What happens to the brain during pregnancy. What happens to a woman's brain during pregnancy? Positive effects of pregnancy on the brain

Good evening to all mothers. The situation, as I understand it, is classic, but I encountered it for the first time. Daughter, three and a half years old, we walk on a small playground after kindergarten. I adhered to the tactic that in children's conflicts like "give me a shovel, no, I won't give it to" adults should not get involved, especially with children of kindergarten age, let them learn to "resolve" themselves. I sit on the bench and observe this situation. My daughter won't let some girl into the sandbox like "my ship". Well, I'm watching, I'm sitting, I don't see anything criminal. And then the mother of this girl comes up and starts screaming (namely screaming) at mine, saying that everything is in common here, let it go. That girl climbs (mother actively protects her), well, mine pushes her. That mother is hysterical, screaming that I (!) will hit you too. Here, of course, I also connect (what we said to each other, I won’t write here), as a result, they both leave the site in hysterics.
I don’t justify my daughter, of course, she listened to everything from me, what is possible and impossible (but in the mode of a strict conversation, and not screaming, of course), BUT!
How much should mothers interfere in children's showdowns? Does she have the right to say, now I will hit you? (It is more logical to say that now my Girl will hit you if she pushes you). Well, in general, to hysteria on the entire site in front of your own child?
Z.Y. sorry, boiled today!



What do you think - God will give a child, then he will give a child? Or should all pregnancies ideally be planned and weighed for and against? I'm talking about the approach to planning a second baby. I always dreamed of two children, my daughter is 3 years old this year, or in 2 years I want another baby, but all the time I have doubts about how it will be in material terms, how it will be with work in principle ... But on the other hand, I’m afraid that if I won’t give birth to a second one, I will regret it all my life, because years will pass and you won’t return anything ... (who also thought about these questions, write your opinions, stories).


Fairy with an ax

Hi all!
Girls, maybe someone has already encountered such a situation - yesterday they went for an interview at the gymnasium, well, it was tough - 30 minutes, two teachers, drove the child - reading, writing, mathematics, logic, the world around. -this is a lyrical digression) but they did not give an answer! Wait until the end of August...
on mos ru the status of the application is "in the order for enrollment" how to understand this? Have we been enlisted / will be enrolled or is it nothing?
Somehow I feel uncomfortable, because it may turn out that they will tell us the numbers on August 28 - the child is not enrolled ...?
Thanks everyone for the comments!



Good day to all. the title is somewhat exaggerated, but nevertheless .. so. there is a daughter. Turns 7 in August. autism diagnosis. goes to a specialized garden. in a group of 10 people. The problem is this, he has not slept during the day since 1.5 years. at all. one teacher went on vacation and the second began to insist, take the child to sleep for an hour. your daughter wakes up other children, pees on the pillow (there are no problems with the toilet at home). I took my little one to a psychologist. she said that this is such a form of protest that she is forced to lie down, be silent, etc. I can't with this regimen. The garden is far away. I drop off at 8, at home at 9. At 12 I have to go out to pick up before midnight. all household chores run. the teacher suggested taking her daughter to a speech therapist not in the evening, as we go now, but instead of early hours. but it's twice a week. she also offered to take her daughter to the pool. but now I am saving money for rehabilitation in September, all her allowance goes to this and there is no possibility. after September, yes. the question is, are there any rules and regulations that the child is obliged to sleep at midnight? how to resolve this issue without conflict?


Girls. I sit and do not understand which doctor to go to.
My youngest daughter had her front tooth removed. Everything is fine. Started cutting a new one. BUT. He's not like that. Like a double. The second tooth has not fallen out yet. It wobbles, but not much. I wanted to see how things are going. I looked. Tomorrow I'll go to the doctor. Remove the second tooth. And see what's up with that.
Crap. Well, why is it so unlucky?????? I see this for the first time. Kapets.
Is this for an orthodontist?
I wanted to find it in Yandex and show what we have ... but I didn’t find anything like that at all.


Ruta Rapunzel

And tell us about the signs-beliefs in travel that you met? For example, in Moscow on Revolution Square, I always rub my dog's nose. Petersburg at the Atlanteans thumb they rubbed their legs when they were there. We throw coins into the water before leaving. Well, if somewhere on excursions we are told about local signs, if there is no vulgarity and subtexts, we perform the ritual according to our mood.


