skin rash accompanied by other signs of an infectious disease
  • injuries in which independent movement is impossible
  • other acute conditions

VIDEO: Call a doctor or go to the hospital?

Is it possible to call a doctor not by registration, without registration, if there is no policy?

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, you must have a policy that gives you the right to free medical care. Without it, a doctor from the clinic will not come to your call for free. You still have the opportunity to call a private therapist for a fee.
If you have a policy, you can call a doctor at the place of residence, not by registration, and he is obliged to provide you with assistance free of charge.

How many times can you call a doctor at home?

There is no limit on the number of house calls for an adult or a child. If, after the initial visit of the doctor, the patient's condition did not improve, he will come again as many times as necessary.

IMPORTANT: Usually, with ineffective home treatment after a second visit, the doctor gives the patient a referral to the hospital.

There are no restrictions on the repeated call of the doctor to the house.

If you call a doctor at home, will they give you sick leave? Can I call a doctor during sick leave?

The mere fact of calling a doctor at home is not a reason for extradition sick leave. It will be issued if the doctor determines that, due to the patient's condition, he has temporarily lost his ability to work or is a danger to others.
For example, sick leave will be issued when:

  • flu
  • infectious diseases
  • cystitis and pyelonephritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • radiculitis
  • fractures, dislocations, etc.
  • poisoning
  • exacerbation of gastritis, other

If the patient's condition on the sick leave has not changed or worsened despite the treatment, the doctor will come to him again.

Is it possible to call a doctor at home for a pregnant woman?

A pregnant woman can call a doctor at home on the same basis as other patients. When making a call, she must notify her position.

IMPORTANT: Pregnancy itself is not considered an obstacle to independent visits to the clinic.

Pregnancy itself is not considered an obstacle to independent visits to the clinic.

There are also conditions in which a pregnant woman does not have time to wait for a doctor from a clinic:

  • bleeding
  • stomach ache
  • pressure increase
  • temperature
  • loss of consciousness
  • weakness

With such, an ambulance is called and the issue of hospitalization of the pregnant woman in a hospital, including a gynecological or maternity hospital, is decided.

With chickenpox, call a doctor at home or go to the clinic?

Chickenpox is an acute and highly contagious infectious disease. If a child or an adult has symptoms in the form of a rash, fever (it may not be), weakness, intoxication, you should not go to the clinic on your own. Everyone who comes into contact with the patient is at risk. The doctor is called to the house.

Is it possible to call a doctor for a child and an adult with conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis in children and adults is usually of viral or bacterial origin. Since this is an eye disease, it is better to be treated by an ophthalmologist, a child or an adult, respectively.

  1. If symptoms of conjunctivitis are found in a child, a local therapist is called to the house. He clarifies the diagnosis, then sends a nurse to the sick baby to take the discharge from the eye for analysis, as well as an oculist. He will come, but it will take time. It is better not to pull, to come to the clinic on your own. A baby in an acute condition in an isolation box will be accepted out of turn.
  2. An adult with conjunctivitis will have to go to the clinic himself, if this disease is not accompanied by another, which is the reason for calling a doctor.

What to do if the doctor did not come on call?

The doctor may not come to the call to the patient, who himself cannot come to the clinic, due to workload (for example, during the flu epidemic), the human factor (he fell ill, did not transfer the call, etc.), for other reasons.

  1. If you are waiting for him in the morning, the end of the working day is already approaching, call the clinic and check if the doctor is coming.
  2. If the doctor did not come, duplicate the call in the morning next day or try to get yourself an appointment.
  3. In case of an acute condition in yourself or your child, call an ambulance.

IMPORTANT: If the doctor ignores the call, does not come without a good reason, you have the right to complain about him to the head physician, to the territorial body of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and also call the Hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation at tel. 8 800 200-03-89.

Is it possible to call a doctor at home for a fee?

Today, there are a huge number of private licensed clinics and polyclinics that provide a doctor's house call service for a fee, even if there is no evidence for that. On weekdays, Saturdays and even Sundays, you will be visited by a pediatrician, therapist, medical specialists, a nurse or a laboratory assistant. The cost of the service should be found in a particular clinic.

VIDEO: Child's health - Calling a doctor at home

If you are sick and unable to walk to the clinic on your own, you can call a doctor at home. To do this, you need to call the reception or, if it is not possible, send a “messenger” (relative or friend) there. Calls are accepted on weekdays, in the first half of the day, as a rule, from 7 am to 11-12 pm (in some institutions - longer). Now in many polyclinics of the country it is possible to call a doctor at home on Saturday.