It has long been no secret that pregnancy affects a woman, but recently it was possible to study how exactly the expectation of a child changes the brain. Pictures taken using magnetic resonance imaging made it possible to study how the volume of gray matter in the brain of a pregnant woman changes. As it turned out, this effect, observed during pregnancy, can last up to 2 years after childbirth. Let's take a closer look at what this effect is and how it affects our lives.

Researchers have found that women who are about to become mothers for the first time experience a decrease in gray matter volume. This means that the female body adapts to meet the needs of her child. "These changes may reflect, in part, the mechanism of synaptic pruning," says psychologist Elseline Hoekzema, who participated in the study at the University of Barcelona.

Over the 5 years of the study, the brains of 25 women who became mothers for the first time, before and after pregnancy, were studied, as well as the brains of 19 male partners. The control group included 20 women who never got pregnant and their 17 partners.

Scientists have been able to prove a significant difference between new mothers and other groups studied - including young fathers - in terms of gray matter volume. After pregnancy, its volume decreases in the anterior, posterior, prefrontal, and temporal parts of the medial cortex. According to the researchers, these areas are responsible for social processes such as empathy and the ability to understand others (an idea known as "theory of mind").

Although the reduction in gray matter volume may seem unhealthy, scientists believe that these changes serve to improve brain function. During the study, none of the women suffered from memory loss or other cognitive impairment. “Of course, we are not saying that pregnancy makes you “lose your head,” Elselyn commented on this study. “Losing gray matter is not necessarily something bad. This can have a very positive effect in terms of maturation and greater specialization.”

When it comes to women who have given birth for the first time, researchers suspect that this change may be an evolutionary mechanism, a necessary response to the emotional needs of a newborn baby. Newly minted parents must adapt to new conditions. According to the scientists involved in the study, the decrease in gray matter in the brain of mothers is due to biological processes occurring in the body during pregnancy (such as hormonal changes).

“These changes were so predictable that the computer accurately identified the pregnant woman among the study group, doing it automatically, following the given algorithm.” - said the psychologist.

However, scientists do not fully understand the processes involved in reducing gray matter volume. When moms were shown pictures of their babies, the areas of the brain affected by these changes showed increased neural activity. This may indicate that the connection with your child appears through the reaction of empathy. In addition, it turned out that the amount of decrease in gray matter volume is correlated with the results of the emotional connection test after childbirth.

For a more specific understanding of all the processes that occur during pregnancy, a more extensive study is needed. Perhaps it could study the changes in the body of mothers observed in later periods of motherhood, and in women during the second and subsequent pregnancies. However, this study is one of the first to explain the neurological changes that a pregnant woman goes through and may help in understanding the nature of motherhood.

Watch the video and learn more about the changes in our body during pregnancy.

Memory impairment and some distraction? Scientists explained what happens to a woman's brain during this period, and whether it is worth worrying about the appearance.

Perhaps you have already come across such a concept as the “pregnant brain”. This is when memory lapses appear in pregnant women, which most likely did not exist before, the woman becomes absent-minded and forgetful. For example, you put milk in a cupboard instead of a refrigerator, go into the room a hundred times, forgetting why, look for a mobile phone on which you are talking at the same moment, often and incomprehensibly where you lose things, leave the water tap on, let the dog out and forget to let it in back, etc.

(Especially funny when an older child somewhere in a store explains to the seller that his mother has a "pregnant brain", so she is strange. Thank you, kids. Although, of course, it's hard to argue.)

It's a common thing - the brain boils and you do God knows what. It has another name - mamnesia.

Good news is the norm, or rather, it's just biology. Research shows that the brain can shrink during pregnancy. Not that scientific confirmation is necessary, but it's nice to know that you're not the only one with oddities, right?

A recent study published on nature.com found that pregnancy causes changes in the structure and size of the brain that do not recover after childbirth.

During the study, women underwent MRI of the brain before and after pregnancy. Postpartum scans clearly indicated changes in the brain, especially a decrease in the amount of gray matter. The hippocampus, which is responsible for memory, also shrinks. Therefore, we, women, literally lose our heads! Well, that explains a lot.

Changes regarding the gray matter remained the same two years after the study. Who knows, maybe the brain will never return to normal. It remains only to change the name from "pregnant brain" to "mother's brain" and continue to live your life, forever accepting your "underdeveloped" state. (On the other hand, there are studies that suggest that)

But, there is also a good side. Pregnancy also affects those areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings, empathy and outlook. Scientists believe that this strengthens the maternal instinct and contributes to the formation of mother's responsibility and connection with the child.

So if you feel like your brain has turned into a scrambled egg, you are not alone! Now we at least know who to blame for our distracted forgetfulness during pregnancy. Thanks kids, we forgive you.

Greetings, reader s-mind.ru! Pregnancy not only changes our body but also affects the brain as well emotional condition. It can influence the emergence of amazing ideas in our heads or new emotions that we have not experienced before. Here are some interesting examples of exactly how pregnancy changes our brains.

English scientists have found that during pregnancy, brain volume decreases by about 6%. Perhaps this can explain the forgetfulness and distraction that expectant mothers complain about. But do not worry, within 24 weeks after childbirth, the volume of the brain is restored to its previous size.

Often, during pregnancy, women begin to be more wary of men, considering them as a hidden threat. This feature arose as a result of evolution, in which vulnerable pregnant females became more vigilant towards males, which could threaten harm to her or the unborn baby.

During pregnancy, the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for multitasking, strengthens its work, this is necessary so that young mothers have time for everything and cope with all the problems that arise.

During pregnancy, a woman's emotions are amplified many times over, this is due to hormonal changes that a woman's body undergoes. However, after childbirth and during breastfeeding, a woman's body produces oxytocin, which makes her more calm and relaxed.

Recent studies show that after childbirth, those women who experienced constant positive emotions in relation to their child experienced structural changes in the brain that improved its ability to process information, and intellectual abilities improved.

During the first trimester, pregnant women may consider

does a woman's brain shrink during pregnancy

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"Brain Pregnancy" refers to short-term memory loss and forgetfulness that women may experience during pregnancy. Does pregnancy really affect a woman's memory and mental abilities, or is it a myth?

During pregnancy, a woman goes through many emotional and physical upheavals. One of them is partial memory loss and lethargy of thinking, which is called "pregnancy brain" or "placental brain". If experts are skeptical about this symptom, then most women claim that they actually experienced a similar condition during pregnancy. No wonder a woman forgets even simple daily tasks while she struggles with a host of other problems (nausea, constipation, mood swings, etc.) caused by rising hormones. Let's face it, "brain pregnancy" is a myth, or an integral part of pregnancy.

As mentioned, "brain pregnancy" - this is the condition of a pregnant woman when she loses clarity of thought and acquires problems with concentration and memory. Most women complain of similar symptoms during the first and third trimesters. Some complain about this condition after childbirth. However, the results of the study of the relationship between memory and pregnancy are very controversial. Thus, there is not enough evidence about the reality of this condition, but it is impossible to completely deny the physical, emotional and mental changes in the female body associated with pregnancy.

Raging hormones. During pregnancy, the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone fluctuate greatly. It causes mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, nervousness

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Pregnancy changes a woman's brain for at least two years

During the period of expectation of the baby, the volume of gray matter in the brain of the expectant mother decreases, which helps the woman to feel the connection with the baby and prepare for motherhood.

A team of scientists analyzed changes in the brains of 25 women preparing to become mothers. Experts suggest that structural changes in the brain help women better respond to the needs of the baby. They note that a change in gray matter volume is observed during pregnancy, as well as in the first two years of motherhood.

fluctuating hormone levels

During pregnancy, the balance of sex hormones is disturbed, physical and physiological changes occur in the body, the researchers say.

A team of scientists from the Independent University of Barcelona and the University of Leiden analyzed the brain changes of 25 women who were about to become mothers for the first time.

They had their first MRI a few weeks before pregnancy, the second a few months after giving birth, and the third two years later.

The study also included 19 new fathers, 17 childless men and 20 women who had never been pregnant.

The scientists tracked a decrease in gray matter volume in the brain regions of pregnant study participants responsible for social cognition and the ability to understand others.

According to the researchers, these changes suggest that during pregnancy and some time after it, the bond between a woman and her child is significantly enhanced.