You have the right to a house call if you live in the territory served by this clinic. In this case, your registration does not matter. A prerequisite for a free call to a doctor at home is the availability of a compulsory medical insurance policy.

When you call the reception, you must report your age, reason for the call (what worries you), insurance policy number, address (of residence, not registration) and contact phone number. If the registrar accepted the call, which is accompanied by the characteristic “wait for the doctor”, the doctor will come to your home during the day, more often after the end of the appointment at the clinic (according to the law, general practitioners and pediatricians are given 24 hours to service the call). The most difficult challenges are visited first. When there are many calls to the clinic, the doctor has to wait until late in the evening. If you feel worse before the doctor's visit, call an ambulance. It is advisable to call the reception desk, explain the situation and cancel the house call.

In what cases can you call a doctor at home?

There is no law that defines the reasons for calling a doctor at home. The registrar accepts a call or refuses you, based on the order of the head of the clinic, as well as assessing the capabilities of doctors. Usually, the following situations are sufficient reason for a house call:

  • fever and signs of an infectious disease (colds, flu);
  • nausea, vomiting, frequent liquid stool, severe pain in the abdomen;
  • high blood pressure in a person with hypertension or arterial hypertension;
  • severe pain in the back or legs, which does not allow to reach the clinic (for example, with sciatica, lumbago, exacerbation of osteochondrosis);
  • a disease in a person with limited mobility (bed patients, patients with severe diseases of the lower extremities, elderly people, etc.).

During the cold season, indications for house calls are narrowed, as the polyclinic receives significantly more calls than doctors can bypass. Sometimes, by order of the city health department, even nurses or medical students are involved in servicing calls at home. In this case, the registrars screen out some of the calls:

  • if the patient's condition is of moderate severity (for example, there is a temperature, but within 37–38 ° C), they are asked to get to the clinic on their own;
  • if the condition is very serious, they suggest calling an ambulance;
  • if the call is not urgent (for example, a routine examination of a bedridden patient or a prescription), they are asked to contact later.

Which doctors can be called at home?

Home visits are part of the duties of general practitioners, general practitioners, family physicians and pediatricians. Narrow specialists, for example, a surgeon, ENT, psychiatrist or endocrinologist, also visit sick people at home, but this happens very rarely, as an exception.

Calling a narrow specialist from the polyclinic can be done only in agreement with the head of the department, the head of the polyclinic or in the direction of the attending physician. Moreover, the specialist is not required to come to your home on the day of treatment. Typically, a specialist doctor handles house calls once a week or two.

However, all restrictions can be circumvented by calling a doctor from a paid clinic. For money, you can get advice from a doctor of any specialty at any time of the day. However, be prepared for the fact that an examination by a doctor at home will cost two to three times more than his appointment within the walls of a medical institution.

All materials on the site have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow taking into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. Articles are prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature. If symptoms appear, please consult a doctor.

How much does it cost to call 2/3/4/5 children at once?

Examination of another child will increase the cost by 1300 ₽.

How long does a pediatric appointment take?

Usually, a paid pediatrician's appointment lasts 40 minutes. However, our doctor is not limited in time and will spend as much time with the child as needed.

Can I get vaccinated at home?

No. Vaccinations must be done in specially equipped rooms to monitor the child's reaction to the drug.

Does the pediatrician carry an otoscope?

Yes. With the help of an otoscope, a pediatrician will definitely examine the child's ears.

Is it possible to call a pediatrician at home for a routine examination?

Yes, calling a pediatrician at home in this case is possible.

Can a pediatrician at home write a certificate?

Yes. A paid pediatrician can give a certificate of temporary disability for a preschooler, schoolchild and student.

Is it possible to make an appointment with a specialized specialist after seeing a pediatrician?

Yes. A paid pediatrician, if necessary, will give a referral to a specialized specialist. An ENT and neurologist at DOC+ can also be called to your home.

What is the first thing a pediatrician checks?

If you make a house call to the pediatrician for a fee, then the appointment will take an average of 40 minutes. During this time, the doctor will find out how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, ask about the medical history and complaints.

Next, the doctor will carefully examine the baby, perform palpation (feel the tummy), auscultation (listen with a stethoscope), percussion (tapping), measure the temperature, check the throat and ears with a special device with an otoscope.

If necessary, the doctor will issue a sick leave, write out a certificate, give a referral for tests and to narrow specialists.

What are the benefits of calling a pediatrician at home?

In the polyclinic, the district pediatrician finishes work early and often in the afternoon it is impossible to get his help. In this case, it will also helppediatrician at home.

You do not have to go anywhere with a sick baby and sit in line with sick children and their nervous parents. The doctor will examine the child comfortable conditions and not on the cold changing table in the office. The examination time is not limited, so the doctor will give your baby as much time as necessary.

What will happen at the doctor's return visit?

How the second appointment will go depends on the condition of the child. In any case, the doctor will examine literally every centimeter of the baby, listen and tap him, measure the temperature, check the nose and ears with an otoscope.

If the baby's condition worsens or remains at the same level, the doctor may prescribe additional tests and studies. Most often, the doctor sends for a blood and urine test, if bronchitis is suspected, he can send for an x-ray.

If the baby feels better, you can close the sick leave and write out a certificate in a regular clinic and save money. For those who value convenience, a paid pediatrician at home will help save time and effort.

Parents have 4 ways to act when their child gets sick: call a local doctor, an ambulance, an ambulance, or go to a private clinic. In the latter case, assistance is paid, and this amount can be rather big.

If you can’t call a pediatrician at home, you can take the child to the hospital yourself

You can call a pediatrician free of charge from the clinic at the child's place of residence. To do this, you need to call the medical institution from 8:30 to 12 noon on a working day. If you make a call later, the doctor will not come that day, then it remains to call an ambulance or an ambulance.

When making a call, you must provide the child's first and last name, age, address, and any symptoms the child has. The doctor can come at any time before the end of the working day.

You can call an ambulance, then the doctor will arrive within 1 hour after the call.

In the following situations, you need to call an ambulance:

  • you did not have time to call the hospital from 8:30 to 12:00 on a working day;
  • child needs help on the weekend, holidays or night time;
  • the doctor will only be in the evening, and the child's condition is rapidly deteriorating;
  • the baby needs immediate help, for example, with a burn or fracture.

You can call an ambulance by dialing "03", check the phone number of the children's "ambulance" at the hospital.

What you need to take care of when calling a pediatrician from the clinic

Doctors have a lot of calls, so there is little time for examination. Prepare for the arrival of the doctor:

  • find shoe covers, as the doctor will not take off his shoes;
  • prepare a clean towel, a teaspoon - in case you need to examine the throat;
  • measure the baby's body temperature;
  • write down on a piece of paper all the symptoms that disturb the child so that they are not forgotten during the visit.

Ask your doctor any questions you have.

If a child has such unpleasant symptoms as high fever, fainting, severe chills, parents should take care of calling a doctor at home.

Calling a local pediatrician at home

A child's illness is a difficult test for parents. If the disease passes easily enough, then for examination and the appointment of the correct treatment, mom and dad bring the baby to the clinic on their own. If the disease is accompanied by high fever, convulsions, loss of consciousness and other serious symptoms, parents need to call the district police officer at home. There are no strict regulations on when to call a doctor at home. All this is very individual. In this case, mom and dad must independently assess the health of the baby and, if necessary, call the local pediatrician. If the parents believe that the child should not be taken to the hospital, specialists will be required to accept the call. If the baby's body temperature rose during the day above 38 ° C, then this is already a good reason to call the pediatrician.
However, you should not call specialists without a reason.

How to call a doctor

The pediatrician works on a fixed schedule. It is advisable to always have it on hand so that you know what time the doctor can come. As a rule, calls are accepted before lunch, and in the afternoon, the local pediatrician visits sick children at home. To call a doctor, you need to dial the number of the children's polyclinic and inform the duty officer about the child's illness and the need to examine him at home. You also need to briefly describe the main symptoms of the disease. It is very important to tell the duty officer the exact address of your residence and your phone number. mobile phone. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to carefully prepare. The apartment must be cleaned. It is advisable to take care of the availability of shoe covers for the pediatrician in advance.
If the clinic refuses to accept the call, citing a lack of time for a specialist or the absence of good reasons to call a pediatrician at home, you can subsequently write a complaint addressed to the head physician of the institution.
If the child falls ill in the evening, on weekends, or if he needs help urgently, you should immediately call the ambulance station. The duty officer will accept the call and send a brigade to the specified address medical workers. But call an ambulance medical care is a last resort. If possible, it is still better to invite a pediatrician to the house, who will not only give an antipyretic or analgesic, but also prescribe treatment, after which you will definitely need to see a doctor.