Researchers believe that this provides mothers with a number of benefits, such as helping them understand the needs of the child, notice potential external threats, and strengthen the bond between mother and child.

With a simple comparison of images to

Pregnancy changes brain structure for 2 years

The latest study has shown that the structure of the female brain changes dramatically during the first pregnancy, and this happens for at least 2 years. In particular, the amount of gray matter decreases in areas associated with reactions to various social cues.

The structure of the brain of young mothers changes for about 2 years, proves a study conducted at the University of Leiden, Holland. The content of gray matter is reduced in the departments responsible for responding to social signals. In addition, pregnancy is often accompanied by forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating. But the areas associated with face recognition are starting to work more actively.

Using MRI, scientists examined the brains of 25 women before and during pregnancy and found that the amount of gray matter in the brains of pregnant women decreased compared to pre-pregnancy. Changes occurred primarily in the areas of the brain involved in social tasks, as well as in the volume of the hippocampus - the department responsible for memory. The changes were so obvious that it was easy to determine from the pictures whether the woman was pregnant or not.

After 2 years, 11 of the 25 mothers underwent a rescan of the brain, which revealed a recovery in hippocampal volume, but the amount of gray matter was still the same. With the help of MRI, doctors observed the brain in real time: women looked at photos of their child and other children. In areas with a lack of gray matter, there was strong neural activity when women saw their child, and weak - when someone else's. Experts argue that reducing the volume of gray matter is necessary in order for neural networks to become more efficient in face recognition.

No, pregnancy does not change the brain. But it may seem to you that the sharpness of the mind is no longer the same as before.

You may have heard of the slight forgetfulness that occurs in pregnant women. She is also called " mamnesia" or " pregnant brain". In jest, of course.

How does pregnancy actually affect the brain and what can be done to deal with the situation?

Forgetfulness- it's real, and yet.

Although many women feel that their head is less efficient, pregnancy doesn't change the brain.

Helen Christensen, MD from the Australian University, says: “If you read pregnancy books and listen to those who have already given birth, yes, there is such a thing as forgetfulness. And there are even studies that prove memory deficiency in pregnant women. But studies also show that the capabilities of the human brain remain unchanged during the bearing of a child.

What is "mamnesia"?

When you are under stress and a lot of worries have fallen on you, then forgetfulness is completely normal.

Jane Martin, director of the Neuropsychological Center (New York), says: "If a person does not get enough sleep and must multitask at the same time, no one's memory can be good enough."

The reason for the "pregnant" brain may be rising levels of hormones and the emergence of new priorities in life.

“The concentration of progesterone and estrogen increases from 15 to 40 times, they literally “pickle” the brain,” says Luan Brizendin, director of the Hormone Clinic at the University of California. “These hormones affect all kinds of neurons in the brain. By the time the baby is born, there are huge releases of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions, as well as hormones that help produce milk. All this affects the functioning of the brain.

Pregnancy also changes your priorities. Your IQ remains the same, but your attention is focused on other things than before pregnancy. The greatest attention is paid to everything connected with the baby.

British scientists claim that pregnancy hormones can affect the ability to remember where everything is - spatial memory.

Feelings experienced in the "pregnant" brain.

Do you know this situation: you go to a room for something, come there, and you no longer remember what you wanted to find? And this can be repeated over and over again. They are like that, pregnant brains» during childbearing.

But don't get upset. Perhaps evolution is to blame. Scientists suggest that it was she who decided so - expectant mother it is useful to think only about the child, and forget about everything else.

A few tips on how to help memory.

If you feel that your head is no longer working as efficiently as usual, the first piece of advice is to write it down.

When you are going to have a baby, you need to simplify all other areas of life as much as possible, because it will already become much more difficult.

Lack of sleep is also a factor that works against brain performance. Up to 700 hours of sleep deprivation accumulates in the first year of a baby's birth.

So what to do? Write down, make a to-do list. Whether it's a list of groceries to buy or a list of questions you want to ask your doctor. Use a diary and don't lose your sense of humor.

Try to get more sleep. This, of course, is very difficult for young parents. But many women do not get enough sleep. If you get enough sleep for at least a week, many manifestations of "mamnesia" can go away on their own.